info Overview
Name - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s full name?

Katelyn K. Martin

Role - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Katelyn K. Martin go by?

Kate (By everyone)

Gender - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s gender?


Age - How old is Katelyn K. Martin?




face Looks
Weight - How much does Katelyn K. Martin weigh?

95 ibs. She watches her weight and curves in order to have a better chance at seducing her victims.

Height - How tall is Katelyn K. Martin?


Hair Color - What color is Katelyn K. Martin’s hair?

Baby blue. Kate’s family incouraged her to dye her hair from a very young age because they didn’t want people to think they were related to, in their words, a monster like her. She dyed her hair when she was 7 and has kept blue as her signature color ever since. Her natural color is blonde much like the rest of her family.

Hair Style - How does Katelyn K. Martin style their hair?

Short, boy-cut. Her hair was scorched off in a bombing she was in when she was a kid. She also just relatively enjoys the style of short hair more than long. It made her feel more like her brother which was the only member of her family who liked her.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Katelyn K. Martin have?


Eye Color - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s eye color?

Intense light blue. Her eyes are known for being almost see-through and with her overall appearance being very intimidating, it makes for a dominating death-stare.

Race - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s race?


Skin Tone

Very pale white.

Body Type

Skinny, curvy, athletic. Who knew that running from the police for your entire life would make for a rather effective workout routine.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Katelyn K. Martin have?

As well as her hair and dead-stare, Katelyn is iconicly known for her smile. It’s a lopsided toothy smirk that indicates pure and utter domiance over the other party. It’s the smirk of a lion looking at its prey. It was a hungry smile. A smile that drew out the upmost fear.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Katelyn K. Martin have?

She appears very carefree and flamboyant to the naked eye. Unnecessary hand jestures, being overdramatic, she’s very over the top and theater like. She’s also overly touchy. It’s another way she manipulates people. A hand on the shoulder would make the person pay attention to the hand, giving her an opportunity to take advantage of that absence. She also just finds it fun to be that dramatic.

Motivations - What motivates Katelyn K. Martin most?

Kate thinks of herself almost like a god. In her mind, every story needs a villain so she took that roll herself. She sees her evil acts as necessary to society. Without bad people, there would be no point in good people. In her mind, she’s helping good people by being evil. That alone motivates her to continue.

Flaws - What flaws does Katelyn K. Martin have?

Ever since she was little, her life had been riddled with flaws. At first, it was just a few common instances that any kid could’ve done. Lying, kicking, fights. Normal habits that all kids have done at some point. But what separated Katelyn from other kids her age was the complete lack of remorse or emotion. While other kids would throw tantrums when they were in trouble or jump up in down at a reward; Katelyn was merely indifferent. She never smiled. Never frowned. Never had any reaction. She would act violent towards others when little to no reason and show no emotion or reaction for her punishment afterwards. She’d push kids down stares just because she wanted to. She was never angry. Never sad. She was just interested. As if everyone around her was nothing but an animal to experiment her own twisted desires upon. She was born with a complete lack of any moral comprehension. And it would stay that way for the rest of her life.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Katelyn K. Martin have?

She sees people as future play-things.

Talents - What talents does Katelyn K. Martin have?

Extremely good at hiding.
Extremely good at covering her case.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Katelyn K. Martin have?

She sees killing people as a hobbie.

Personality type - What personality type is Katelyn K. Martin?

Sadistic, Nihlistic, Introspective, Wildly Dangerous.





groups Social
Religion - What religion does Katelyn K. Martin practice?


Politics - What politics does Katelyn K. Martin have?

She’s a criminal so like ahe doesn’t care.

Occupation - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s occupation?


Favorite weapon - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s favorite weapon?

A pocket knife Crystal gave her when they first met. This weopon is extremely important to Kate and she only uses it to kill important people.

Job - What job does Katelyn K. Martin have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Katelyn K. Martin’s birthday?

December 21

Background - What is Katelyn K. Martin’s background?

Katelyn was born into a rich and high-esteemed family tree. Her father was a famous politcian so she grew up around the press. Though, as she started growing up, her family actively shunned her aside from the limelight. For reasons she didn’t understand until she was much older. In the early years of elementary school, she’d constantly get urges. Urges to push random girls down stairs, urges to shove a pair scissors into someone’s eye, urges to cut off her teacher’s nail. Urges that were seemingly random. Urges that suddenly made her a freak. After her first office referral when she cut someone’s hair, her father beat her to show dominence. This become a constant. Her father beat her everyday for the next five years. Her entire family shamed her. Her older sister refused to talk to her, her father beat her, her mother hit her; everyone hated her. Everyone except for her brother, Warren. He was kind to her, helped her. The two of them had eachother’s backs. Warren was the only thing that kept her alive. Her mother had an affair when she was 12 that ended up ruining her father’s political career. Fuming, her father crafted a plan to take back on everyone. He built a bomb in his basement. On the day of elections, he took Kate into Congress and placed a bomb on the top floor, leaving his daughter to blow up with the building. Kate caught on and managed to get out of the building before it blew to smithereens. The news of the bombing spread through the world and she was on the front news for surviving it. Her father was put on death row and killed that evening. Her mother was heartbroken and blamed Kate for his death. She abused her until she was sixteen when Kate finally snapped; killing her mother and her older sister in cold blood. Her and Warren fled the state that night. Ever since; Kate’s thirst for blood only grew deeper and deeper. She became one of, if not the, most notorious serial killer’s in the world; racking up a kill count estimated to be above thousands. From terrorist attacks to the murders of celebrities; Kate’s been behind it all.

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edit Notes
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This character was created by Casey Morgan on

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