info Overview
Name - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s full name?

Andrea Camilla Vain

Role - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s role in your story?

Confused Main

Other names - What other aliases does Andrea Camilla Vain go by?


Gender - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s gender?


Age - How old is Andrea Camilla Vain?

16, almost 17

face Looks
Weight - How much does Andrea Camilla Vain weigh?

140 pounds

Height - How tall is Andrea Camilla Vain?


Hair Color - What color is Andrea Camilla Vain’s hair?

Caramel Blonde

Hair Style - How does Andrea Camilla Vain style their hair?

Unevenly split dutch braids, messy bun, ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andrea Camilla Vain have?


Eye Color - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s eye color?

Stormy Blue

Race - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s race?

White Human, With Dutch Background

Skin Tone

Pink undertones, but pale mostly

Body Type

Short and curvy, with more fat than muscle really

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Brown freckles on her nose, acne on her face

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Happy-go-lucky, love people, but needs time for herself in order to really function at full speed

Motivations - What motivates Andrea Camilla Vain most?


Flaws - What flaws does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Can be a bit of a pushover, is lazy, doesn't stay motivated easily

Prejudices - What prejudices does Andrea Camilla Vain have?


Talents - What talents does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Very musically inclined, is creative, can sort of draw and paint.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Creative writing, singing, playing piano

Personality type - What personality type is Andrea Camilla Vain?

Type B


Eczema, Anxiety, Some depression (occasionally)

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Andrea Camilla Vain practice?

LDS Christian

Politics - What politics does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Doesn't belong to any party. Agrees with points on both sides and disagrees with points on both sides as well.

Occupation - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s favorite food?

Doesn't have one. Loves whatever she craves.

Favorite possession - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s favorite possession?

Stuffed narwhal she got for christmas

Favorite weapon - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s favorite weapon?

Unshakable positivity and love for everyone (?)

Favorite animal - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s favorite animal?

Sea otters, with narwhals coming in as a close second

Job - What job does Andrea Camilla Vain have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Andrea Camilla Vain’s birthday?

April 20th

Education - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s level of education?

Is in the middle of junior year

Background - What is Andrea Camilla Vain’s background?

Comes from a big family, has friends back in her hometown after she moved

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Andrea Camilla Vain have?

Two dogs and two cats, used to have a goldfish but it died.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This is supposed to be a depressing story, but with bright, uplifting points to it as well.

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This character was created by Nijiko Tames on

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