info Overview
Name - What is Colette Dupont ’s full name?

Colette Dupont


  • Angel (By: Jax)


October 15, 2000

Age - How old is Colette Dupont ?


Race - What is Colette Dupont ’s race?


Gender - What is Colette Dupont ’s gender?




face Looks

American of scottish descent

Weight - How much does Colette Dupont weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Colette Dupont ?


Hair Style - How does Colette Dupont style their hair?

Long hair, wavy

Hair Color - What color is Colette Dupont ’s hair?

Dark brown

Eye Color - What is Colette Dupont ’s eye color?

Gray blue

Facial features

She has a heart face shape. She has straight eyebrows, narrow lips and she has almond-shaped eyes. She has a button nose

Body Type

She is lithe and has delicate, small wristed hands

Skin Tone


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Colette Dupont have?

  • She has a faint scar on her cheek

chat Voice and footsteps
local_offer Outfits
fingerprint Nature
Flaws - What flaws does Colette Dupont have?

  • Naive

  • Unrealistic exceptions of the world

  • Snarky

Hobbies - What hobbies does Colette Dupont have?

photography in my spare time and an interesting in astronomy.

healing Conditions
groups Social
Religion - What religion does Colette Dupont practice?

Daemonium-Angelus "Demon-Angel" is a religion with no god. Heaven is directed by a chosen leader and hell is ruled by the King of Hell. A lot of the basics are like Christianity (Like going to Heaven or Hell when you die), minus the Bible and its stories.

There was a deity named Mother. Mother faded after she created her two sons. Haiti, the first demon, and Ira, the first angel. Haiti made Hell and Ira made Heaven.

An important part of the story is that Haiti killed his brother, Ira. That is why Heaven is led by government and Hell is led like a monarchy. (I will link pages for it to make sense :3)

Favorite possession - What is Colette Dupont ’s favorite possession?

Her journal of things she’s seen

date_range History
Status within Government records

Status: Missing person

device_hub Family

Grace (Carrier) - Mother

Farrin (Clairvoyance) - Father

power Abilities

She has something called clairvoyance or rarely the second sight.

Basically, like all Clairvoyant, she can see the supernatural unlike "normal" humans. Most Clairvoyant think their insane, have hallucinations or schizophrenia.

It's not power but thought I’d just put it here. I’ll elaborate on it more in a Clairvoyant document. Here Clairvoyant

headset Quotes
audiotrack Music
border_color Trivia
edit Notes

Jax becomes her husband in the end and they have two kids together, Charlie and Codie

Art credit to Girl maker by Ummmmandy on Picrew

Colette Dupont appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Nicknames link mentioned Colette Dupont

Group chevron_right Members link linked Colette Dupont

Location chevron_right Residents link linked Colette Dupont

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Colette Dupont

This character was created by Livs like playing around with literary techniques on

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