info Overview
Name - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s full name?

Cassandra Day Hunter

Role - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s role in your story?

Semi-Main Character, Round

Other names - What other aliases does Cassandra Day Hunter go by?

Cassandra Day, Cassie Hunter, Cass

Gender - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s gender?

She's Abi's mom, so.... FEMALE DUH

Age - How old is Cassandra Day Hunter?

Cas is around 42 years old

face Looks
Weight - How much does Cassandra Day Hunter weigh?

Around 140 pounds.... no big deal

Height - How tall is Cassandra Day Hunter?

She is only a little taller than Abi, at 6'

Hair Color - What color is Cassandra Day Hunter’s hair?

Contrary to Abigail, Cass's hair is amber brown

Hair Style - How does Cassandra Day Hunter style their hair?

Down, with a small braid tucked behind her ear.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

Again, slight bangs.

Eye Color - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Race - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s race?


Skin Tone

A wee lighter than Abigail's skin.

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She has none.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

Cass is sort of timid, she loves her daughter and sometimes neglects to show it, and she really comes out of her shell in the course of the book. She also treats problems like a building, and her idea of solving problems is building solutions for it and using them all.

Motivations - What motivates Cassandra Day Hunter most?

She does what she does out of love for Abigail and her deceased husband. She has a lot of faith in Abi, but not really in Ab's book. She cannot see Mallory, but she gets a glimpse of Frank, which counts as HIS Feat - which kills him.

Flaws - What flaws does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She has grown a little overprotective since Frank's passing, and as such does what a normal overprotective mom would; and stops Abigail from going to the Ünterworld.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She... is pretty easygoing and I don't really think she has any.....

Talents - What talents does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She is an artichect, and a good one at that!

Hobbies - What hobbies does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She designs buildings as a hobby. She is also a part-time florist, so there's that as well.

Personality type - What personality type is Cassandra Day Hunter?

She is pretty easygoing, an ambivert like Abi, and is a big sap at heart.


once again, NONE!

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Cassandra Day Hunter practice?

Same as Abi!

Politics - What politics does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

She doesn't care much for that sort of stuff, to be honest.

Occupation - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s occupation?

Mom, artichect and florist.

Favorite color - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s favorite color?

Sunset pink

Favorite food - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s favorite food?

Egg rolls

Favorite possession - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s favorite possession?

Her blueprints for buildings. She's quite proud of them.

Favorite weapon - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s favorite weapon?

She has no weapons. She's a mild-mannered mom who is a semi-minor character. She doesn't deserve weapons.

Favorite animal - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s favorite animal?

She likes pandas!

Job - What job does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

Mom, artichect, florist. Again.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Cassandra Day Hunter’s birthday?

November 17th

Education - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s level of education?

Finished college. Now a mom. WHat's new?

Background - What is Cassandra Day Hunter’s background?

She grew up in a ratty house, and that's where her love of designing buildings came from. She did well in school, and after graduating college went to work at Gemini's Pizzeria. Two years later, she falls completely for Frank Hunter, and they get married a short time later. They have Abigail and are very happy together.... but nothing that good ever lasts.

Twelve years later, Frank dies in a car crash. Needless to say, Cass is devastated. Since then, she's grown very overprotective of Abi and sort of retreated to her shell.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cassandra Day Hunter have?

None, unless you count Abigail's pet fish Larry.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
edit_location Spirits / Ghosts Known
How did they meet?

Cass met Ghost Frank when Mal unsuccessfully tried to break Frank in to see Cass. Cass saw him, and the Ünterworld was forever changed. Literally.

Which ghosts and spirits does this character know?

Ghost Frank, and later on she knows about Mallory. She can't see Mal.

format_quote Quotes
Inspiring Quote from this character:

"I won't just let you die, Abi. If you're going to die, I'm coming with you!"

wc Relationships
equalizer Backstory
account_circle Quirk
all_out Onion-ness
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Cassandra Day Hunter

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Cassandra Day Hunter

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