info Overview
Name - What is Owen Etes’s full name?

Owen Etes

Role - What is Owen Etes’s role in your story?

Best friend, main character, that one guy who can make anything into competition

Other names - What other aliases does Owen Etes go by?

  • Owen

  • Sharky Subordinate (by Shai)

Gender - What is Owen Etes’s gender?


Age - How old is Owen Etes?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Owen Etes’s hair?

Black, but a kind of dusty black. A greyish black, but dark enough to look black.

Hair Style - How does Owen Etes style their hair?

Kinda tousled. Artfully tousled.

Eye Color - What is Owen Etes’s eye color?

Amber brown

Race - What is Owen Etes’s race?

Seafarer (House of Shark)

Skin Tone

Healthy tan-ish, but not tan enough to be noticed right away.

Body Type

Athlete's build


A quirky, kind-of smile unless he really means it.
His teeth are very un-human (rows upon rows of shark teeth), so he tries not to smile showing his teeth.

fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Owen Etes have?

Very competitive, quick to anger, forgets his own strength sometimes

Talents - What talents does Owen Etes have?

  • Cooking (more than the normal Seafarer's experience, which is generally to eat it raw or stick it in a fire and THEN eat it)

  • Sketching things. Quickly, using very little lines, but somehow capturing the essence of what he was sketching.

  • Swimming. Fast. 'Nuff said.

  • Making people laugh

Hobbies - What hobbies does Owen Etes have?

  • Sketching

  • Cooking

  • Playing Who-Can-Swim-The-Deepest with his little sisters when tehy're bored

  • Making people laugh

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Owen Etes’s favorite color?

Gamboge (that one yellow-orange colour that's warm and fuzzy)

Favorite food - What is Owen Etes’s favorite food?

Raw squid, eels, or other medium-sized sea animals that are below him on the food chain
Hamburgers are a close second, though

Favorite possession - What is Owen Etes’s favorite possession?

Gotta be his jacket. Worn jean jacket that's Veridin-made, so it's sewn half with the normal denim stuff, but half with metals so it's
A) really cool and shiny
B) makes him sink down to the Veridin level underwater
and C) dries waaaaaay faster when he comes out of the sea. Like, in ten minutes tops.

Favorite weapon - What is Owen Etes’s favorite weapon?

His teeth B)

Shark teeth
They hurt
Used against
A human
Trust me
On this one

Favorite animal - What is Owen Etes’s favorite animal?


(also biased tho)

date_range History
Birthday - When is Owen Etes’s birthday?

January 3

Education - What is Owen Etes’s level of education?

Session Three. His seaform was defined a year late, which meant one more year of childhood. It also meant that he's a year behind everyone else his age.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
accessibility_new Outfit
Trademark item

His jacket. Veridin-made jacket, shiny, sinks easily, dries very quickly.


Casual athletic


  • Dark grey T-shirt, usually with some sort of Save InsertOceanAnimalHere message.

  • Light denim jacket over top, Veridin made, I'm starting to sound like a broken record.

  • Black/dark grey sweatpants. Pockets galore.

  • Socks and sandals, year-round.

audiotrack Playlist
all_inclusive Miscellaneous
brush Seafarer Traits
Physical Traits

  • Strength. His Shark strength is translated to human strength when he shifts - the same general strength-to-size ratio. To drag up an example to put things into perspective, he can pick up a kayak by one end, keeping both ends off the ground, and throw it 27.1 feet away.

  • Teeth. He has six rows of shark teeth in his mouth (the better to gnash things with, my dear). Unsurprisingly, he doesn't really show his teeth. More grow in when he gets angry and starts to kind of shift. He tries to not talk very loud to not show his teeth, so he comes across as quiet, maybe with a bit of a lisp.
    There are many ways to describe Owen. "Quiet" will never be one of them.

bubble_chart Seaform Animal
What is this character's seaform?

Hammerhead shark

12 feet long

announcement Death
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