info Overview
Name - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s full name?

Crystal Anne Carson

Role - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s role in your story?

Main character although it isn’t abruptly stated. The story switches POVs between characters a lot so it’s told in the perspective of multiple people but Crystal is definitely the most important character.

Other names - What other aliases does Crystal Anne Carson go by?

Chrissy (By Katelyn), Gemstone (By Louis)

Gender - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s gender?

Female although very masculine

Age - How old is Crystal Anne Carson?




face Looks
Weight - How much does Crystal Anne Carson weigh?

100 ib

Height - How tall is Crystal Anne Carson?


Hair Color - What color is Crystal Anne Carson’s hair?

Yellow blonde

Hair Style - How does Crystal Anne Carson style their hair?

Short in the back with long bangs in the front

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Crystal Anne Carson have?


Eye Color - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s eye color?

Emerald green

Race - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s race?

Half Asian, Half American

Skin Tone


Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Crystal Anne Carson have?

Dead stare, always frowning, lifeless eyes

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Crystal Anne Carson have?

Because of her rather brutal past, she’s never off guard. A bit jumpy but she never recoils. More like jumps into action at the mere chance there is one. Constantly in fight mode, barely giving her body the ablitity to rest.

Motivations - What motivates Crystal Anne Carson most?

Lived life with no goals or motivation until she was forced to have them. From an extremely young age, she was forced to bear traumatic situations and circumstances all around her. Because she had to grow up in that type of enviroment, she gained this rather dim and desolate view of life. She didn’t see the point in living. She really only stayed alive for the sake of other people she needed to protect. Her brother at first motivated her, then it was her girlfriend, then it was her girlfriend’s killer (Katelyn.)

Flaws - What flaws does Crystal Anne Carson have?

Incredibly distant from the rest of reality. Her vision is often very narrow, almost tunnel-like. She thinks that almost everything is pointless. She lacks care for everything. She’s suicidal, so bettering herself or caring about life seems like a waste of time. The only reason she stays alive to begin with is to kill Katelyn. She doesn’t really care about happens after that.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Crystal Anne Carson have?

The first people Crystal ever met in her life were probably some of the worst. Because of this, that’s kind of her impression for everyone she meets. She’s been surrounded by horrible people her entire life and finds it difficult to even imagine someone past that. She actively avoids conversation, doesn’t bother making friends, and hates anyone who tries to talk to her. She doesn’t plan to be alive much longer so in her mind, it’s a waste of time and energy.

Talents - What talents does Crystal Anne Carson have?

Incredibly good fist-fighter from years of practice. Incredibly good emotional control. Despite everything she manages to keep a straight face in the midst of disaster.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Crystal Anne Carson have?

She wasn’t allowed to have hobbies growing up, another way her mother controlled her, and didn’t bother developing any after she left the house. Again, seemed like a waste of time.

Personality type - What personality type is Crystal Anne Carson?

She was raised by three different people throughout her childhood. An abusive mother, a kid who was barely a year older than her, and a serial killer. Because of this, she developed the same interests and view-points as those people. She viewed the world with a damaged, angry, violent perspective just like her mother. She viewed the world with a confused, hurt, and scared perspective just like her brother. But perhaps the scariest; she viewed the world with a twisted, sadistic, and cruel overtone just like Katelyn. But she wasn’t just like Katelyn. She refused to be.


Slight head-injury from years of abuse. Nothing that serious but it effects her ablitity to process things.


She’s terrifed of becoming the one thing she hates. Katelyn was once like a mother to her. When she naive and young and impressionable, Kate was her mentor; someone she looked up to. Knowing all the hanass things that women did and does, being anything like her is revolting. But deep down; she knows the two of them aren’t that different. Out of everything she’s been through, that thought alone has to be the scariest.


Smoking, Self-harm, drugs. She smokes and does drugs to fog her mind of the pain. She used to have a cutting problem but since she was getting hurt so often, she didn’t need to do that to take the stress off.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Crystal Anne Carson practice?


Politics - What politics does Crystal Anne Carson have?

None. She’s a criminal so she really could’ve give a shit.

Occupation - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s occupation?

Gang-member and highschool student.

Favorite color - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s favorite color?

Mint green

Favorite food - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s favorite food?

None. Eats whatever food she can find. Because she was homeless for a while, she finds it disrespectful to be picky.

Favorite possession - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s favorite possession?

Green jacket that she found in a thift store when she was homeless. Wears it everyday.

Favorite weapon - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s favorite weapon?

Pistol. Quick and easy to get the job done.

Favorite animal - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s favorite animal?

None. Animals never meant much of anything to Crystal. At the most, they were target practice.

Job - What job does Crystal Anne Carson have?

Not exactly an assassin? She goes to her gang everyday and mainly just cleans weopons and talks to other gang members until Kate assigns her a mission. Sometimes the missions are just to steal information, sometimes it’s to kill a target. Though everyone in the gang has their specific roles and ablitities. Crystal’s is more on the violence side so she usually gets the deadly missions.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Crystal Anne Carson’s birthday?

June 22

Background - What is Crystal Anne Carson’s background?

Abused by her alcoholic mother until she was 11 when her mother commited suicide. Her father died of heartbreak three years later; leaving her and her brother, Nile, on the run from services. Nile thought they’d have a better chance in life if they weren’t constantly being swapped from house to house. They were homeless for about a year until Nile worked up enough money to buy them a small house. When Crystal was 14, she tripped and fell off a bridge in the middle of winter; almost killing her. Though, someone saved her; Katelyn Martin, a famous serial killer. Kate took her to her home where Crystal met her other four roommates; Laura, who was Kate’s bestfriend; Warren, who was Kate’s brother; Mark, who was Kate’s bestfriend; and Megan, who was a 15 year old they took care of who later became Crystal’s girlfriend. This group of people later became the gang Crystal was forced into. Kate took a liking to Crystal and through out the years became increasingly obsessed with her. To the point that Kate didn’t want her to be around anyone else. When Crystal got into an arguement with Kate over something stupid; Kate killed Megan, Crystal’s girlfriend of three years, to keep dominence over her. Crystal; pissed, depressed, traumatized, a mess of emotions; attempted to kill Kate. Kate, being a trained killer, obviously survived the attack. Ever since, Kate made Crystal’s life a living hell. Even more so than it already was. Kate was one of the most notorious serial killers in the world; not straying far being considered the worst. From terriost attacks to brutal gruesome single-hand murders; Kate was a heartless monster. Crystal didn’t have goals, she had no point in living. But she knew; killing Katelyn was something she had to do. For the sake of humanity itself.

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edit Notes

Crystal is queer/sexuality-nonconforming.

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This character was created by Casey Morgan on

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