forum I Can do the Research For You
Started by @AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

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Okay, weird question, but what type of venom/toxins would dissolve the throat if drank?

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Okay, weird question, but what type of venom/toxins would dissolve the throat if drank?

No need to worry about it being weird! As I writer I understand there are very specific situations that are fine with context but without context it's very concerning, lol. Here I go into the hole of research!

This particular post gets fairly graphic, [Acid's effect on humans] discretion is advised

Acids and Alkalies are corrosives which cause corrosion of skin, mouth, throat, stomach, and intestine on contact.
Hydrofluoric acid famously melts flesh.
Other solutions used to melt flesh are sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, strong bases commonly known as lye. (The Times story misidentified their reagent of choice as an acid.) Heated to 300 degrees, a lye solution can turn a body into tan liquid with the consistency of mineral oil in just three hours.
Acids can dissolve a body more completely than lye—liquefying even the bones and teeth—but it takes longer and can be hazardous. British murderer John George Haigh used sulfuric acid to dissolve at least six of his victims in the 1940s. He processed the bodies in a 45-gallon oil drum and reported that the victims dissolved completely in about two days. He also said he had to leave the room, finding the fumes intolerable. (Sulfuric acid can cause third-degree burns. A sprinkling of lye will merely irritate the skin but can be more dangerous if it’s mixed with water.)

I couldn't find any specifics on acidic venoms/ toxins that dissolve the throat, so I hope this helped anyway!

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

What can you find out about Mecury Oxide?

Ooohohoho!!! You caught me on the perfect day to spend probably an hour doing research on this !! See ya then when I post this!

Let's start with what Mercury Oxide is.
(i literally have no funkin idea)
Mercury Oxide is a chemical, but a highly toxic one at that. Mercury Oxide is a solid at room temperature and pressure and usually has an orangish color. It's chemical formula is HgO. HgO can be used to produce mercury because it decomposes easily, which produces oxygen gas. It's also used to make mercury batteries. It's toxic to humans in that it is irritating to the eyes and skin, and can even damage kidneys.
Evaporation at 20 °C is negligible. HgO decomposes on exposure to light or on heating above 500 °C. Heating produces highly toxic mercury fumes and oxygen, which increases the fire hazard. Mercury(II) oxide reacts violently with reducing agents, chlorine, hydrogen peroxide, magnesium (when heated), disulfur dichloride and hydrogen trisulfide. Shock-sensitive compounds are formed with metals and elements such as sulfur and phosphorus.
( All of this was found on Wikipedia )

If you need more information, let me know!

Deleted user

Thanks, I'm doing a project and adding this to a story.
So any extra info would be great!

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Thanks, I'm doing a project and adding this to a story.
So any extra info would be great!

Okay! I will try my best!

Yel­low HgO is a more chem­i­cal­ly ac­tive sub­stance, which breaks down at a tem­per­a­ture of 332 °С, and turns red when heat­ed. Red mer­cury ox­ide breaks down at a tem­per­a­ture of 500 °С, and when heat­ed it changes its col­or to black (re­versible re­ac­tion).

Mer­cury ox­ide (II) is poor­ly sol­u­ble in wa­ter, and the sub­stance shows weak base prop­er­ties. It dis­solves in con­cen­trat­ed so­lu­tions of al­ka­lis, form­ing hy­drox­o­com­plex­es. Yel­low HgO in­ter­acts with NH₃ with the for­ma­tion of Mil­lon’s base, and the re­ac­tion of the equa­tion is

2HgO + NH₃ → [Hg₂N]OH · H₂O + Q

This sub­stance en­ters into a re­ac­tion with acids, form­ing cor­re­spond­ing salts. It is used to ob­tain mer­cury, and also in some types of elec­tric cells. Mer­cury ox­ide has a strong tox­ic ef­fect.

