info Overview
Name - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s full name?

Claire Telly Baxter

Role - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s role in your story?

A side character

Other names - What other aliases does Claire Telly Baxter go by?

Tel, claritel, baxy

Gender - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s gender?


Age - How old is Claire Telly Baxter?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Claire Telly Baxter weigh?

About 175 pounds

Height - How tall is Claire Telly Baxter?


Hair Color - What color is Claire Telly Baxter’s hair?

White (not dyed)

Hair Style - How does Claire Telly Baxter style their hair?

She wears it in a Ponytail most of the time

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Claire Telly Baxter have?


Eye Color - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s eye color?

Dark violet

Race - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Kindof an hourglass shape

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Claire Telly Baxter have?

A scar on the back of her left hand

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Claire Telly Baxter have?

She has a habit of staring at the people he's talking to, the whole time

Motivations - What motivates Claire Telly Baxter most?

Experimenting on her patients for "good causes" (lies)

Flaws - What flaws does Claire Telly Baxter have?

Shes easily distracted

Talents - What talents does Claire Telly Baxter have?

Being able to remember pretty much anything

Hobbies - What hobbies does Claire Telly Baxter have?

Reading and drawing


Narcissistic personality disorder

groups Social
Occupation - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s occupation?

A scientist

Favorite color - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s favorite food?

Jelly donuts, though shes rarely been caught eating one

Favorite possession - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s favorite possession?

Her clipboard, where she keeps drawings underneath important documents

Favorite weapon - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s favorite weapon?

Her pen

Favorite animal - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s favorite animal?

Arctic fox

Job - What job does Claire Telly Baxter have?

She works at Moonstone Labs as the head scientist

date_range History
Birthday - When is Claire Telly Baxter’s birthday?

September 11

Education - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s level of education?

College level

Background - What is Claire Telly Baxter’s background?

All I'm gonna say is that she's the scientist who stole Jay

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Shes unable to have children of her own, and that might just have a small part to do with why she stole Jay

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This character was created by Panda Fuzz on

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