info Overview
Name - What is Noah Bertram’s full name?

Noah Bertram

Role - What is Noah Bertram’s role in your story?

Rebel Leader

Gender - What is Noah Bertram’s gender?


face Looks
fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Noah Bertram have?

Enjoys borderline-fanatical speeches. Very intense. Shows glee at people he hates' pain, and often deliberately plays up his bloodthirstiness to unsettle. Obsessed with fire and blood imagery.

Motivations - What motivates Noah Bertram most?

Wants to create an "equal" world and take down the monarchy

Flaws - What flaws does Noah Bertram have?

Impulsive, pushes others away, capricious and cruel, honestly doesn't have much of an idea how armies or kingdoms work

Prejudices - What prejudices does Noah Bertram have?

HATES nobles with a passion.

Talents - What talents does Noah Bertram have?

Combat, fiery speeches, riling up people and turning them somehow to his side

Hobbies - What hobbies does Noah Bertram have?


Personality type - What personality type is Noah Bertram?

Aggressive and a bit insane

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Noah Bertram practice?


Politics - What politics does Noah Bertram have?

He wants to kill nobles and abolish the Chair caste system, redistribute wealth, abolish monarchy and set up a republic where everybody is equal.

Occupation - What is Noah Bertram’s occupation?

Rebel leader/general

Favorite color - What is Noah Bertram’s favorite color?

RED and maybe black too but eh

Favorite food - What is Noah Bertram’s favorite food?

Anything scorched to a crisp

Favorite possession - What is Noah Bertram’s favorite possession?

Glow sticks, or a match he can dramatically light and stare at

Favorite weapon - What is Noah Bertram’s favorite weapon?

Red knives, or flaming torch, or glow stick

date_range History
Education - What is Noah Bertram’s level of education?

Uneducated peasant

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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