info Overview
Name - What is Thala Chrysos’s full name?

Thala Chrysos

Role - What is Thala Chrysos’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Thala Chrysos go by?

Fallen Angel - Nickname given when he became a pirate

Gender - What is Thala Chrysos’s gender?

Male (goes by he/they pronouns)

Age - How old is Thala Chrysos?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Thala Chrysos weigh?

150 lbs

Height - How tall is Thala Chrysos?


Hair Color - What color is Thala Chrysos’s hair?

Dyed light blond - almost white
Naturally an ashy brown

Hair Style - How does Thala Chrysos style their hair?

Used to be short
Now slightly long to where it can be tied back

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Thala Chrysos have?


Eye Color - What is Thala Chrysos’s eye color?

Gold - inherited and a defining trait of his family

Race - What is Thala Chrysos’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Thin but strong

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Thala Chrysos have?

Gold eyes
Scar on the left eye and another crisscrossing from the bottom right corner of his mouth

card_travel Clothes
General style

At least 2 layers
Kind of fancy

If he was in this world, his style would be a bit retro/old fashioned

Color scheme

Black, white, dull yellows, light browns


Jewelry of any kind
Black mask covering bottom half of his face

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Thala Chrysos have?

No matter where he is, Thala somehow always manages to find a place to lie down or relax.
When he's talking, he tends to put one of his hands on his waist
He has a naturally soft voice
Scary looking/intimidating
He likes joking around, pulling off pranks of varying complexity

Motivations - What motivates Thala Chrysos most?

Avoiding his old family and life
Adventure with his crew

Flaws - What flaws does Thala Chrysos have?

He can be a bit too chill and has an air of arrogance
Also doesn't take criticism very well and has a hard time admitting he's wrong

Prejudices - What prejudices does Thala Chrysos have?

Nobles, rich people in general

Talents - What talents does Thala Chrysos have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does Thala Chrysos have?


Personality type - What personality type is Thala Chrysos?

Ambivert - leaning towards introverted



groups Social
Religion - What religion does Thala Chrysos practice?


Politics - What politics does Thala Chrysos have?


Occupation - What is Thala Chrysos’s occupation?

Pirate captain

Favorite color - What is Thala Chrysos’s favorite color?

Blue - the dull color of a stormy sea

Favorite food - What is Thala Chrysos’s favorite food?

Fresh fish
(Absolutely despises dried/salted fish)

Favorite possession - What is Thala Chrysos’s favorite possession?

His ship, the Purple Rose

Favorite weapon - What is Thala Chrysos’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Thala Chrysos’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Thala Chrysos have?


Pets - What pets does Thala Chrysos have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Thala Chrysos’s birthday?

October 4, Year Unknown

Education - What is Thala Chrysos’s level of education?

Privately tutored (for a time)
Learns sailing from Alexi

Background - What is Thala Chrysos’s background?

Having grown up as the son of a very high ranking duke, Thala was subject to very high pressure, little to no positive encouragement, and a rigorous training schedule. Finally having enough of this lifestyle, one day he snuck away at night along with his attendant, Theo, stealing one of the ships from his father's prized navy.
Over the next few years, he gathered a crew from all over the kingdom, often by saving them from a likely death. He meets Elliot and Alexi through Theo when he needed medical help.

shopping_basket Inventory
audiotrack Music
Music they would listen to

Anything playing in a tavern sounds good when he's drunk enough
Sea shanties

Music that gives their vibe

Castle by Halsey

I really don't know anything else help

Music for imaginary animations

Ship in a Bottle by fin

edit Notes

QPP with Theo

Like that one anime character who always has their eyes closed up until they get serious - if Thala stops looking sleepy, you should probably brace yourself.

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Thala Chrysos

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Thala Chrysos

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