info Overview
Name - What is House of the Wizards's name?

House of the Wizards

Description - How would you describe House of the Wizards?

A house sitting atop a gentle hill, overlooking the wide open land of Equestria. Star Swirl and the five other wizards make their home here, along with the adopted royal sisters.

Type of building - What kind of building is House of the Wizards?

Just shy of being a stately mansion

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns House of the Wizards?

Star Swirl the Bearded

Tenants - Who lives or works in House of the Wizards?

The five other wizards, who help Star Swirl raise and lower the sun and moon.
Celestia, Andromeda, Luna, the five wizards

Affiliation - What groups or organizations is House of the Wizards affiliated with?

Village guard

Capacity - How many people can House of the Wizards hold?

About twenty

format_paint Design
Flooring - What kind of flooring does House of the Wizards have?


extension Usage
Bedrooms - How many bedrooms does House of the Wizards have?

One each for the six wizards, one for the royal sisters, and an extra

Purpose - Why does House of the Wizards exist? What is it for?

A home for the wizards

location_on Location
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
Neighborhood name - What is the name of the neighborhood House of the Wizards is in?


View - What is the view like from House of the Wizards?

The village, open Equestria, and Canterlot mountain.

attach_money Financial
pool Amenities
date_range History
edit Notes

This building was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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