Davey Douglas
Alive (undead)
"Flagship" Character
Alain McLaren
William Grey
Mick Stuart
Felix Gage
Milo Duval
Born May 25th 1699
Embraced 1725
physically 26 years old
(309 in 2008)
Chaotic Bisexual
180 lbs???
dirty blonde
various lengths
always curly, shaggy
Occasional stubble but ne're more than that. In life, he was never able to grow a full beard or mustache drove him a little nuts. It looked like shit and he got shit for it from all his sailor buddies. As a vampire, he will never be able to grow a beard or a mustache, but since he died with light stubble that's the most he'll ever have.
Jade green, ringed with gold.
deathly pale
well built, muscular, strong but not overly ripped.
laborer strongk
Various tattoos
Including but not limited to:
a swallow
something for Scotland
a weeping willow for Adele DuSaule
Traditional style cactus
Sunlight burn scars across legs, back, upper chest
Jensen Ackles (pre-supernatural)
Sam Claflin
Brenden Fraser (young)
Paul Simonen
Heath Ledger
Davey has an unintelligible international Frankenstein accent. Is it Scottish? French? A little Cockney? Is that a Southern drawl? Nobody knows.
He is not graceful. He’s tall, doesn't have the best posture but not a chronic sloucher or anything.
He's really quite handsome but has a bit of a chronic case of resting bitch face.
If he decides he likes you, he's really very chill and goofy. Accidentally charming, classically debonair.
He has a lot of anger, some of it supernatural Brujah rage but he was a very angry person when he was alive as well. There's a bit of wanderlust going on here too. His whole existence he's never stayed in one place for very long, with a few exceptions. He is fiercely loyal and protective towards his friends and people he loves.
Sometimes down right mean
He lies
He's very resistant to change, even though he's quite progressive socially. He just can't really fathom the technical advancements we've made. The best example of this being the moon landing.
He was a good sailor. He's quite musical, he can sing, he's one of those people who can just pick up an instrument master it in an afternoon. He never really does anything with this, even though he probably could. He's got vampire strength obviously, but he's physically quite gifted. Even as a human. He was always strong and capable. He's a good boxer. He's a decent shot, not great but not terrible. I see him favoring blunt weapons but I'm sure he's pretty good with swords and knives.
running around on rooftops
He's pretty grungy in the modern day. He's worn nothing but jeans since 1850. He favors flannels and old band tees, ripped jeans. Not for the aesthetic but because he needs new clothes. Occasionally wears eye makeup and black nail polish.
May 25th, 1699
He can read and write but not very well. He learned out of necessity and has never been to formal school.
Portnacroish, Appin, Scotland
New Orleans
New Mexico
New York City
None personally but in New York City in 2007, he finds a kitten in a back alley and brings it to his new friend Aurelie Damas. He names her Chouchette and gets pretty attached. He goes to see her fairly frequently.
This character was created by Avery G on Notebook.ai.
See more from Avery GCreate your own universe
Catholism (over 250 years ago)
When he was alive, he was a sailor and eventually a pirate.
After his embrace, he did some of these things:
Dick Turpin style highwayman
1800s bareknuckle boxer
Cowboy/hired gun/bandit
Art thief
black probably
it's fucking blood dude.
He doesn't have a lot, he lost most of what he had in Katrina.
Probably a sweet old lighter, he smokes a lot. But not cigarettes. Davey smokes pipe tobacco. He has some decently valuable art he's stolen, it's the one thing he really has to show for all his time spent. He's sick of it and wants to get rid of it but feels like he can't sell it.
He has some really sweet old guns from his cowboy days.
fox, who doesn't love a fox.
also loves a good cat
Bouncer at Compulsion, a vampire run night club in Chelsea.
Scottish Gaelic