World of Era

Chapter 11 Always Watch Your Back (UnderLust)

    World didn’t know where to go. She just wanted an AU that was nice. After cooking all those tacos with Blueberry was fun, but where to go? Maybe if she opened up a random portal it would lead to somewhere fun. She stepped into the portal and arrived in a Snowdin. She shivered at the cold and started walking to find a building. 

There were some monsters talking about in the open near the first building she saw. The way they were dressed was odd, cause of the cold. You would think they would be dressed in warm, thick clothes, but no they wear dressed in provocative clothes. It made her just a bit uncomfortable. She decided to walk past but hear a scream from the ally.

Chapter 12 Sir, I Think You’re Mistaken (Ink)

    World was having the time of her life. Akumu had introduces her properly to Dust. Apparently when they met before, he was having a bit of a break down. He apologized and she forgave him. Akumu asked if Dust could move over to where she was living. World was confused, but Akumu explained that it would probably help him if he was around more people. World agreed and now Dust was living with her. World would sometimes have to bring Dust away from the air that he was talking to.

    “Okay, so I’m going to see if I can find your friends? Killer, Horror, and Cross, right?”

    they’re not really friends, but sure…

    “Yes, but you need them. Plus, it will be nice to have more people here!” Dust smiled softly at her.

    So, do you have an idea of who you’re going for first?

    “Cross! He looks like he might be in the most pain.” She felt like she needs to help him the most.

    The traitor…

    “He didn’t want to go back to his AU as much as you did.” Dust nodded. Sometimes he forgot that.

Chapter 13 Rescuing a Guard (Xtale)

    It was interesting have skeletons around the house. Sonar and Akumu were happy to help rebuild the place and make it livable. Dust was just staying with to help him regain some of his sanity. He would help out sometimes. Sometimes World would have to help him. It was almost like they were a family. But they were still missing someone. After her run-in with Ink, World hadn’t been able to get over to Xtale. She still wanted to get Dust's friends.

Chapter 14 The Connection between Life and Death (Reapertale)

    World want to talk to Reaper. While she had got some answers about her past, she still needs to talk to him. The sword he had given her hadn’t been used at all. He told her it could be used to protect people, but she had been doing fine with her magic. And why give her a sword?

Chapter 15 An Epic Tale (Epictale)

    With Cross around World was learning about a thing called ‘memes'. They were interesting. She wasn’t sure she was getting them, but Cross was having fun. Life was getting more fun by the day.

    “Like this,” She bend one arm over her face.

Chapter 16 A Killer Can Have Emotions Too

    Can we please get Killer here?” Cross asked. It was clear to the World household that Cross had been depressed lately.

    “Why?” World asked. Cross looked away.

    Because Killer and Cross were a ‘thing’ for a while,

Chapter 17 The Colors of the Soul

    As they were about to leave Killer’s universe, another skeleton appeared, just like the rest of them. Part of his skull was missing; a bit like Akumu, as magic flared up out of the hole, the magic shift from one color to another. Actually, if she remembers right the color were of each SOUL trait expect determination.

Chapter 18 Hungry That Consumes the Mind

    “So, who else do we need?” World asked the group of mismatched skeletons. Her little group was growing by the day. But it was nice. She was never really alone anymore. They had to add-on more to the house which was slowly becoming a mansion as the days moved on.

Chapter 19 Farms of Magic

    I’m hungry.” Horror said.

    Horror, you’re always hungry.” Dust said back to Horror. Dust let out a sigh. He dug into his jacket and pull out a chocolate bar.

Chapter 20 Who’s This Bitch?!

    World sat between Sonar and Akumu, just contend that she had friends like them. She was reading through her book, properly looking at AUs so next time she jumped somewhere she knew what she was in for. A soft breeze blew in from the window. She flipped the page to an AU called Dreamtale. ‘That’s a pretty name for a universe.’ As she read about the universe, it talked about it like it was a fairytale. There was even a picture of… three skeletons? Why were there three?



    “Why are there three skeletons here when it only talks about two?”

    Are you looking at Dreamtale?


    That’s because two of those skeletons are the same person. You haven’t read to that part yet, have you?” World shook her head. What would cause one of the skeletons to change that much?

    “Can we go there?” She asked. She wanted to meet them. The two normal looking skeletons looked so cute! The first one had his arms around the second. The goopy one was a little bit scary, but maybe they were nice.  When she peered back over to Akumu he stared at her in conflict.

    “Akumu, is it not a good place to go?” He shook his head.

    I would love to go there, but the avatar Void has locked the universe off from everyone. Nightmare and Dream were so important and now they’re gone. I wish I could have met them.

    “Huh, what do you mean?”

    My brother and mine universe appeared after their universe was locked. I guess a Void wanted to fill the void their AU left, heh.” World thought about it for a moment.

    “Why did the Void lock the universe? Also, what does ‘lock the universe’ mean?” Akumu chuckled at her.

    A locked universe is one that a multiverse being can’t get into. I’m not sure if another Void can enter or not. As for why she did it, we don’t know.

    “Then I’m going there!” World looked determined to do this.

    You do know I won’t be able to go with you?

    “I know, but I’ll be okay!” She got up and started to open a portal. She had some difficult, like it didn’t want to open to Dreamtale, but she got it to open. She looked back at the two skeletons and gave them a smile walking into the portal.

    As she looked around there was hardly anything green left. The ground was black. It crinkled under her feet. Was that dead grass? The whole world seemed dead. As she peered around, she saw a large tree stump on a hill. There were three figures up there.

Chapter XX A Killer and A Guard Falling for Two Gods

Chapter XX Falling in Love

    World looked as Akumu and Nightmare got into a fight again. They were arguing about how they should work. Akumu and his brother had taken Nightmare and Dream’s spot in the multiverse to a point. But now that the two were back they needed to find out what they should do.

