info Overview
Name - What is Deena Timbers’s full name?

Deena Timbers

Role - What is Deena Timbers’s role in your story?

Kingsreach Carpenter and Inventor


Woman (she/her)

General Information

Master carpenter, inventor extraordinaire, and decent with a lute besides. Deena Timbers is the life of just about every party she's ever been to, and there's a good chance she built the house it took place in and all the furniture too. Upbeat and unflappable, she can leave you feeling like a tornado just passed you by.

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edit Notes
Party Impressions

Shah: Deena is exhausting! Even so, I don't avoid her. I like her.

Ua-Lo: Is amazing Deena has so many talents! Reminds us of Juliette little bit. At first we were little shy to talk, since she is so pretty, but when we started making music with Awrk, she joined us! Is much easier now to speak to her, and even ask about A2 for Professor's notes.

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