info Overview
Name - What is Carunas’s full name?


Role - What is Carunas’s role in your story?

Player Character

Gender - What is Carunas’s gender?


Age - How old is Carunas?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Carunas?

Quiet, Reserved, Resolute, Mysterious, Utilitarian, Educated

groups Social
date_range History
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shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Some Rumors:
* Hails from the now destroyed Necropolis, Osova, which was destroyed by orders of Good Aligned Churches, Orders and Organizations under the suspicion that they were working to bring about death and consequential enslavement to the entire world.
* All the people living in Osova at the time of the siege were slain, but this man came south afterwards from the ruins.
* Holds a deep-seated, vengeful grudge against all Good aligned Gods for their action, and all Neutral Gods for their inaction in stopping the slaughter.
* Carries with him treasures sacred to the Osovan people, capable of great and terrible destruction.
* Never removes his burial mask where others can see.
* Will bend any and all undead to his will, and raises even allies who fall in battle to be his thralls.
* Is a gifted physician, as surviving rumors that all Osovan Necromancers were.

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