info Overview
Name - What is Francis McFadden’s full name?

Francis McFadden

Gender - What is Francis McFadden’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Francis McFadden go by?



Role - What is Francis McFadden’s role in your story?

Gentle Giant

Age - How old is Francis McFadden?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Francis McFadden have?

Loud and animated most of the time except in conversation likes to think or analyze before he speaks

Personality type - What personality type is Francis McFadden?

Creative, bold

groups Social
info History
Birthday - When is Francis McFadden’s birthday?


shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Francis McFadden appears in the following documents
Scene chevron_right Characters in scene link linked Francis McFadden

Building chevron_right Tenants link mentioned Francis McFadden

Town chevron_right Citizens link linked Francis McFadden

Character chevron_right Children link linked Francis McFadden

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Francis McFadden

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Francis McFadden

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Francis McFadden

This character was created by Anonymous author on

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