info Overview
Name - What is Whipstaff Manor's name?

Whipstaff Manor

recent_actors Occupants
format_paint Design
Architectural style - What style of architecture is Whipstaff Manor?

Art Nouveau

Floor count - How many floors are there in Whipstaff Manor?


Flooring - What kind of flooring does Whipstaff Manor have?

Tile on the ground floor, with large carpets in certain rooms. Stone in the kitchen, wood in the upper-floors covered with extravagant carpets

Windows - How many windows does Whipstaff Manor have? What kind of windows? In which rooms?

Tall stained glass in most rooms, colored and clear, smaller ones on the upper floors and attic

extension Usage
Bedrooms - How many bedrooms does Whipstaff Manor have?




Purpose - Why does Whipstaff Manor exist? What is it for?

Home of the McFadden Family

Zone - What is Whipstaff Manor zoned as?


location_on Location
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
View - What is the view like from Whipstaff Manor?


attach_money Financial
Last sale price - How much did Whipstaff Manor's previous owner sell it for?


pool Amenities
Security - What kind of security system does Whipstaff Manor have?

The large property is sealed by wrought iron fencing

Walkability - How walkable is Whipstaff Manor to nearby points of interest?

Whipstaff is not very feasible for walking as it was built away from the downtown area

date_range History
Constructed year - When was Whipstaff Manor built?


Last remodel - When was Whipstaff Manor last remodeled?


edit Notes

This building was created by Anonymous author on

See more from Anonymous author
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