forum Writing Prompts
Started by @Bandito

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@furetakunai ac_unit

Ten: Why did you leave us?

(Warning: if this is bad, my excuse is that I wrote it while tired lolol.)

Haruki lied in bed and stared at a picture of Her. It stood on a nightstand in a frame, back leg supporting the full image. In the photo, she stared right back, a golden eye stabbing the eyes of all who dared glance at her, and a beautiful, intricate flower on the other eye, a reward to all eyes that dared to stare.

Haruki's eyes stuck onto every feature of her. Her short, jet black hair, the flat line that the space between her chapped lips made. Even the ruffles on her Brunswick-green blouse. One could say the way he stared was creepy. Well– at least, ones who didn't know why he stared. But the reason, even to him, was quite unclear. Regret, resentment, remorse– he could hardly tell the difference between any of the feelings. And after some time of staring, he dropped the contact he made with the photo.

He tossed to the side a bit, his back making full contact with the bed he lied upon. He stared at the ceiling, which he was completely able to do, with it being daytime. His eyes moved to all corners of the room while in thought, and once he caught all the corners, he just did it again. His mind pondered all sorts of things. The people he had hurt, friends who swore they'd never leave but did anyway, happy times in his childhood… and not so happy times too. He wondered whether he could even get out of bed to work that day, and if he could do it again and again, until the day he'd meet the back of his eyelids one last time. And have a conversation with them, forever. Words flew into his mind:

'Can you imagine just floating in the arms of anti-gravity, sleeping?'

He decided sharply, before his mind could wander any farther. The answer was yes, he could get out of bed. And with this decision, he sprung himself up and got ready for a day at work. He had told himself already that there was no possible way for it to be too dreadful. He worked in a community park. So the likelihood of some big disaster was slim. And with all this preparation, mental and physical, he walked out the door, sat in his car, and set off for work. Soon arriving to the scene.

Yet another day, the park remained unchanged. People walking the trails, some with their dogs, some with family, some alone, just taking in the nature. And on the topic of the nature, the trees looked strikingly close to the same as they did every spring. Almost as if the leaves they shed in the autumn floated back up to them, like a heaven in the world of nature. Though Haruki preferred to put it more simply, as 'heavenly nature'.

And as he approached for another day of work at the aforementioned place, he breathed it all in, and smiled. He thought to himself, 'Today is a good day,' and strolled in.

Some people smiled at him, treating him like a friendly face. And others smiled at him, treating him as a stranger, or some who they'd never wish to make the acquaintance of again. He took both in accordingly, with salt and pepper, and pushed on through his shift. Asking if people needed assistance or guidance.

He was helping a kind young woman with short black hair find her way back down the trail, when he heard a bark. A husky came barreling down the trail, yanking Haruki by the sleeve. The girl reached her hand out as if she wished to stop the dog, though she did not make chase.

Haruki struggled to keep up with the dog, backpedaling and hoping not to lose his footing. The dog, who was practically dragging him along, sped down the dirt path, whipping around corners, wagging its tail the whole way till it abruptly stopped. It spat out Haruki's sleeve and barked a few times, enough to convince the boy to turn and look at where the dog brought him.

It was a patch of flowers. White peonies, to be precise. Haruki walked up to the plants slowly, knelt down, and snapped the head off one. He held the head in his hand and stared at it. The petals were beautiful, and intricate. It made him feel almost as though he could stare forever.

His eyes stuck on to every feature of it. One could say the way he stared was creepy. At least, all who didn't know why. But the reason, to him, was quite clear. Regret, resentment, remorse– it was none of those things. It was relief. Relief that even though he never got a chance to say goodbye, or one more 'I love you', that She was somewhere where she was okay. He looked up the sky, a single tear falling, tapping on a petal of the flower like an innocent poke.

The dog barked once, loud and clear, and Haruki knew it wanted him to follow it back. That time, he followed the dog willingly, not desperately trailing behind on his heels. He soon arrived back to the girl. He offered her the flower, which she took with a great smile on her face. As originally intended, they walked back down the trail together, their path lit by a lemon-green sunlight through the leaves. Though, somehow, their bond was somewhat greater than when they initially met. Not too long ago.

The dog watched the two journey off, tail wagging, and wagging, slower and slower to a stop. Once the two were gone from sight, the dog stared for a moment, wanting to follow, before nevertheless heading back down the trail the other way.

