The abandoned bullmastiff that had a home and family but wasn't actually 'part of the family' because he wasn't paid any attention to and Alex was pretty much the only person who fed him, like, ever
Ken; buddy; friend; dude
3 years old
137 pounds (give or take)
idk does it matter?
short, thick (for colder weather)
I don't... think so?
Chocolate brown
Bullmastiff dog
tall, muscular, (big)
A white spot on his chest, white paws.
Friendly, protective, calm, midly playful
Alex and his welfare
can be mistrustful and sometimes aggressive when he or his dad is threatened
all people suck accept for Alex and Sunshine-lady that always distracts Alex (Annie)
fetching, comfort, being adorable
comforting people, eating shoes
protective, mildly playful, calm
dies of a heart condition
Alex's birthday, whenever that is
Lived in a family, but was only for image, so was very neglected and was only tended to by Alex for the LONGEST time.
He doesn't get with another dog, doesn't have any kids of his own, but is like the protective uncle for the kittens.
This character was created by Nijiko Tames on
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