Ob­tain­ing mer­cury ox­ide il­lus­trat­ed by an ex­per­i­ment
Mer­cury ox­ide (II) is a use­ful reagent, which can be used in the lab­o­ra­to­ry to ob­tain var­i­ous mer­cury salts – for ex­am­ple mer­cury chlo­ride or ac­etate (II). Mer­cury ac­etate (II) is used in or­gan­ic syn­the­sis, for ex­am­ple for ob­tain­ing alu­minum iso­propy­late, and with Hg­Cl₂ ac­tive mag­ne­sium amal­gam can be ob­tained.

To con­duct the ex­per­i­ment the fol­low­ing equip­ment is re­quired:

a flask with a ground glass joint;
test tube;
re­flux con­denser;
a frit­ted glass fil­ter;
a con­ic flask.

Reagents used
ni­tric acid 65%;
caus­tic soda;
sodi­um chlo­ride or hy­drochlo­ric acid

Safety rules for the experiment
As ni­tric ox­ides (II) and (IV) are poi­sonous and have a car­cino­genic ef­fect, cau­tion must be ob­served. Mer­cury salts are tox­ic for hu­man be­ings, and also dan­ger­ous for the en­vi­ron­ment. Poi­sonous mer­cury ni­trate can eas­i­ly be ab­sorbed through the skin. You must work with a fume hood and a re­flux con­denser, as the re­leased gas­es of­ten con­tain mer­cury fumes, which are dan­ger­ous in them­selves. The syn­the­sis should be car­ried out with ex­treme cau­tion. A fa­tal dose of mer­cury ni­trate is from 0.2 to 0.4 gr. Here you’ll find safe chem­istry ex­per­i­ments to do at home.

Process of synthesis mercury oxide
Sus­pend 30 g (0.15 of a mole) of mer­cury in a test tube. Into a flask of 250 ml with a re­flux con­denser, pour 60 ml (0.9 of a mole) of HNO₃. Add mer­cury to the acid in small por­tions with a pipette, and the re­ac­tion will take place. Af­ter all the mer­cury is added, the re­flux con­denser is put on again. The so­lu­tion heats and “boils” from the vig­or­ous re­lease of ni­tro­gen diox­ide. As the re­ac­tion ends, the re­lease of brown gas stops, and the so­lu­tion in the flask be­comes col­or­less. Equa­tion of the re­ac­tion:

Hg + 4H­NO₃ => Hg(NO₃)₂ + 2NO₂ + 2H₂O

Ni­tric acid is used in abun­dance to avoid the for­ma­tion of mer­cury ni­trate (I). The liq­uid cools, and HCl or NaCl is added to it – this is a test for the pres­ence of mer­cury (I) – Hg₂²⁺. When a sed­i­ment of Hg₂­Cl₂ set­tles in the so­lu­tion, mer­cury (I) is present. A lit­tle ni­tric acid must be added to the so­lu­tion, then it must be heat­ed. If the test for the pres­ence of mer­cury (I) is neg­a­tive, then 250 ml of 4 M sodi­um hy­drox­ide is slow­ly added to the so­lu­tion. An or­ange sed­i­ment of mer­cury ox­ide (II) HgO forms, which is fil­tered. The equa­tion of the re­ac­tion:

Hg(NO₃)₂ + 2NaOH => HgO + 2NaNO₃ + H₂O

The prod­uct is rinsed with wa­ter in the fil­ter and dried to a con­stant mass in a dessi­ca­tor over sil­i­ca gel. The re­lease of mer­cury ox­ide (II) is 32.467 g.

Safe­ty rules for con­duct­ing ex­per­i­ments with mer­cury ox­ide must be strict­ly ob­served.

Decontamination of mercury waste
The en­tire fil­trate and rinsed wa­ter is col­lect­ed in a large cup, if nec­es­sary the so­lu­tion is brought to an al­ka­li and sodi­um sul­fide is added to it. Black mer­cury sul­fide HgS forms, which can be poured down the drain.
Sol­u­ble mer­cury salts must not be poured down the sink. The ob­tained mer­cury ox­ide is stored in tight­ly sealed jars.