It met the place where it led Haruki once again. It lied down, and curled up where the peonies stood. Two of their heads were missing.

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

Why did you leave us? why did you leave me? i-i can´t do this without you i-i can´t rule a whole kingdom you were supposed to be here… why didn't you call for help, why did she kill you?….. h-how could she kill you? you was our mother your MY mother i-i can't live knowing our not going to be here I cant live in a world without you mom I cant rule this kingdom without her I can't do t-this i…..can´t …….

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Yet another day, the park remained unchanged. People walking the trails, some with their dogs, some with family, some alone, just taking in the nature. And on the topic of the nature, the trees looked strikingly close to the same as they did every spring. Almost as if the leaves they shed in the autumn floated back up to them, like a heaven in the world of nature. Though Haruki preferred to put it more simply, as 'heavenly nature'.

Some people smiled at him, treating him like a friendly face. And others smiled at him, treating him as a stranger, or some who they'd never wish to make the acquaintance of again. He took both in accordingly, with salt and pepper, and pushed on through his shift. Asking if people needed assistance or guidance.



(those are all epico!! great job everybody!!) (also i sincerely apologize for my lateness)
56: Everyone's a little crazy

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

56: Everyone's a little crazy

(I may be abt to create a story that I'll grow attached to but refuse to keep it just because I wanna go all out with this prompt in order to get my creative juices flowing again uwu. If you have any questions, so do I <3 i'm making this all up on the spot)

As he threw me flying backward into the air, a sudden wave of clouds surrounded the sky. Clouds never have a particular shape, this is a known fact, but somehow, they all seemed to face him. I couldn't tell if the impact against my back and the tree hurt worse than the shock of who it was that did this to me.
Through the sound of the cracking in my back, and me struggling to catch my breath as I curl my fingers in pain, I could still feel his eyes burning into me. I couldn't bring myself to return the glare. Regardless, as my coughing resides, I look up to see what he's become. Two long horns protruded from his forehead. His long hair flying in every direction as the wind dances. His eyes, once such a friendly and gentle brown, now glowing a furious red.
I swallow the lump in my throat as he approaches me. He wasn't walking, though.
"Yohan, this isn't you." I call out, not sure if the boy I'm talking to is the same one I grew up with. "What happened?"
"What the hell do you mean 'what happened'?!" He spits back, "YOU happened. Everything happened. I've had ENOUGH!" Not only do flames rise from behind him, but I can see a fire burning in his eyes as well. My heart sank inside my chest. He continues.
"I'm tired of you telling me what to do, how to act, what to say, it's so exhausting." He huffs as lightning reaches between the clouds.
"Yohan, you need to calm down!" I hold up a sad attempt at a reassuring hand as the faint sense of blood dripping down my back starts to resonate. I use my other hand to check the back of my head, and I feel something wet.
"There you go again," he chuckles, the thunder rolling in time with his voice. "Look at this, Nerezza. Don't you see how powerful I am? You have no control over me anymore."
A sickening smile spread across his face as he looks down at me.
"But I'll grant you a limited time offer. Join me and we'll work together. We'll use this power to get whatever we want. We can rule entire countries."
Hearing him talk, I finally allowed the tears to start streaming down my face. I manage to stand up as I look at the boy. Closing my eyes, I shake my head.
"I can't accept that. You're crazy, Yohan."
His smile drops as he huffs out a disappointed sigh. Crossing his arms, he closes his eyes.
"Everyone's a little crazy, I've just finally embraced it. You should too, sis. It's good for the skin."
"You can't just take over the world like that. It's not r-"
He furrows his brow as the sky grows darker, lightning striking the ground, and his eyes glowing deeper.
"This is my final mercy. Take it or die trying to stop me."
I look to the ground, inhaling deeply as I feel the frustration, the conflict, the hesitation, everything rising up inside me.
"You've brought this on yourself, Yohan."
I don't bother to wait for his confused response as I allow the power inside me to finally come out, after several long years.

