info Overview
Name - What is Alison Odera’s full name?

Alison Odera

Role - What is Alison Odera’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Alison Odera go by?

Savannah Magero

Gender - What is Alison Odera’s gender?


Age - How old is Alison Odera?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Alison Odera?


Hair Style - How does Alison Odera style their hair?

Alison most typically wears her hair in dreadlocks, helped by the sea air.

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
Religion - What religion does Alison Odera practice?
Politics - What politics does Alison Odera have?

Alison has been burned by political institutions too many times to have a favorite. She believes in people far more than governments.

Occupation - What is Alison Odera’s occupation?

Alison is currently working as a General Merchant in the port town of Valstand . In practice, however, she's a Privateer and mercenary.

Job - What job does Alison Odera have?
date_range History
Education - What is Alison Odera’s level of education?

Alison has no formal education as such. She learned her skills through a series of tutors, beginning at age 12 with Kade Quin, a family friend and shipbuilder and machinist who owned a ship repair business in the nearby town of Opal.

Events drove Alison to leave Rokkur to live with her uncle in Fenomere Village on the island of Fenbar. There, she found work and tutelage as a shipwright where to honed her skills until she fell in with the lingering Fennish revolution against Sahaladir.

Background - What is Alison Odera’s background?

Born Savannah Magero Rokkur on the western end of the Sahalian island to Oderico and Grace Magero in [date], their only child. Grace died from illness when Savannah was 5, leaving her father to raise her.

When she was 12, Savannah took up an apprenticeship with family friend Kade Quin, a shipbuilder and machinist who owned an ship repair station based in Opal. Kade was originally from Sahaladir and worked in the shipyards there before working conditions and business regulations made work there intolerable for him. Kade shared these stories with Savannah while teaching her the finer points of ship maintenance and repair.

When Savannah was 16, Kade came under investigation for sedition. Sahalian soldiers came to arrest him that same year and found Kade and Oderico talking together in Kade's workshop. Oderico was killed in the arrest and Kade and Savannah were both taken into custody.

Oderico left behind a living will issuing instructions for Savannah's care with his brother Thomas Magero in Fenomere village on the Fenbar island (and told Savannah about this intention), but due to the nature of the charges, these instructions were overturned by the provincial court and Savannah was remanded to foster care in the neighboring town of Heartridge.

Savannah spent 2 days in foster care escaping to Opal to Kade's workshop where she hid from Sahalian soldiers until she could find a ship bound to Fenbar. She stowed away on the ship and made her way from Fenbar to Fenomere on foot. Fenbar had been conquered by Sahaladir just the year before. Sahalian soldiers were patrolling the roads constantly and so Savannah had to keep off the path. She stumbled into a group of Fenbian resistance fighters who agreed to take her to her uncle.

In Fenomere, Thomas raised Savannah as his child, where he introduced her to the Fenbian resistance of which he was a member. With her experience with the death of her father than arrest of her mentor, Savannah was eager to join. She quickly found work in ship repair, again as an apprentice and spent the next three years getting involved in underground resistance activities.

In [year], at age 17, Savannah...
This needs to be something serious that made Savannah wanted by Sahalian officials. A naval attack on Sahaladir would certainly be dramatic, but seems unlikely given the occupation and the amount of prep work that would have been needed right under the nose of the soldiers. A revolt in Fenomere and perhaps at the mine near Fenbar might be a good option. A cave-in at the mine would severely hamper Sahalian supply lines. Another good option might be sinking a docked ship or two. There needs to be serious collateral damage from the attack to make Savannah seriously rethink her participation and want to put distance between herself and those events. Since we're early industrial, sinking a ship might actually mean blowing it up, which could have set a good chunk of Fenbar on fire.

Disillusioned by the results of the attack, Savannah broke from the resistance, changed her name to Alison Odera in reference to a one of her friends in the resistance and her father, joined the remaining survivors in wiping resistance records, and joined a privateer ship with emphasis on delivery and acquisitions runs preparing to leave the island.

Alison served on this ship for two years as both ship mechanic and acquisitions officer making contacts at each port during their travels before the ship was purchased by a Sahalian merchant interest. Alison left the ship rather than risk identification during an acquisition audit and joined another privateer vessel, this one tendencies more toward piracy.

During her time on this second ship, a mission to hamper Sahalian operations targeted her old ship. She convinced the captain to scuttle the ship after her old shipmates recognized her during the raid.

After a year in [year], Alison rose to captain of that ship. Her first job as captain was a delivery to Morglinvir, which turned out to be a weapon prototype. Alison was paranoid enough to avoid having her face or name connected to ship missions and escaped a clear concerted effort to assassinate other privateer ships working that mission. She subsequently learned of the fallout from that delivery. She offloaded her crew, scuttled her own ship, and went into hiding. She relocated to Strykere, one of the few islands that had escaped any occupation by Sahaladir or Arbas Gaelith.

She is now trying to come to terms with her history and start over. She met Sam a few months into her stay on the island when Sam arrived to conduct research on the crystal deposit that had been found there.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Richard Reade on

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