info Overview
Name - What is Sam Douglas’s full name?

Sam Douglas

Role - What is Sam Douglas’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Sam Douglas go by?

Sam was born Samantha Douglas, but decided she liked the shortened version of the name better when she was 5 and stuck with it. She has noticed as well that her written theories tend to realize stronger initial adoption then her fellow woman academics. She takes a certain perverse pleasure in the sometimes spoken, sometimes not, reaction of, "you're a woman," when people meet her for the first time.

Gender - What is Sam Douglas’s gender?


Age - How old is Sam Douglas?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Sam Douglas weigh?

About 148 lbs

Hair Color - What color is Sam Douglas’s hair?

Dark blonde, though she had been known to color it on occasion in her youth. These days, she has more important issues to address, though it might not be difficult to convince her to give it another go were the right person to suggest it.

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Sam Douglas most?

Sam is motivated by discovery first and foremost. She is a leading research into the nature of the material.

Talents - What talents does Sam Douglas have?

Sam is a brilliant researcher and academic on the properties of the crystalline material scatter throughout the archipelago. Her research has lead her to theorize that the crystalline material is - to some degree - aware and intelligent. This is a dramatic shift from current thinking that the material is merely chemically reactive to certain stimuli, the true nature of which is unknown. Her suggestion that this material is intelligent was met with tremendous ridicule in the academic community. Her position in Strykere was secured only through her unique contacts and position in the Arbas Gaelith government.

Sam is also an above-average swing dancer and a talented mechanical designer.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Sam Douglas practice?
Politics - What politics does Sam Douglas have?


Job - What job does Sam Douglas have?

Head Researcher, Strykere Site

date_range History
Background - What is Sam Douglas’s background?

Sam was born in the Arbas Gaelith capitol. Her father identifies as Gaelian and her mother as Arban, so she has insight into both sides. She personally identifies as Gaelian. Her well-born family provided her with numerous inroads into the political elite, which is how she eventually gained support for her research on Strykere .

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by Richard Reade on

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