info Overview
Name - What is Suzannah Wilson’s full name?

Suzannah Wilson

Role - What is Suzannah Wilson’s role in your story?

Main Character's Mother

Other names - What other aliases does Suzannah Wilson go by?


Gender - What is Suzannah Wilson’s gender?


Age - How old is Suzannah Wilson?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Suzannah Wilson?


Hair Color - What color is Suzannah Wilson’s hair?

Light Brown and Greying

Eye Color - What is Suzannah Wilson’s eye color?


Race - What is Suzannah Wilson’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Suzannah Wilson have?

Legion 51
Any Rebels

Divergent Faction


groups Social


date_range History
Birthday - When is Suzannah Wilson’s birthday?

June Twentieth

Background - What is Suzannah Wilson’s background?

Suzannah Crawford got a scholarship to a very prestigious university.
While she was studying there, she met Timothy Wilson. They married a few weeks after graduating.
Three years later, he became governor of Pennsylvania. At the time, all political leaders were being replaced, because newly inaugurated president, Cyrus Ross, wanted to get rid of all the old leaders, and put ones he could control in their place.

Twenty-five years later, her and her husband were kidnapped by the Revolutionaries. It was their daughter, Corena Wilson, who found them…

device_hub Family
edit Notes
folder_open Romantic

I don’t know. Doesn’t matter.

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Character chevron_right Mother link linked Suzannah Wilson

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