info Overview
Name - What is Nicoli Brightly’s full name?

Nicoli Brightly

Role - What is Nicoli Brightly’s role in your story?

Chosen hero of The Cloak of Wind

Other names - What other aliases does Nicoli Brightly go by?


Gender - What is Nicoli Brightly’s gender?

male, he/him

Age - How old is Nicoli Brightly?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Nicoli Brightly?

5' 8''

Hair Color - What color is Nicoli Brightly’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Nicoli Brightly style their hair?

Short, wavy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nicoli Brightly have?


Eye Color - What is Nicoli Brightly’s eye color?


Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Nicoli Brightly have?

Brown freckles

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Nicoli Brightly have?

Very bad at hiding his emotions, bites his lip when he's nervous or concentrating, talks with his hands

Motivations - What motivates Nicoli Brightly most?

His desire to help people

Flaws - What flaws does Nicoli Brightly have?

Thinks very little of himself, people pleaser, hopeless romantic

Talents - What talents does Nicoli Brightly have?

Gifted artist and singer, well-spoken, reads emotions on others very well

Hobbies - What hobbies does Nicoli Brightly have?

Weaving, sketching, painting, pretty much anything to keep his hands busy

Personality type - What personality type is Nicoli Brightly?



This is all a base for Nic's personality at the beginning of the story and is subject to change as his character develops.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Nicoli Brightly practice?

Nic is a believer of Domainism and sticks by it's principle beliefs.

Occupation - What is Nicoli Brightly’s occupation?

Nic is unemployed and is currently on the road. However, he typically helps strangers with odd jobs or plays music to earn money.

Favorite color - What is Nicoli Brightly’s favorite color?

It's a tie between yellow and orange.

Favorite food - What is Nicoli Brightly’s favorite food?

Anything sweet, like pastries and candy.

Favorite possession - What is Nicoli Brightly’s favorite possession?

A ring that his mother gave him before he left home.

Favorite weapon - What is Nicoli Brightly’s favorite weapon?

Nic typically doesn't engage in combat if he can help it, but he keeps a simple hunting dagger on him, just in case.

Favorite animal - What is Nicoli Brightly’s favorite animal?

Literally all of them. He can't pick.

Job - What job does Nicoli Brightly have?

Traveling musician

date_range History
Education - What is Nicoli Brightly’s level of education?

Nic was taught all different kinds of artisanship so he could join the family business. Besides that, he learned basic reading, writing, arithmetic, and history.

Background - What is Nicoli Brightly’s background?

Nicoli Brightly was born in the Summer Domain to Iselda and Delver Brightly. He's the middle child of five kids, Jula (24), Maverick (22), Poppy (15), and Alvin (12). The entire Brightly family, like most Summer families, had a series of booths that sold everything from clay pots to throw rugs to carved statues. As a kid, he was constantly surrounded by cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and the rest of his extended family. But, when it came time to join his family's craft, Nic found that he wasn't content to spend his whole life in one spot doing one thing with the same people. So, with the blessing of his parents, he left home at the age of 17 to find his place in the world. It wasn't long until he met Rosetta Lightfell, a talented story teller, in a local inn. The two became fast friends and have been traveling together ever since.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Lola Graves on

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