info Overview
Name - What is Captain Hank Clark’s full name?

Captain Hank Clark

Role - What is Captain Hank Clark’s role in your story?

Sauve, cheeky leader. Unconventional role model for the MC, and a bold and daring icon for others... but with some major flaws.

Other names - What other aliases does Captain Hank Clark go by?

Henry Avery (real name)

Gender - What is Captain Hank Clark’s gender?


Age - How old is Captain Hank Clark?

Around 56

face Looks
Height - How tall is Captain Hank Clark?


Hair Color - What color is Captain Hank Clark’s hair?

Rich auburn

Hair Style - How does Captain Hank Clark style their hair?

Loose ponytail, tied with a pink bow

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Captain Hank Clark have?

beard and mustache whiskers

Eye Color - What is Captain Hank Clark’s eye color?

Emerald green

Skin Tone


Body Type

A muscular T. Lean muscles, and in loose clothing he can appear weaker than he is.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Captain Hank Clark have?

Chunk missing from his abdomen. Crooked nose.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Captain Hank Clark have?

Cheeky, suave, arrogant, manipulative, silver-tongued, authoritative

Motivations - What motivates Captain Hank Clark most?


Flaws - What flaws does Captain Hank Clark have?

Motivated to a fault by vengeance, puts the goal first without much care for casualties, alcoholic, unhinged when questioned or under potential failure

Prejudices - What prejudices does Captain Hank Clark have?

The snooty upper class... to hell with them.

Talents - What talents does Captain Hank Clark have?

Master with a sword, adept sailor, expert at gaining loyalties

Hobbies - What hobbies does Captain Hank Clark have?

Builds model ships

Personality type - What personality type is Captain Hank Clark?

Charming slytherin type

Cheeky and confident pirate.
The captain rose to the rank of admiral in the navy in record time in his youth, but in boredom, took to piracy to pursue adventure and a free life. He is dirt poor, but one of the happiest souls you could ever meet. There is nothing he loves more than the sea.

However, Hank is not without his demons. He made a mistake in his youth by swearing allegiance to a notorious pirate called The Witch, or Darling, who made some decisions that he could not agree with in good conscious. He struck out, with a crew that remained more loyal to him than her, and she sunk his ship and the nearly fifty good men that crewed it. He has hungered for revenge for sixteen years.

He is a fantastic sailor, and has a telekinetic Gift that he seldom makes use of (as it carries a Trace that can be detected by some dangerous people that are after him).
He is well-respected.
Enjoys rum and playing on his banjo. Has an affinity for teasing the fox boy that he took under his wing (Dorian, in the images. I can post a character profile for Dorry if anyone's interested). His hands are covered in scars from being bitten by the fox.

Hank is a WEREWOLF.


Gifted (same as Walter Avery ) and a werewolf

groups Social
date_range History
Education - What is Captain Hank Clark’s level of education?

Top tier education

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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