(Update i'm attached:/ now i wanna draw the two characters)

@itz_luna_eclipse15 fastfood

she laughed as she swags her scythe at her sister
she took her scythe and threw at her sister and hit her in the arm
¨gah!!! I'm sorry I never meant to hurt her please have mercy!!!¨
her eyes were filled with tears and fear as her sister approached her
¨and why would I spare your life again?¨
because if you kill me the kingdom will think your crazy¨
luna chuckled at the response
¨oh dear don't you know? everyone's a little crazy¨
she raised her scythe
¨say hi to dad for me, will you?¨
Luna took her scythe and stuck at tia throat violently she was covered in blood from her sister's neck

@saor_illust school

(those are all epico!! great job everybody!!) (also i sincerely apologize for my lateness)
56: Everyone's a little crazy

(tw for suicide and death)

"Mom! Won't you fucking listen to me? There's something wrong with me, and I don't fucking know what it is! I need help, so why won't you help me? I'm so broken, I don't know how to put myself back together…"

Kiara, the young 17-year old female cried out for help once more, only for her pleas of help to be dismissed.

"Honey, everyone's a little crazy, alright? You're just fine. Besides, I was broken when I was young too. You'll piece yourself back together, just give it time," her mother replied, not batting an eye. Reality was, she never pieced herself back together, she just shoved her trauma deep into herself, far away where she would hopefully never see them again.

Busy trying to make sure her trauma stayed locked away where she hoped they'd stay forever and never see the light of day again, Kiara's mother didn't respond and focused all her attention on chopping the tomatoes in front of her.

I'll be 18 soon, I'll be 18 soon. Just gotta hang on for a few more months, okay, Kiara? Kiara whispered the words to herself in a desperate attempt to comfort herself. But she knew she wasn't okay. She knew there was something wrong, and she needed help. And above all, she wasn't sure she could last it to the end of the year. It was February 6th, and there was still ten more months left in the year. If she couldn't convince her mother to let her learn how to drive when she turned 18, she was doomed.

Her mother had promised to let her learn how to drive when she turned 18, but she was also famous for going back on her word all the time.

@furetakunai ac_unit

(I understand that this is a story, but I feel as though this is as much Kiara's story as it is yours. So in the event that I'm right, I'm here for you anytime. <33)

~~ エジプト ~~

One: You will never be a god.

I woke up, confused. I walked around the empty room. Not knowing where I was. The room was white.. all white. I remember walking around aimlessly; trying to find a meaning for the solitude of my existence. No.. I had a life.. I had a family. ' Where are they? ' I thought as I continued to stumble around, looking for a possible way out.

Two hours in. No luck. What felt like forever.. I stopped walking. The silence, now keeping me company. I looked around, yet stopped; never bothering to look down.

I look below my feet.

A world. A world beyond words and description. It was peaceful. How could I have not seen it before?

" You are awake.." I heard a voice say.
" Where am I..? Who are you– Where, are you?" I replied looking around the white room once more, seeming to find no sort of end or way of intrusion.
" I am up. That is all. You're here.. because you perished."
" How?! I was sitting with my kids– W-We were playing games–"
" SILENCE. You're here to prove to us…. You can, someday, rule the world. As a powerful being.. a god."
I stood in shock, continuing to look for something to prove I was real; that everything was really happening.

" Prove you are worthy.." The voice echoed; hitting each endless portion of the room. I nodded, unsure of what to do. What I had to prove.

I stood there; completely still. I dared not to breathe. It felt as if air.. wasn't needed. Like I wasn't using any of it. " I don't remember how long I stood for, but suddenly, something happened.

" No.. No no no.. You're all wrong.." The voice chimed; the sudden noise making me jump slightly. ' I want to be a god..' I thought looking up and around.

" Please– Give me one more chance–" I begged, almost getting on my hands and knees. Before I knew it, the floor had vanished.
I don't remember how long I had fallen for.. I had closed my eyes.

" Prisoner 2502…. Your sentence is up… You're free to leave.." I heard.. before everything went white. I fell asleep.

@saor_illust school

58: Behind you

Her purple cat-like eyes gleamed in the dark, silky grey-purple hair cascading down her back in waves, and her 10-inch curved horns blending into the dark. A knife in hand, she clawed at the seemingly just-for-decoration collar on her neck, for it was the only thing left binding her to this world. "Goddammit," she murmured, the blade slipping time and time again. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to get the blade under the collar. The girl, with her lips the same shade as her hair and her pointed ears stopped struggling out of nowhere. She was sitting in the dark, teeth bared. Something was coming, and though it tried to be quiet and stealthy, nothing could escape her sharp hearing. She was already trapped here for her fucking horns, she was not going to let herself be hunted again.