Re­ac­tion of the break­down of mer­cury ox­ide
Ob­tain­ing oxy­gen in the lab­o­ra­to­ry is based on the break­down of loose com­pounds which con­tain oxy­gen in their com­po­si­tion. These sub­stances in­clude Berthol­let’s salt, potas­si­um per­man­ganate, sodi­um hy­drox­ide and mer­cury ox­ide. When these sub­stances are heat­ed, they break down with the re­lease of oxy­gen. The re­ac­tion of the break­down of mer­cury ox­ide can be demon­strat­ed in an ex­per­i­ment.

For the ex­per­i­ment, we use a test tube of high-melt­ing glass with a length of 17 cm and di­am­e­ter of 1.5 cm, with a bent low­er end of a length of 3 cm. In the low­er end, place 3-5 g of red mer­cury ox­ide. In the tilt­ed test tube fas­tened to a stand, place a rub­ber stop­per with a gas tube, through which the oxy­gen re­leased in heat­ing goes to the crys­tal­liz­er with wa­ter.

When mer­cury ox­ide is heat­ed to 500 °С, we ob­serve the re­lease of oxy­gen from the gas tube, and drops of metal­lic mer­cury form on the walls of the test tube. Oxy­gen dis­solves poor­ly in wa­ter, so it is col­lect­ed us­ing the method of wa­ter dis­place­ment af­ter the com­plete re­moval of oxy­gen from the test tube.

Af­ter the ex­per­i­ment is com­plet­ed, we must first take the tube out of the crys­tal­liz­er with wa­ter, then turn off the burn­er, and only open the test tube af­ter it has cooled down com­plete­ly (mer­cury fumes are very poi­sonous). In­stead of a test tube, you can use a re­tort with a re­cep­ta­cle for mer­cury. From 10 g of red mer­cury ox­ide, 500 ml of oxy­gen is ob­tained. The equa­tion of the re­ac­tion of the break­down of mer­cury ox­ide:

2HgO = 2Hg + O₂ - 2x25 kcal

Warn­ing! Sub­stances of this ex­per­i­ment are tox­ic and high­ly dan­ger­ous for your health. Do not try this at home. Only un­der pro­fes­sion­al su­per­vi­sion.

( This was taken from MelScience )

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Shist @AloeVera this thread is a gift.

Haha thank you! I enjoy learning new information but I hate the pressure of school, so this is a fun alternative for me :)

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

So. What is it that makes light reflect off other things? And how could one possibly amplify or diminish it scientifically? I’m working on some Light and Shadow powers and want more info.

Ohhhohohohoho!!! I've actually been thinking about this lately! As an artist I've gotta take into consideration when a harder light causes this to happen, like neon lights, and I wanted to do some research on this myself! (I also think about it because I have light sensitivity, so when I walk outside into the sun, it hurts my eyes and makes me sneeze. Sometimes the sun is so bright that the concrete reflects the light just as painfully and still has an effect on me, even if I'm holding a hand in front of the sun to shade my eyes.) Thanks for helping motivate me to actually research it lmao

What is Light Reflection?

Reflection and transmission of light waves occur because the frequencies of the light waves do not match the natural frequencies of vibration of the objects. When light waves of these frequencies strike an object, the electrons in the atoms of the object begin vibrating. But instead of vibrating in resonance at a large amplitude, the electrons vibrate for brief periods of time with small amplitudes of vibration; then the energy is reemitted as a light wave. If the object is transparent, then the vibrations of the electrons are passed on to neighboring atoms through the bulk of the material and reemitted on the opposite side of the object. Such frequencies of light waves are said to be transmitted. If the object is opaque, then the vibrations of the electrons are not passed from atom to atom through the bulk of the material. Rather the electrons of atoms on the material's surface vibrate for short periods of time and then reemit the energy as a reflected light wave. Such frequencies of light are said to be reflected.

