Axe-O-Tron Model 2
Kingsreach Woodcutter
? (they/them)
A so-called "warforged", essentially a wooden golem made by Ms Timbers, the carpenter and inventor. Often referred to by their co-workers as "A2", Axe-O-Tron Model 2 is an absolute professional and has a surprisingly developed sense of humor for a construct (though this is mostly used to make groan-inducing puns). Their pipe is actually an exhaust port for the furnace that keeps them running.
Shah: A2 is simple and funny, and I feel safe around them.
Ua-Lo: Such incredible magic, making creature from wood! We must make note for Professor... but yes, A2 is very good worker, we have challenged them many times to see who chops wood fastest! Present, we are neck and neck, we think.