info Overview
Name - What is Tristan Bowyer’s full name?

Tristan Bowyer

Role - What is Tristan Bowyer’s role in your story?

Main Villain/Antagonist || Tritagonist


Tris (Jasmine)
T (Hunter)
Trissy (Karla)
Master (Mina)

Gender - What is Tristan Bowyer’s gender?


Birthday - When is Tristan Bowyer’s birthday?

June 20, 1005

Age - How old is Tristan Bowyer?



Sexual: Heterosexual
Romantic: Heteroromantic

face Looks
Height - How tall is Tristan Bowyer?


Weight - How much does Tristan Bowyer weigh?

149 lbs

Body Type


Hair Color - What color is Tristan Bowyer’s hair?

Dark golden bronze

Hair Style - How does Tristan Bowyer style their hair?

Straight neck length hair that parts in the middle with 4 medium bangs on each side and 1 covering his ears

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Tristan Bowyer have?


Eyebrows: Thin soft-angled with a low arch

Eye Color - What is Tristan Bowyer’s eye color?

Dark brownish-red
Turns bright blood red when he's lost control

Skin Tone

Moderate brown

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Tristan Bowyer have?

His left arm & the left half of his face is completely black with a red eye and mouth and his fingers are claw-like
2 scars are located on his right cheek with 1 being longer
When he's lost control, his teeth become extremely sharp.

Race - What is Tristan Bowyer’s race?

Human/Dark Being

fingerprint Nature
Character Strengths

Formerly: Determined || Outspoken || Selfless || Loving

Currently: Determined || Outspoken || Tough || Dynamic

Character Flaws

Formerly: Perfectionist || Strong-willed || Negativistic || Confidential || Constantly worries about himself

Currently: Perfectionist || Strong-willed || Power-hungry || Cruel || Erratic

Motivations - What motivates Tristan Bowyer most?

Formerly: His family's safety

Currently: Utar (He's controlled by them. {They want utter chaos and turmoil.} The heroes don't know this.)

Prejudices - What prejudices does Tristan Bowyer have?

Formerly: A criminal will always be a criminal

Currently: All humans are weak but peacemakers are useless

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tristan Bowyer have?

Cracking/Popping his joints
Bows when introducing himself or leaving

Talents - What talents does Tristan Bowyer have?

Formerly: Extremely good at fighting (Striking) || Ice Magic

Currently: Extremely good at fighting (Striking) || Ice Magic || He can regenerate the black part of his body like if a limb gets cut off or the black part of his neck gets cut || Can also shapeshift the black parts into weapons {mostly a claw} if he wishes (He does it very rarely)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Tristan Bowyer have?

Formerly: Spending time with family and friends || Training || Drinking

Currently: Training || Drinking || Being alone || Killing || Taunting his foes with their past

add Health



Formally: Slight alcoholism || Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Currently: Slight alcoholism || Slightly insane || Sadistic Personality Disorder (SPD)

groups Social
Occupation - What is Tristan Bowyer’s occupation?

Formerly: Bowyer

Currently: Killer

Religion - What religion does Tristan Bowyer practice?

Formerly: Atheist

Currently: The Order of Utar

Politics - What politics does Tristan Bowyer have?

Formerly: Liberalism

Currently: Dictatorship

Favorite color - What is Tristan Bowyer’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Tristan Bowyer’s favorite food?

Deer Meat

Favorite animal - What is Tristan Bowyer’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Tristan Bowyer’s favorite possession?
Favorite weapon - What is Tristan Bowyer’s favorite weapon?

Formerly: Ice Magic

Currently: His claw and Ice Magic

layers History
Education - What is Tristan Bowyer’s level of education?

Equivalent to 12th Grade

Background - What is Tristan Bowyer’s background?

He was born to Ace and Willow Bowyer with a black birthmark on the tip of his middle finger. His parents didn't really care about the mark at the time. He had a decent childhood.

As he got older the mark stayed small. The birthmark only grew when he got angry. The kids in his area noticed his weird birthmark was growing and being picking on him. He never told his parents, even when they asked about his bruises and how the mark had grown.

One day a girl named Karla came along and fended off the bullies. When she came up to him, she asked why he looked like that and he responded that it was a birthmark. He then asked why she helped and she replied saying no one should be picked on for how they were born. As they continued to meet, she finally told him about Jasmine and how she had weird birthmark too. They arranged a time they would meet near his house, while his parents were gone.

As soon as Karla and Jasmine arrived, Jasmine immediately looked for Tristan's birthmark and noticed his black fingers. When she asked if that was his birthmark, he replied saying that it was. She asked if his parents were strict about it and Tristan shook his head. He jumped and said he had to leave because his parents were coming from up the road. Before leaving, he said he'd like to talk to Jasmine more and she agreed. Karla came back to Tristan the next day, saying how she was forbidden from seeing Jasmine ever again. While she was upset, Karla said that she was glad she still had him.

10 years down the road they started to fall for each other but both were too shy to admit it at the time. Finally, Karla asked him when she turned 15 and Tristan was ecstatic. They got broke up 3 different times, due to Tristan not being able to control his anger and hitting things around both of their houses. His birthmark grew more and more and he started to hear a voice in his head, telling him to do terrible things to Karla. This scared him and even though he knew that Karla had noticed his growing birthmark, he didn't want to bring it up, worried he might hurt her or worse.
They eventually got together for the last time and married when Karla was 22 and Tristan was 23.

After 5 years, Karla and Tristan had to find another farm to get food from because the previous farm they went to shut down. The had heard of a large farm near them so they decided to go check it out. To both of their surprises, they saw Jasmine. Both of them finally rekindled their relationship with her and started one with her husband, Hunter.

They tried for kids 3 years later but do both of their horrors, Karla was infertile. She went into a depression and as Tristan reassured her that it was ok, he offered the option of adoption. For Karla's 30th birthday, they went to an orphanage and found Lily. Ayana then came rushing to her side, tightly grabbing her and asking them to not take her sister away from her. Even though they only planned to adopt 1 kid, seeing how close the 2 were, they adopted both kids.

A year later, Karla had met a young man named Seth out by the graveyard. She explained to Tristan that he was tending to his father's grave when some people came to vandalize it. He yelled at them to leave and said that's what caught her attention. She spoke with him for a while before going back home, telling him she'd like to keep in touch. He said he'd like that and they parted ways. Tristan said that was sweet of her and mentioned he hoped to meet him one day. He was also introduced to Dakota a year later by Cole during one of the family's visits.

The birthmark was still growing it was covering his entire arm and starting to cover his shoulder. He tried to stay calm but the voice in his head kept telling him the same thing, to destroy them...

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Tristan Bowyer have?


wc Relationships
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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