info Overview
Name - What is Virgil Grigoryan’s full name?

Virgil Grigoryan


The Physician



Occupation - What is Virgil Grigoryan’s occupation?

Physician for The Iron Maiden



Played By:

Daki Savic

Description - Describe Virgil Grigoryan.

The Physician - easily the most important role in the club: the Head of Health & Safety. They are in charge of the mental and physical health and well being of the fighters in the Maiden, as well as being the Health Director for all the Healers the fight club employs.

The Physician is the one allowed to make the call on whether Gladiator matches can proceed, alongside Tartarus and Cerberus.

face Looks
fingerprint Personality
all_inclusive Characterization
date_range History
ac_unit Magic Info

He is revealed as a Unicorn to Jack, Madison, and the other Hell Hounds - but whether he's out to anyone else is yet to be determined.

edit Notes & Fun Facts
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This character was created by Luna Mora on

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