info Overview
Name - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s full name?

X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)

Role - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s role in your story?

Princess of Barrenville

Gender - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s gender?


Age - How old is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)?

Same age as Leo

face Looks
Weight - How much does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) weigh?

Is quite skinny

Height - How tall is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)?

Kinda short

Hair Color - What color is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s hair?


Hair Style - How does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) style their hair?

Short, wavy but hair grows in Myria down past shoulders.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?


Race - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s race?


Skin Tone

Quite dark skin tone

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Scars from Myria - wrist scars, back scars also

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Is incredibly protective of younger sister

Motivations - What motivates X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) most?

Staying safe and protecting sister.

Flaws - What flaws does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Overprotective, loyal, willing to do anything for sister.

Prejudices - What prejudices does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

The three guards who tried to kill her.
Malissa after she kills her sister.

Talents - What talents does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Skilled at fighting and a really good shot with a bow and arrow.

Personality type - What personality type is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)?

Doesn't trust people

groups Social
Religion - What religion does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) practice?


Politics - What politics does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Princess of Barrenville, even if no one else knows yet

Occupation - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s occupation?

Works for Baltian Queen as a guard/assassin.

Favorite weapon - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s favorite weapon?

Physical: Bow and arrow
Magical: Same thing

Job - What job does X Beltaine (the x stands for a name) have?

Works for Baltian Queen as a guard/assassin.

date_range History
Background - What is X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)’s background?

Was princess of Barrenville when the war hit. Her mother told her to keep her sister safe and to get to Baltia. In her care, they get ambushed, and her sister almost dies but she doesnt so they go to baltia to become guards.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
hourglass_empty Death
Death details:


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Character chevron_right Siblings link linked X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)

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Character chevron_right Loves in an older sibling/parent-like way link linked X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)

Item chevron_right People link linked X Beltaine (the x stands for a name)

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