info Overview
Name - What is Zyan Neredras’s full name?

Zyan Neredras

Age - How old is Zyan Neredras?

120 (appears 24)



Occupation - What is Zyan Neredras’s occupation?

Sundog Books Owner



Birthday - When is Zyan Neredras’s birthday?

January 2nd

Played By:

Chance Perdomo

face Looks
Height - How tall is Zyan Neredras?

5 FT 10 IN

Eye Color - What is Zyan Neredras’s eye color?

Dark Brown

Hair Color - What color is Zyan Neredras’s hair?


fingerprint Personality
all_inclusive Characterization
Accents & Speech Patterns

His accent is impossible to place - it blends between various accented English as it suits him. Namely British, American, Australian, and South African.

Opinion on Job

Upon arrival in Snow Haven 6 years ago, and wanting to make of himself a right proper Mage, Zyan bought up an old brick building on Spruce Avenue and opened Sundog Books, a new and used bookstore. He does like his job, despite how he might complain about customers and tease and play around with them.

group Relationships
date_range History
Birthday - When is Zyan Neredras’s birthday?

January 2nd



Current Residence

Snow Haven, Alaska


He claims to know no other language but English, besides the Latin which he often uses when casting spells.

History Overview

Zyan has only lived in Alaska for a short while - of all the places he's travelled in his youth, he decidedly preferred the cold of the frozen north. The Nordic countries were great - he particularly preferred Finland - but the Call from deep underneath Snow Haven ultimately pulled him into Alaska and then Snow Haven proper.

Zyan is considered quite a character even among the supernatural who know what the "Mage" is - outside of his basement wares he is not very involved in the supernatural underground. He is secretive but his secretiveness comes across as an intentional act to make himself seem more suave and mysterious than any genuine attempts at hiding something.

Zyan's true history is is often buried in a shroud of tall tales and great embellishments. The man has a flair for story-telling, and never shows it off quite so much as when someone asks him nearly any question about his past. It's quite obvious that, though his tales must be embellished a good deal, he is well travelled and well read. He carries himself in a confident manner which suggests he's lived a successful life.

Anyone that reads between the lines well enough may come to understand that he has overcome many battles and challenges. Those with a great deal of patience to listen to his rambles and insight to make the connections might understand that his tales might never be the same in physical detail, but he always remains true to the core essence of the people and situations he's encountered. Those that come to understand that might even begin piecing together more than the barest of details.

ac_unit Magic Info
Species Type

Zyan as a Unicorn is solidly grey. Grey coat with black mane and tail, and a solid grey alicorn.


Some might say that there was something wrong with his magic, that the purity system never started with him, because it's so rare to see his magic cast as anything but grey - but that's not exactly true. Spots of black and white do appear at times across his alicorn depending on who he casts his magic on and his relationship to them - but it's so rare to see most don't notice before it's been entirely turned to grey again.


His alicorn marking is a UNICURSAL HEXAGRAM, marked in the center of his forehead, and is only about one inch (2.2 cm) across. To his knowledge, no one who is not a unicorn has ever seen it - he has never revealed himself to anyone.

Anything Extra:

Zyan has masqueraded through his life as a Mage, and has so far not been caught or outed. He is at an age where he is able to explain away any magic that he can't perform as disinterest in the subject and an utter lack of proficiency born from that disinterest. To everyone outside the Unicorn community Zyan is an old, eccentric Mage experimenting with discovering a permanent solution to the problems surrounding how Mages age, hence why he appears as young as he does.

edit Notes & Fun Facts
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This character was created by Luna Mora on

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