info Overview
Name - What is Pesadelo’s full name?


Role - What is Pesadelo’s role in your story?

Seer of the Moon

Other names - What other aliases does Pesadelo go by?

Akumu, Trom-laighe, Nightmare

Gender - What is Pesadelo’s gender?


Age - How old is Pesadelo?

Looks 33 years ( in human form)



Theme Song

The Name of the Sin by Hatsune Miku

face Looks
Weight - How much does Pesadelo weigh?

27.5 lbs.

Height - How tall is Pesadelo?


Hair Color - What color is Pesadelo’s hair?

Pale purple with a cyan stripe(human form)

Hair Style - How does Pesadelo style their hair?

Shoulder-length, top knot straight(human form)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Pesadelo have?


Eye Color - What is Pesadelo’s eye color?

Blue and Black

Race - What is Pesadelo’s race?

[[Race-44779]] , [[Race-44780]]

Race - What is Pesadelo’s race?

Skin Tone

Tan(human form)

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Pesadelo have?

There is nothing special about his human form. In his skeleton form there is a crack running down his right eye socket. There is also a large hole in his skull on his right side. His bones will also change to black if angred(corrupted form). He feels cold. When he falls asleep, his corrupted form loses enough shape to where he's just a little blob sitting on the ground.

person_pin Self-Perception
One Word They Would Use To Describe Self


settings_input_component Traits
Optimist or pessimist, and why?


Introvert or extrovert, and why?


Extremely unskilled at?


Good characteristics




Biggest Regret


If Not, How Did They Find Out?


If Not, How Does They Hide It?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Pesadelo have?

He is annoyed by mammals. His sentences are almost never started with "I'm". He carries around little candies or mints to chew on or mess with when he gets anxious or mess a way to repress his emotions. He will buy himself presents when he is sad or stressed.

Motivations - What motivates Pesadelo most?

He can be motivated by the ones he cares about, literally fighting through physical pain and illness.

Flaws - What flaws does Pesadelo have?

He can get so upset that NOBODY wishes to be around him. He tends to hold in his negative feelings. He never lies, only hides the truth. He doesn't know how to swim, and also hates water. He has pretty bad anxiety but has gotten so used to it that it's easy to hide it, but if his brother is in the area, he can't. He really does try to keep his own anger in check because he knows letting out it is usually detrimental to him as well, unless he's specifically aiming to upset certain people, then he let's it out like he's only got three hours to live. He actually gets tired very easily so that's not too rare of a sight. The most his arms could do is probably nudge someone. He's a jealous lover. He has a nasty temper and mood swings. He hates being unable to move or what he sees as being unable to defend himself. He's actually pretty bad at complimenting people he's attracted to.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Pesadelo have?


Talents - What talents does Pesadelo have?

He is good at tricking people into believing he knows what he's doing even if he's panicking inside. He is also good at picking out gifts for other people.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Pesadelo have?

He likes staring at the stars. He can play the violin like a goddamn boss along with the piano. His hobbies include reading, cooking, candlemaking, caring for reptiles, bonsai plants, and match sculptures.

Personality type - What personality type is Pesadelo?

He takes deals very personally and will not hesitate to kill whoever backs off from them(even if he rarely attacks people physically, mostly as a threat). He can be deceiving, erratic, unpredictable and evil. When he was younger, his brother said he was very smug, to which he loudly denies. Before the corruption, he was the more cocky and proud of the brothers. He has always been the more serious one, and is always interested in learning - both normal and corrupted each in their own ways for their own purposes. He is absolutely the kind of guy to walk up to someone and explain how a raccoon can fit into a human's anus without context. He's a giggly drunk. He actually takes pride in being called an octopus situations. He is aware that what he's doing is wrong, but constantly tells himself it shouldn't matter since he believes no one cared about him. His corruption opened his eyes to the fact that not everyone is a good person with the best intentions in mind, despite this, he still does his best to see the good things in life. He enjoys peace and quiet.

Magical abilities

He has an ability called Guard Freeze, which cools the area around him, effectively freezing most areas. If he's tired, he'll use his tentacles to move around, almost like a spider. The corruption that surrounds him creates an extremely powerful shield that renders him invulnerable to most things; if he were stabbed with something, his body would absorb it and there would be no damage. He can use Gaster Blasters. He can create an aura that can affect the entire universe he is in, and many others that are close enough. He doesn't need to move much to spread darkness. His tentacles are easily the strongest limbs on him, able to slice a thick tree without a problem. His eyelights can change into various shapes, he just prefers to keep it a plain circle because nope not gonna give anyone a chance to poke fun at him for it. Shapeshifting comes easily to him. He like to regularly swap his legs but for tentacles because he thinks it's funny how easily it disturbs people. He can't enter their dreams as frequently, but at least he's not kicked out when he can.



Hogwarts House


How do they react in a crisis?


How do they face problems?

With tact and logic

How does They React To Change?


groups Social
Politics - What politics does Pesadelo have?


Occupation - What is Pesadelo’s occupation?

Seer of the Moon

Favorite color - What is Pesadelo’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Pesadelo’s favorite food?

Caramel apples, cotton candy, mint & oreo ice cream, spicy food, anything apple related

Dislike Food


Favorite possession - What is Pesadelo’s favorite possession?

His crown

Favorite weapon - What is Pesadelo’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Pesadelo’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Pesadelo have?

Seer of the Moon

Job - What job does Pesadelo have?

Soul Color


Favorite Music


Favorite Literature


Favorite Clothing, And Why


date_range History
Birthday - When is Pesadelo’s birthday?

August 5th

Education - What is Pesadelo’s level of education?


Background - What is Pesadelo’s background?

As a child, he cared about his brother, and his homeland. He was supposed to keep balance with his brother. As time went on, people traveled from far and wide to meet his brother. He envied his brother because no one would talk to him. One day, he could not take it anymore. He was filled with hatred that the corruption within his body violently came out. This is the reason he has a hole in his skull and a crackdown his eye socket.

Death Date


Most Important Childhood Event That Still Affects Them And Why?


device_hub Family
Relationship With Mother


Age Of Siblings


Relationship With Siblings


Pets - What pets does Pesadelo have?


shopping_basket Inventory
palette Clothing
Color Palette

Black, Dark Blue, Pale Purple, Dark Purple, Blue, Silver, Gold


Prince-like regal clothing

edit Notes

He doesn't need to eat but is fully capable of getting drunk/high/etc. Sapphire is the only one who can stop him from putting a hole in the wall, or someone's head, after a failed day at work. He has a soft laugh.


"Game over. But you have not lost. I... have lost."
"It's not hot enough until I'm fucking sobbing."


Violate, Embrace, Worship, Feed Him

Pesadelo appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Pesadelo

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Pesadelo

Character chevron_right Children link linked Pesadelo

Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Pesadelo

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Pesadelo

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Pesadelo

This character was created by SapphireMoondancer on

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