info Overview
Name - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s full name?

Jay Ryan Brown

Role - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Jay Ryan Brown go by?

Jacob, Jaylexander (joke name)

Gender - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s gender?


Age - How old is Jay Ryan Brown ?

17, but only a few months away from being 18

Sexuality and pronouns

He really loves anyone, gender doesn't matter at all to him. So he's pansexual and panromantic, and his pronouns are obviously he/him.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Jay Ryan Brown weigh?

100 pounds

Height - How tall is Jay Ryan Brown ?


Hair Color - What color is Jay Ryan Brown ’s hair?

Dark blue

Hair Style - How does Jay Ryan Brown style their hair?

He can't really style his hair at all, so it's usually really messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jay Ryan Brown have?


Eye Color - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s eye color?

A blue that's a bit lighter than his hair

Race - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s race?


Skin Tone

Really, really pale

Body Type

Hes really thin, with his entire left arm and half of his face manifesting as a black sludge that usually stays in the same shape that his arm and face would normally be

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jay Ryan Brown have?

A bunch of scars on his arms, torso, and head. This is mostly where emergency surgery was preformed. Sometimes to keep him alive, others to keep his arms from needing to be amputated, but either way he's in mostly stable position now.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jay Ryan Brown have?

He's really impulsive and unpredictable most times, usually doing whatever he wants unless there's a severe punishment

Motivations - What motivates Jay Ryan Brown most?

Being able to see outside the facility he's trapped in. He's constantly trying to escape

Flaws - What flaws does Jay Ryan Brown have?

His impulsiveness and unpredictability usually lands him in bad situations

Prejudices - What prejudices does Jay Ryan Brown have?

That everybody deserves freedom. This mostly branches from how he's been raised, as well as the other people that are trapped in the facility that his room is in.

Talents - What talents does Jay Ryan Brown have?

Making stuff out of random things. He's really fidgety and makes random things out of whatever he can to keep his hands busy

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jay Ryan Brown have?

Collecting things he's made that haven't been taken away from him yet

Personality type - What personality type is Jay Ryan Brown ?



As mentioned earlier, he's half alien. The lab he's in experimented on him multiple times, eventually infusing him with an alien, which is why his arm and face look like they do.

He also has undiagnosed ADHD, dyslexia and anxiety

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jay Ryan Brown practice?

He hasn't really been exposed to many things like religion, society, ect, but has heard some scientists occasionally saying, "God help me!" Or, "Jesus!!" He uses those terms sometimes though he has no idea what they mean, so technically he's an atheist

Politics - What politics does Jay Ryan Brown have?


Occupation - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s occupation?

None, unless "Lab experiment" counts as an occupation

Favorite color - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s favorite color?

Probably blue or green

Favorite food - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s favorite food?

The food they give him is usually really bland, but the one time hes eaten chocolate brought in by one of the kinder scientists, he immediately fell in love with it. So chocolate is his favorite food

Favorite possession - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s favorite possession?

Mostly things he's made out of random fabric scraps and peices of metal that he's been able to find

Favorite weapon - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s favorite weapon?

Usually when he gets physical he throws punches and kicks

Favorite animal - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s favorite animal?

Probably any animal he sees

Job - What job does Jay Ryan Brown have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Jay Ryan Brown ’s birthday?

December 11th

Education - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s level of education?

Not much, though hes really good at science since he's grown up around it

Background - What is Jay Ryan Brown ’s background?

When he was about 9 he was kindof, stolen from his mom and brought to Moonstone Labs. As soon as he was old enough (about 10) he was started to be experimented on, eventually having an alien infused with his DNA at the age of 12. He's spent a good amount of his life in a stasis tank as hes gotten experimented on, and when he is let out it's usually only for a month or two at a time. Sometimes it's 3 months, but that's only when something's gone..wrong. One of these one to three month long periods is when he met Infano, but thankfully they don't spend too long apart because this period that they met in was, one of the last one to three month long periods.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Jay Ryan Brown have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

The alien half of him is named Nyx, since it basically has a conciousness of its own. So basically there's just, two different people inhabiting the same body. Jay is in control most of the time, but when Nyx comes out, things get kindaaaaa..messy-

Also he has extreme claustrophobia, like, if he's in a small place for too long (about 5 minutes) he'll literally pass out from fear. This is because of how long hes spent in stasis tanks.

Also he has literal PTSD because of Claire, she's a horrible person

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