Pretending to be occupied, she returned to trying to loosen the grip of the collar around her neck. Shit, she thought to herself, the knife dropping to the floor with a clatter, slipping out of her hand. But the creature, its footsteps neared and so she picked up the knife, standing up. Backing into the wall behind her, the cool cement didn't do a thing to ease her nerves. She looked around her time and time again, trying to find whatever was stalking her.

And then-
A light. A singular light, maybe that of a candle? It was dim, but didn't illuminate any sort of candle, and it sparkled in the dark, dancing up and down like a flame would. The girl stepped forward softly, her body trembling. "W-who's there?" she called out quietly. No response. Walking ever so closely towards the light, a piece of paper became visible, with some red scribbles on it. She paused, her eyes darting around. There was something off about this whole situation, and she didn't like it. Leaning her head ever so slightly forward to read the writing on the paper, she froze.


There, written in blood, were the words: Look behind you.

The girl turned stiffly, and before she could shoot the knife out, a creature all in black charged at her knocking her to the ground.
The guards of her prison couldn't have come fast enough, and by the time they arrived, she was already dead, her blood pooling around her and the now-bloody knife next to her.

One of the guards rushed to her side, putting two fingers on her neck. No pulse. "She's dead," he confirmed, his voice grim.


(58.(I don't remember how to reply to stuff, sorry!))

"–behind you."

They turned at the whisper, breath panting, heart pounding, fists clenched at the thought of her standing behind them–

"You've let yourself become too slow, too soft, like the rest of them: chattel for my whims." Her burning hand underneath my chin, the scars no one would notice cauterizing my hate of her creeping voice.

"What do you want, Althea?" My voice was ice, permafrost that would no longer melt for her. I flicked her hand from around my neck with an anger I hadn't known and didn't bother to fix the ashes I'd spread onto my skin to blend in with the sickly humans outside the cave.

"Why, whatever would I want from you? You're nothing special, not anymore." I unconsciously flinched at the mention of my lost potential, the unending throb of pain at the nape of my neck where they cut me off from my power naught but a reminder of the past.

"Spit it out, or leave. I don't want to do this right now." She laughed, a boisterious, mocking laugh that reminded my of the woman she used to be.


58: Behind you

Pine wiggled his feet back and forth off the edge. Thousands of feet below, he could just make out the shape of a farmer and his dog herd the sheep into the other paddock. It was his favourite time, when the farmer moved the sheep. A distraction.

As the man sighed and wiped his forehead, latching the gate, praising his dog and turning to get out of the noon day sun, Pine stretched and lay back, letting his wings fall neatly and comfortably either side.

The next time the sheep moved, it was raining, everyone was in a foul mood. Pine was sure he'd messed something up. No one nodded or smiled at him as they went to work anymore. The air rang with tension. Like a siren you aren't quite sure is actually there or if your ears are just ringing.

There was no relaxing this time. Pine didn't even notice when the farmer and his unhappy, muddy border collie left. He didn't notice wingbeats and footsteps behind him. He barely even noticed when someone tapped his shoulder and said "Behind you, Alpine."

Pine whipped around, almost tipping backwards over the edge. "Sir!" He quickly smoothed his jacket, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you." He paused. "Any of you." Three men flanked the speaker, one shifted nervously, the other two stared, unblinking, straight at him. Pine cleared his throat. "Is something wrong?"


58: Behind you

Pine wiggled his feet back and forth off the edge. Thousands of feet below, he could just make out the shape of a farmer and his dog herd the sheep into the other paddock. It was his favourite time, when the farmer moved the sheep. A distraction.

As the man sighed and wiped his forehead, latching the gate, praising his dog and turning to get out of the noon day sun, Pine stretched and lay back, letting his wings fall neatly and comfortably either side.

The next time the sheep moved, it was raining, everyone was in a foul mood. Pine was sure he'd messed something up. No one nodded or smiled at him as they went to work anymore. The air rang with tension. Like a siren you aren't quite sure is actually there or if your ears are just ringing.

There was no relaxing this time. Pine didn't even notice when the farmer and his unhappy, muddy border collie left. He didn't notice wingbeats and footsteps behind him. He barely even noticed when someone tapped his shoulder and said "Behind you, Alpine."

Pine whipped around, almost tipping backwards over the edge. "Sir!" He quickly smoothed his jacket, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice you." He paused. "Any of you." Three men flanked the speaker, one shifted nervously, the other two stared, unblinking, straight at him. Pine cleared his throat. "Is something wrong?"

Moooooore! XD