Chapter XX And Then There Was Three

    “Now, it’s time,” World looked down at her sheets of paper. She would finally create new Voids. She wasn’t sure if this would work, but she needs to know. She really didn’t think she could do this all alone. She feels a gentle hand resting on her shoulder. She knew it was Soñar.

Chapter XX The Birth of a Demon

    World was looking to create her very first world. It must be good if she needed to stop the destruction of the multiverse. Oh, why was this so hard?! She slammed her head on her writing desk.

    World, are you okay?” Akumu’s voice rang through the house. She could hear his footsteps as his move to her office.

    “I’m fine, just having difficulty making a world and story for it.” Akumu peak his head in through the door.

    You could always write something dark.” World nearly jump out her skin at Nightmare’s voice from behind her.

    “What the hell is your problem?!” She turned to yell at the goopy skeleton. He merely smirked at her reaction. He loved seeing her like this. Wait… what? He was not fall for her. That was impossible. He was the embodiment of negativity, he couldn’t fall in love, right?

Chapter XX Broken Dreams and Sweet Nightmares

    Nightmare and Akumu were getting closer to World. Akumu knew he like her, but Nightmare was denying that he even cared about her. Nightmare didn’t want to let her in. He would say it was because it made him weak, but he just didn’t want to be hurt again. How many times had he been hurt before?

Chapter XX A Ram Mets A Wolf

    Cauchemar opened a portal to the home of World. He had completed his job, so what was he to do now? He felt hallow without a job to do. He walked into the dark portal and was in World’s house. But she did not come to greet him. Where was she? Was something wrong?

    He began to move room to room looking for her.

Chapter XX Why Am I A High Schooler?

    Why was World’s swap version making so much chaos? This was so annoying. This was worse than the fight with Joku. How the hell was she to find this monster?! World was broken from her thoughts as a hand rested on her shoulder. She looked up to find Nightmare rubbing his eyelight and Akumu standing behind him looking tired.

    “Sorry, did I wake you two?”

    Yes, it’s impossible to sleep with your worry.” Nightmare stated bluntly. Akumu just looked annoyed at Nightmare.

    Are you okay, dearie?” Akumu hugged World, trying to drain her negativity.  Nightmare sighed.

    “I just need to find Eikichi before she does something that can’t be reverse.”

    You’ll find her. I believe in you.

    Yeah, I guess it’s better if you find her.” World was about to speak when her music player went off.

    The hell is that?” A song World found wall looking around was playing. If she remembers it was about a video game that looked like a dating simulation but wasn’t, because the one of the AI girls was aware of the fact she was in a game. Basically, it looked like a dating game, but was a horror game, a really messed up horror game.

    “It’s a song, what else?” Nightmare looked at her like he was about to spear her on his tentacles.

    “It’s an alarm I made to notify me if something is happening to a counterpart of mine.”

    So, should we go?” Akumu asked. He didn’t want to impose himself on her.

    “Yeah, both of you can come with me!” She quickly looked at the universes name to know where she was jumping. ‘What a weird name?’ The universe was called Isaac Beamer vs. Supernaturals. Well, she needed to get there.

    The three of them stepped out into a neighborhood.

Chapter XX An Empresses Mets the Gods of Creation and Destruction

    Sable looked out her frost covered window to buildings of the village she created. She watched the snow fall quietly to the ground. It was quiet. She hated it. The quiet to her was unsettling.

Chapter XX So a God and A Mortal Walk into A Bar…

    World was excited to finally meet face to face with her creations. She just hoped they liked her. What if they didn’t like her? What if they hated her? She felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She turned to face Akumu and Nightmare. She could do this. All she had to do was waiting for Cauchemar to return.

    Sable looked at Cal with surprise. She didn’t think she would be seeing Cal again for a while, but here he was and with another woman. She couldn’t help herself when she ran over to the two and hugged her brother.

    “Oh, I’m so happy you have come back Cal! And you have a girlfriend!” The woman stiff as a blush found its way on her face. Her wolf ears flatten against her head as she spoke back.

    “We’re not a… I mean us…”

    “Do you want to be together?” Cal asked. She looked like she didn’t know what to say.

    “Cauchemar, I don’t think she wants to answer that right now.” The three turn to see Eda leading against the door frame.

    “Eda, you’re back!” Sable ran over to hug her sister but Eda raises a hand for her to stop.

    “Look, I’m still angry at you. I only came back to know why he was here!” The way Eda had said those words had made the wolf lady angry.

    “The hell is your fucking problem, bitch?!”

    “Excuse me!”

    “He has been nothing but kind, and helpful.” The wolf lady yelled back.

    “More tricks and lies! Haven’t you cause enough trouble here!”

Chapter XX Fusion Are a Thing, really?

    It was quiet on Expos. Well, as quiet as it gets with two God-like skeletons, five Voids, and four guardians of negativity and positivity. Yelling was just a common thing now. World and Serif were hardly what anyone would consider friends. Serif says World as cold and emotionless. World tried to explain herself, but Serif wouldn’t listen to her. World has mainly given up on trying to explain the complexity of the multiverse and how worlds must be created even if they are in pain. For now, World just is staring down at the world below.

    “You, okay?”

Chapter XX Nightmares and Moons Fill My Mind 

    World was so tried from all the fighting and creating. She just wanted to relax. She nearly jumps at the arms that wrapped around her. Turning back, she sees Akumu behind her. In the corner of the room Nightmare is lending against the wall, tentacles flicking in different directions.

    “What do you two wants?” She hated that her words came out so blunt.