info Overview
Name - What is Olivia van Horn’s full name?

Olivia van Horn


Alive (undead)

Role - What is Olivia van Horn’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Olivia van Horn go by?

Olivia Drowe
Olive( By Davey Douglas
Astrid Johannes (Alias)
Ethel (middle name)
Olivia Hornsby

Gender - What is Olivia van Horn’s gender?


Age - How old is Olivia van Horn?

Born 1932
Embraced 1953 (age 21)
91 years old in 2023
7th generation



face Looks
Weight - How much does Olivia van Horn weigh?


Height - How tall is Olivia van Horn?


Hair Color - What color is Olivia van Horn’s hair?

dark brown

Hair Style - How does Olivia van Horn style their hair?

short bob, straight hair
In hiding, she dyes her hair a dark blue.

Eye Color - What is Olivia van Horn’s eye color?

dark brown

Race - What is Olivia van Horn’s race?

Belgian (Flemish)

Skin Tone

light olive

Body Type

Tall, lean, nearly flat chested


Maya Hawke
Charlotte Nicdao
Elsie Fisher

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Olivia van Horn have?

Withdrawn, soft spoken most of the time. She can be very sanctimonious and self-righteous when she's angry.

Motivations - What motivates Olivia van Horn most?

Olivia craves independence but is too beaten down and worn out to do anything about it. She has her own weird set of strong morals. She also hates herself, having been conditioned to believe she's worthless and incompetent by Honoria Drowe.

Flaws - What flaws does Olivia van Horn have?

In life, Olivia was quite driven, studious and hardworking. She didn't have many friends and she didn't particularly want any. She put a lot of pressure on herself. She states she was a tattletale and looked down on her classmates. The war softened those edges and by the time she started college she was a bit more bearable. Still very hardworking and had very little time for friends. After her embrace, everything changed. She has stated that she felt all the ambition was sucked out of her when she was embraced.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Olivia van Horn have?

Brujahs and other "lower" clans. which is funny because she hates being tremere and everything comes with it.
A lot of internalized misogyny. she has some pick me girl energy sometime, despite being a lesbian. Judging other women for wanting to look nice or dress up. She prides herself on not being like other girls. A lot of this seems to stem from first being a woman in academia in the 50s and then being in such close competition with Ludovica Nazario. She has gotten better about this, after making some actual friends with other women (Adele DuSaule and Aurelie Damas.) She's not particularly keen on men either.

Talents - What talents does Olivia van Horn have?

Very talented writer, researcher, decent artist. One of my rare characters who isn’t particularly musically inclined.


She's definitely neurodivergent, I'm thinkin AuDHD. Very set in her ways but also impulsive and self-destructive. She is also massively depressed, having attempted suicide in her early kindred days. She does not remember this though, due to Honoria going into her brain and scrambling some stuff around. She hasn't attempted it again.


Lazy accademia? Lots of tweed and corduroy, black turtlenecks (she thinks of this as the unofficial Tremere uniform). She owns exactly one dress, for formal occasions. A black knee length dress with white collar and cuffs. Wednesday Adams kinda deal. On the run she adopts a PNW girl look, lots of layering. Discovers Doc Martins.

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Olivia van Horn have?


Occupation - What is Olivia van Horn’s occupation?

Archeology Student (formerly)

Favorite color - What is Olivia van Horn’s favorite color?

black, brown, grey

Job - What job does Olivia van Horn have?

Tremere Magister



date_range History
Birthday - When is Olivia van Horn’s birthday?

November 6th 1932

Education - What is Olivia van Horn’s level of education?

dropped out of college sophomore year


Very boring childhood up until the war. She came from a working class Dutch speaking family, excelled academically. Accepted to the Free University of Brussels (Université libre de Bruxelles/Vrije Hogeschool te Brussel) where she meets Honoria Drowe, who takes an interest in her and grooms her for Tremere embrace.
She does not take well to it. Forced to leave her girlfriend and her family, they're still close but she can't talk to them. After a failed suicide attempt, Honoria moves then back to Vienna where Olivia begins her training. After taking her cups, Olivia works hard but never really rises above the ranks, like her sire, or Ludovica Nazario. After Luda betrays Honoria, Olivia goes with her to her new post, a demotion in New Orleans.


Brussels, Belgium

Places lived

San Francisco (non-canonical?)
New Orleans
The San Juan Islands

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Avery G on

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