info Overview
Name - What is Jamison Holder’s full name?

Jamison Holder

Full Name

Jamison Carter Holder


Ellen usually calls him "Jay"

Age - How old is Jamison Holder?




Occupation - What is Jamison Holder’s occupation?




Birthday - When is Jamison Holder’s birthday?

June 11th

Played By:

Joshua Jackson

face Looks
Height - How tall is Jamison Holder?

6 FT 2 IN

Body Type


Eye Color - What is Jamison Holder’s eye color?


Hair Color - What color is Jamison Holder’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Jamison Holder style their hair?

He alway keeps it relatively short in a well-groomed cut






While he can and does look presentable and professional, he also loves his casual clothes. He's most commonly found in jeans and t-shirts and the occasional plaid button-down. Bomber jackets and pea coats are also favorites of his.

fingerprint Personality
Personality Overview

Jamison is a witty, well spoken and well written professional whose dry humor and sarcasm has sometimes gotten him into trouble. He is good at reading people and situations and sniffing out the truth and sometimes his accuracy at that can put people off, especially as he has no problem frankly telling someone what he sees when asked or when the opening arises. He is also driven and determined to be a master of the facts, which can also sometimes get him in trouble when he puts his nose too far in a direction that someone doesn't want.

He tends to over focus on getting those facts to the detriment of his personal relationships, although he does recognize this shortcoming and wants to remedy it. He often does his writing in public spaces to feel connected to others, and when not actively working a piece is a social butterfly who likes to chat and small talk with everyone.

Jamison absolutely does not like liars, manipulators, or people who try to skirt questions or distort the truth particularly for sinister reasons. He can get stubborn when faced with these kinds of people, dogged and determined to drag out the truth and not quitting when he's ahead. He's more than willing to put personal health and safety aside if the information he can gain can help the general public in some way. He's all for the 'greater good'.

His specialty is specifically in political journalism and activism, although he's mostly switched away from that now into purely criminal reporting.



all_inclusive Characterization
Opinion on Job

Jamison loves his job. He's often said to be married to his work, much to his own dismay as he would like to be actually married if he could. Journalism is a hard mistress, he is fond of saying, and the pursuit of truth even more so.

date_range History
Education - What is Jamison Holder’s level of education?

Jamison has a journalism degree and 15 years in the industry. He was a well-known and well-liked correspondent in Washington DC for a good 7 years before he was driven out by the powers that be.


Native in English, but he knows lots of words and phrases in lots of languages as he's picked them up for work, and he can usually muddle his way through any common language he might run into through the use of internet assisted translating. He's also got a strong handle on any of the Latin-based romance languages as he took a lot of Latin courses in college and so has a strong background in Latin.

History Overview

Jamison is Ellen's best friend and one of her longest running friendships to hold that title.

He grew up on a family farm in Texas, and always wanted to be an author growing up. But his writing took a dramatic turn into journalism when his much older sister disappeared and he decided to get into reporting. He went to an Ivy League University on the east coast and settled in Washington, DC for a number of years as intern, then reporter, then correspondent. His political pieces in particular took off and were widely popular with readers, but not at all popular with the politicians the pieces were aimed at.

He was gradually driven out of political expose pieces at the cost of his career, and, not to be deterred, began to focus on criminal activity instead. This proceeded to land him in even hotter water as he ended up on the wrong side of a drug cartel and had to flee to Helena, Montana, to settle in as a reporter in the capital there until things died down.

This is where Jamison and Ellen met, she a cop and he a reporter, and the two quickly became fast friends as they were able to use their respective careers to help one another. Their friendship deepened even further following Ellen's relationship and subsequent disastrous breakup with her ex, Richard Mason, and she moved in with him for a week until she could get back on her feet.

(He has also low key been keeping tabs on Richard's political career and committing casual subterfuge through his old contacts in Helena since Richard became State Attorney General, as a big "fuck you" to the man who hurt his best friend.)

Jamison is the one who actually suggested Ellen transfer to Bear River to help with the serial killer case there, but he was unable to follow as planned because of a resurgence of problems with the drug cartel, which he kept hidden from Ellen. Eventually Jamison was forced to leave Helena and settle back home with his aging parents in Texas for awhile, to both lay low and also look after them.

Ellen had Jamison out to stay with her and her parents a few times while she lived in New York, but they haven't seen each other in person in a few years, especially not since she settled in Snow Haven. They do frequently talk on the phone, text, and social media (although Ellen isn't as prolific a user as him) and still help each other out with research and cases as they're able, despite being in totally different states.

Ellen knows that Jamison is included in her mother's "circle of influence" and that Mama Vivian also frequently talks with him because she views him as one of her own, but she's not quite aware of how deep that connection goes. While he is close to Ellen's parents, he is NOT close to her brother; he has only met James once or twice but they have not gotten along the times that they've interacted.

ac_unit Magic Info
Species Type

Jamison is a Human

Awareness Overview

Jamison has some limited knowledge on the underground. He suspects it exists and has extremely basic and rudimentary info on some species (specifically Shifters, Vampires, and Mages) but that being said, he is also a mega skeptic who requires much more proof to fully believe that it's a thing and that the evidence he has (and witnessed himself over the course of his career) isn't just circumstantial or can be explained away through other means.

edit Notes & Fun Facts
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This character was created by Luna Mora on

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