info Overview
Name - What is Valerian Beltaine’s full name?

Valerian Beltaine

Other names - What other aliases does Valerian Beltaine go by?

Beanpole - nickname given by X Beltaine

Gender - What is Valerian Beltaine’s gender?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Valerian Beltaine?

Very tall

Hair Color - What color is Valerian Beltaine’s hair?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Valerian Beltaine have?


Eye Color - What is Valerian Beltaine’s eye color?

Baby blue

Race - What is Valerian Beltaine’s race?


Skin Tone

Quite dark

fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Valerian Beltaine have?


Messy or Organised?


Confrontational or not?


groups Social
Politics - What politics does Valerian Beltaine have?

Prince and heir of Barrenville

Favorite weapon - What is Valerian Beltaine’s favorite weapon?

Has pretty good wielding but a low level of magic so a small knife but physically a sword

date_range History
Education - What is Valerian Beltaine’s level of education?

Very high but more of a fighter

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
hourglass_empty Death
Death details:

Nope but maybe I will

Item chevron_right People link linked Valerian Beltaine

This character was created by Kiwi on

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