info Overview
Name - What is RinRin Joziru’s full name?

RinRin Joziru

Role - What is RinRin Joziru’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does RinRin Joziru go by?


Gender - What is RinRin Joziru’s gender?


Age - How old is RinRin Joziru?


face Looks
Weight - How much does RinRin Joziru weigh?

155 pounds

Height - How tall is RinRin Joziru?


Hair Color - What color is RinRin Joziru’s hair?

golden blonde

Hair Style - How does RinRin Joziru style their hair?

Cut closely to his head on the sides and back, his hair in the front is long; it can cover his entire face.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does RinRin Joziru have?


Eye Color - What is RinRin Joziru’s eye color?

His right eye is pure black with a red iris and pupil. His left eye is normal with an iris of a blue in between crystal blue and icy blue.

Race - What is RinRin Joziru’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white, hex: #FFEEAB

Body Type

thin; slightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does RinRin Joziru have?

One of his eyes is pure black with a red pupil


Black blazer, white dress shirt, red tie, black jeans, a black coachman top hat with a red stripe near the brim, and a ring with a big aquamarine stone.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does RinRin Joziru have?

He has a faint southern drawl, he tends to carry himself with a knowledgeable confidence.

Motivations - What motivates RinRin Joziru most?

Live life. He works to make sure nothing threatens the world on a massive scale.

Flaws - What flaws does RinRin Joziru have?

He's loyal to his friends but he has a dark side. Due to his abilities, he can become overcome by a darker side of him, if he doesn't take time every day to clear out part of the dark essence. He cannot fully rid himself of the dark essence. If RinRin does not contain it, it will eventually take over his body. His darker essence has the name Rinshen.
He is often overconfident, which is helpful to intimidate an opponent, but sometimes his opponents surprise him and he has to make up for his overconfidence.

Prejudices - What prejudices does RinRin Joziru have?


Talents - What talents does RinRin Joziru have?

Everything under the umbrella of telepathy:
Psychic, telekinesis, mind reading, etc

Hobbies - What hobbies does RinRin Joziru have?

He talks to his cat and maintains his abilities using ancient meditation techniques. He spends a lot of time chilling in the ethereal realm(or plane, whatever you want to call it), viewing past, present, and future, trying to tame Rinshen.

Personality type - What personality type is RinRin Joziru?

He's generally apprehensive when he meets someone new, but he quickly becomes friendly. His number one rule is: "Never trust anyone with everything." That includes his sister, Mallory Athena Kranoe.



groups Social
Religion - What religion does RinRin Joziru practice?


Politics - What politics does RinRin Joziru have?

He doesn't like the ideas of politics; it gets in the way, and bureaucracy is messy.

Occupation - What is RinRin Joziru’s occupation?

Street Psychic

Favorite color - What is RinRin Joziru’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is RinRin Joziru’s favorite food?

Edible food

Favorite possession - What is RinRin Joziru’s favorite possession?
Favorite weapon - What is RinRin Joziru’s favorite weapon?

His staff, Staff of Rinzu

Favorite animal - What is RinRin Joziru’s favorite animal?

His cat, Rexa

Job - What job does RinRin Joziru have?

Street Psychic

date_range History
Birthday - When is RinRin Joziru’s birthday?

March 12

Education - What is RinRin Joziru’s level of education?

He graduated high school when he was 15 due to his higher intelligence.

Background - What is RinRin Joziru’s background?

His parents died when he was 16. Due to large amounts of bullying in elementary school, he decided to research his abilities and unlock their full potential. His parents were at his graduation ceremony, but his dad had a heart attack the next day and died. His mom, out of desperation and depression, committed suicide because she didn't like RinRin's abilities and how powerful they were becoming.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does RinRin Joziru have?

His cat, Rexa

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Element(s): Mind, Fire, Darkness, Unknown
Specialty Abilities: Full Restore, Taste of Hell, Lights Out,
Other abilities: Telepathy, Visions, Fire Blast, Pyronado, Demonic Summon
As far as how I came up with his name, I just threw something together that sounded somewhat Japanese.

content_paste Backstory
insert_emoticon Personality
Positive Traits

He's loyal to his friends

Negative Traits

He can sometimes lose control and become "corrupted"


He's powerful with his powers


He's kind and loyal to his friends, and very energetic, but he has a dark side...

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Character chevron_right Children link linked RinRin Joziru

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Item chevron_right Past Owners link linked RinRin Joziru

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked RinRin Joziru

Item chevron_right Makers link linked RinRin Joziru

Item chevron_right Magical effects link mentioned RinRin Joziru

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Item chevron_right Description link mentioned RinRin Joziru

Character chevron_right Flaws link mentioned RinRin Joziru

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