info Overview
Name - What is Matriarch Zatrina’s full name?

Matriarch Zatrina

Other names - What other aliases does Matriarch Zatrina go by?

Courage (as a servitor in a sadder timeline)

Gender - What is Matriarch Zatrina’s gender?


Age - How old is Matriarch Zatrina?

Nearly 200

face Looks
fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Grandmother of both Berilam and Carunas, this formidable woman is well-known in Osova for her prowess as a warrior. At nearly 200 years old, Zatrina has never met a man, woman, or beast she could not best in single combat with her overwhelming Burial Blade style. In the timeline of Osova's defeat, it took forty warriors and a cadre of wizards supporting from the back to finally fell her, and she took most of them with her. In this happier timeline, she enjoys a good barrel or four of whiskey, vodka, beer, and just about any other alcohol she can get her hands on.

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