info Overview
Name - What is Austri Elísson’s full name?

Austri Elísson

Role - What is Austri Elísson’s role in your story?

Heir to Day

Age - How old is Austri Elísson?


Gender - What is Austri Elísson’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Austri Elísson go by?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Austri Elísson have?


Hair Style - How does Austri Elísson style their hair?

Chest length, with one side shaven (Prosthetic side(

Hair Color - What color is Austri Elísson’s hair?

Dark Brown

Height - How tall is Austri Elísson?

5' 7"

Weight - How much does Austri Elísson weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Austri Elísson have?

Blue-white prosthetic face on left side, starting at cheekbone, covering his eye(half blind) going to just after scalp starts, going over ear (half deaf), and into neck.

Body Type

Very muscular limbs. Some abs

Skin Tone

Pale, with some freckles.

Race - What is Austri Elísson’s race?


Eye Color - What is Austri Elísson’s eye color?

Light Green

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Austri Elísson have?

Picks at lip

Pushes his cuticles back

Rolls shoulders way too often

Flaws - What flaws does Austri Elísson have?

Like twin sister, cannot see or hear half of his surroundings. Has to travel in groups and have someone as a seeing eye for him, which he finds really embarrassing.

Talents - What talents does Austri Elísson have?

Can sing and play the DRUMS really well
Can tap dance a bit

Hobbies - What hobbies does Austri Elísson have?

drums. Drums. DRUMS. Drums. drums.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Austri Elísson’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Austri Elísson’s favorite animal?

Those crystal foxes and porgs from star wars

Favorite color - What is Austri Elísson’s favorite color?

Magenta and Lime Green

Occupation - What is Austri Elísson’s occupation?

Musical Theatre Major

Politics - What politics does Austri Elísson have?

Eat Ass
Smoke Grass
Sled Fast

Religion - What religion does Austri Elísson practice?

Sutton Foster

info History
Birthday - When is Austri Elísson’s birthday?

June 12th

Background - What is Austri Elísson’s background?

Born in Iceland 1756
Born again 1835
Born again 1915
Now born 1995

Education - What is Austri Elísson’s level of education?


College for Magically Inclined

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Austri Elísson have?

Owned a cat when younger (with sister)

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Speaks Icelandic, English, and knows ASL. He and Reyn learned so they can interact with Deaf people and have more forms of communication.

Has ESP. See more in the sissstereaeagioa

favorite Love Interests



Dated only one (1) girl in 8th grade for 1 month before he started experimenting.

First thought he was bi, like his sister, but slowly realized he way gay.

Later dated 3 other guys through high school

Currently single, just got a Grindr due to PEER PRESSURE found a few guys he is interested in, but not strong attraction

brightness_4 Powers

Can form a materialistic light that behaves like water. When it comes in contact with him, he's fine but with anyone else they burn up, depending on how long they were touched.

It behaves like a solid and can be formed into different things. It can also attach to Astrid's body, giving him different "perks" (wings, long limbs etc).

Can withstand extremely high heat. For example, he can dip his head in lava (Bismuth style) and still be fine. However, he is very weak against the cold.

local_offer Clothing Style
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

Has two shirts with two different quotes from "Africa" by Toto
Owns many band t-shirts and ripped jeans

accessibility Other Forms

(See Reyn's for full description)
Similar to his twin's form, but lighter colored, with a warmer color scheme.
The body is iridescent, white and yellow-orange. In the sun, the outline glows like that fake pinky-iridescent plastic stuff. The eyes are dark blue, with small white dots in the middle. The tail tuft and the feet are the same color. There are more rows of teeth inside (3-4 rows) and his outer material is made of feathers rather than fur.

Time Intervals

About 10 days, for 21 hours

announcement Voice???
- {:age=>"How old is %{name}?", :other_names=>"What other aliases does %{name} go by?", :background=>"What is %{name}’s background?", :birthday=>"When is %{name}’s birthday?", :bodytype=>"What is %{name}’s body type?", :description=>"Describe %{name}.", :education=>"What is %{name}’s level of education?", :eye_color=>"What is %{name}’s eye color?", :facial_hair=>"What facial hair does %{name} have?", :favorite_animal=>"What is %{name}’s favorite animal?", :favorite_color=>"What is %{name}’s favorite color?", :favorite_food=>"What is %{name}’s favorite food?", :favorite_possession=>"What is %{name}’s favorite possession?", :favorite_weapon=>"What is %{name}’s favorite weapon?", :flaws=>"What flaws does %{name} have?", :gender=>"What is %{name}’s gender?", :hair_color=>"What color is %{name}’s hair?", :hair_style=>"How does %{name} style their hair?", :height=>"How tall is %{name}?", :hobbies=>"What hobbies does %{name} have?", :identifying_marks=>"What identifying marks does %{name} have?", :job=>"What job does %{name} have?", :mannerisms=>"What mannerisms does %{name} have?", :motivations=>"What motivates %{name} most?", :name=>"What is %{name}’s full name?", :occupation=>"What is %{name}’s occupation?", :pets=>"What pets does %{name} have?", :politics=>"What politics does %{name} have?", :prejudices=>"What prejudices does %{name} have?", :race=>"What is %{name}’s race?", :religion=>"What religion does %{name} practice?", :role=>"What is %{name}’s role in your story?", :skintone=>"What skin tone does %{name} have?", :talents=>"What talents does %{name} have?", :weight=>"How much does %{name} weigh?", :personality_type=>"What personality type is %{name}?", :conditions=>"What physical, mental, or other conditions does %{name} have?"}

Dave Bayley (lead vocalist in Glass Animals)

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