info Overview
Name - What is Bareris Graycastle’s full name?

Bareris Graycastle

Role - What is Bareris Graycastle’s role in your story?

Kingsreach Woodcutter


Man (he/him)

General Information

Once a landowner in the Dales, Lord Graycastle and his wife were chased away by a mob of mistreated villagers. Although the mistreatment occurred at the hands of a greedy, cruel sheriff under the Graycastle's dominion, Bareris considers himself guilty of negligence for having allowed the problem to get as bad as it did without his knowing. To atone, he and his wife Mara have come to Kingsreach to be woodcutters, warriors, and learn anew the lessons a lord and lady should take from their people.

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edit Notes
Party Impressions

Shah: I don't really get why Bareris feels guilty, but I'll wait to see how good of a worker he is and what he does next.

Ua-Lo: Bareris is good man, we think, to take responsibility for letting people be hurt. But most fair would be for sheriff to be punished too - we hope they did not get away with nothing!

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