info Overview
Name - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s full name?

Karla Smith-Bowyer

Role - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s role in your story?



Kary (Jasmine and Hunter)
Kitten & Karls (Tristan)
Mom (Lily)
Mommy (Ayana and Lily)

Gender - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s gender?


Birthday - When is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s birthday?

August 14, 1006

Age - How old is Karla Smith-Bowyer?



Sexual: Heterosexual
Romantic: Biromantic

face Looks
Height - How tall is Karla Smith-Bowyer?


Weight - How much does Karla Smith-Bowyer weigh?

136 lbs

Body Type

Skinny-fat (Looks skinny but hides some fat, mostly around her stomach)
Bra Size: D

Hair Color - What color is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s hair?

Copper red

Hair Style - How does Karla Smith-Bowyer style their hair?

Mid-back length, curly hair with bangs on both sides

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?


Eyebrows: Medium rounded with a high arch

Eye Color - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s eye color?

Forest green

Skin Tone

Dark cream

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?

The large claw scar covering most of her face
Another claw scar going down the middle of her back

Race - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s race?


Linked Races

fingerprint Nature
Character Strengths

Very loving and caring to close friends and family
Wants everyone to be safe

Character Flaws

Before she got her scars: Pessimistic || Bad temper when someone speaks ill of her daughters || Enervated (Lacks motivation) || Loquacious

After she got her scars: Pessimistic || Bad temper when someone speaks ill of her daughters || Enervated (Lacks motivation) || Distant || Hostile when people ask about her scars


Staying inside
Holding hands


People staring at her
Loud noises
Waking up early
Not being able to be there for her friends and family

Motivations - What motivates Karla Smith-Bowyer most?

Her daughters' safety

Prejudices - What prejudices does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?

Before she got her scars: Infertile women are inferior to fertile woman

After she got her scars: Infertile women are inferior to fertile woman || No one can be completely trusted

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?

Mutters under her breath a lot
Fiddles with her hands when talking
Taps her foot, hand or finger(s) when bored
Avoids having eye contact with anyone who's not family or very close friends

Talents - What talents does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?

Extremely good at singing but will never admit it

Hobbies - What hobbies does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?

Spending time with family and friends

add Health

Partially blind in left eye (She mostly keeps it open)


Major Depressive Disorder (MDD/Major Depression)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

groups Social
Languages spoken

Occupation - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s occupation?


Religion - What religion does Karla Smith-Bowyer practice?

Before she got her scars: The Children of Savian

After she got her scars: Atheism

Politics - What politics does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?


Favorite color - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s favorite animal?


Favorite possession - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s favorite possession?

Wedding Ring (K) and her necklace

Favorite weapon - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s favorite weapon?

Her mind (but can use a bow)

Best Friends

Tristan (Formally)







layers History
Education - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s level of education?

Equivalent to 12th Grade

Background - What is Karla Smith-Bowyer’s background?

She was born as a single child to Zane and Darcy. She had a relatively normal childhood but her parents worked a lot, leaving her mostly to her own. She did have a couple friends, Tristan and Jasmine.

When she was 3, she met Jasmine, who was 6. She tried to help her become more confident about her white birthmark. It didn't really work but she assured Jasmine she'd like her even if no one else did. They hung out as much as Jasmine's parents would allow and they were watched by Karla's parents.

When she was 6, she met Tristan, who was 7. When she first met him, he was being picked on by some kids in the area. She fended off the bullies and went to introduce herself. He scared her a bit because of his black fingertips. She asked why they looked like that and he responded that it was a birthmark. He then asked why she helped and she replied saying no one should be picked on for how they were born.

Later on, Karla told him about her friend, Jasmine, and how she had a weird birthmark too. They arranged a time they would meet near his house, while both Jasmine's and his parents were gone. As soon as Karla and Jasmine arrived, Jasmine immediately looked for Tristan's birthmark and noticed his black fingers. When she asked if that was his birthmark, he replied saying that it was. She asked if his parents were strict about it and Tristan shook his head. He jumped and said he had to leave because his parents were coming from up the road. Before leaving, he said he'd like to talk to Jasmine more and she agreed.

When the girls arrived back at Karla's house, both of their parents were there and while Karla's parents looked concerned, Jasmine's parents looked upset. They then forbid her to hang out with Karla anymore, to the shock of Zane and Darcy. Before they could ask why, Jasmine and her parents were gone. Karla dearly missed Jasmine but was still thankful her and Tristan were friends.

10 years down the road they started to fall for each other but both were too shy to admit it at the time. Finally, Karla decided to ask him out when she turned 15 and Tristan was ecstatic. They got broke up 3 different times, due to Tristan not being able to control his anger and hitting things around both of their houses. She noticed that every time Tristan had gotten mad, his birthmark grew. She never said anything about it, fearing it would upset him more. They eventually got together for the last time and married when Karla was 22 and Tristan was 23.

After 5 years, Karla and Tristan had to find another farm to get food from because the previous farm they went to shut down. The had heard of a large farm near them so they decided to go check it out. To both of their surprises, they saw Jasmine. Both of them finally rekindled their relationship with her and started one with her husband, Hunter.

They tried for kids 3 years later but to both of their horrors, Karla was infertile. She went into a depression, upset at herself for not being able to have kids. As Tristan reassured her that it was ok, he offered the option of adoption.

For Karla's 30th birthday, they went to an orphanage and found Lily. Ayana then came rushing to her side, tightly grabbing her and asking them to not take her sister away from her. Even though they only planned to adopt 1 kid, seeing how close the 2 were, they adopted both kids.

She was introduced to Dakota 2 years later by Cole during one of the family's visits. She would also make a new friend, Seth, the next year. She had spoken to him, seeing that he was yelling at people for something in a graveyard. She didn't know what compelled her to talk to him but she went up to him and asked him why he was yelling. He said that those people were messing with his father's grave. They spoke for a little bit before she said she had to get back home him. Before she left, she said she'd like to keep in touch. He said he'd like that and they parted ways. She kept contact with Seth, helping him with the loss of his father and becoming a mother figure to him. She even took Ayana and Lily to met him a few times. Life was normal, until a year later...

device_hub Family

Darcy (Webster) Smith


Zane Smith



Love Interests


Significant Other



Tristan Bowyer


Adoptive: Ayana {Baker} Bowyer || Lily {Trueman} Bowyer

Pets - What pets does Karla Smith-Bowyer have?


wc Relationships
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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