( This piece was taken from The Physics Classroom )

Geometric optics treats light as continuous rays (as opposed to waves or particles) that move through transparent media according to three laws. The first law states that light rays move through similar transparent media in straight lines. The second states that when a light ray encounters a smooth, shiny (or conducting) surface, such as a mirror, the ray bounces off that surface. The third law governs how light rays behave when they pass between two different media, such as air and water. For example, when you look at a spoon in a glass of water, the submerged part of the spoon appears to be in a different place than expected. This happens because the light rays change direction when they go from one transparent material (air) into another (water).

(This piece taken from Live Science )

How to Diminish It?

In the circumstance of having several reflective non-removable objects, it is appropriate to look at possibly changing your lighting source. If you’re lighting your scene with a set of hard fresnels that aren’t being diffused or bounced, then your reflective surfaces will all have a glaring hotspot.

However, if you switch your lights to a soft source — or at least diffuse the hard light — the light reflected will be a shapeless highlight, which is a lot less intrusive than a glaring hotspot.

(This excerpt was taken from Premium Beat. This is more focused on reflective light in the context of photography, so I'll be adding more about diminishing reflection in general.)

The reflection of light rays is one of the major aspects of geometric optics; the other is refraction, or the bending of light rays. Geometric optics is one of two broad classes of optics, the field that "deals with the propagation of light through transparent media," according to Richard Fitzpatrick, a professor of physics at the University of Texas at Austin, in lecture notes for a course in Electromagnetism and Optics. (The other class is physical optics.)

Refraction is the bending of light rays. Normally, light travels in a straight line, and changes direction and speed when it passes from one transparent medium to another, such as from air into glass.

In a vacuum, the speed of light, denoted as "c," is constant. However, when light encounters a transparent material, it slows down. The degree to which a material causes light to slow down is called that material's refractive index, denoted as "n." According to, approximate values of n for common materials are:

Vacuum = 1 (by definition)
Air = 1.0003 (at standard temperature and pressure)
Water = 1.33 (at 68 degrees Fahrenheit or 20 degrees Celsius)
Soda-lime crown glass = 1.51
Sapphire = 1.77
71-percent lead flint glass = 1.89
Cubic zirconia = 2.17
Diamond = 2.42

These numbers mean that the speed of light is 1.33 times slower in water and 2.42 times slower in diamond than in a vacuum.

When light passes from a region of lower n, such as air, through a surface into a region of higher n, such as glass, the light changes direction. This means its path is closer to perpendicular, or "normal," to the surface. When the light passes from a region of higher n to the region of lower n, it bends away from the "normal" direction. This is what causes the submerged part of a spoon in a glass of water to appear to bend when you put it in water.

( This piece taken from Live Science )

This subject had got me even more curious; my living room has a large mirror that takes up one entire wall, reflecting the entirety of the living room. After reading up on all this, I decided to conduct an experiment. If the mirror was not receiving light from the light source (ceiling fan's light), would it be darker in the Mirror-Living-Room than it is in Real-Living-Room? I then, of course, grabbed a TV tray and held it up on the side of the ceiling light that faces the mirror. After hitting it against the spinning ceiling fan, I did it again. To my delight, the Mirror-Living-Room got darker! Though it wasn't as if you turned off the lights, because the mirror was still reflecting the light that the objects in Real-Living-Room were reflecting, but since the primary source of light was removed, Mirror-Living-Room dimmed.

(This piece taken from Me. I just did that. I'm officially a scientist.)

How to Amplify it?

The reason why you see objects is that light hitting these objects reflects back into your eyes (and then is perceived and represented as those objects by your brain). But what happens if light coming from an object hits a flat mirror and is reflected (or bounced back) before it hits your eyes? Your brain, being unaware that the light was reflected, will reconstruct an image with the information it received, assuming the light traveled on a straight path from the object to the eye. The result is what you see in the mirror: an object that looks similar, but appears to be placed behind the mirror. We call this a reflection of the object. It is an optical illusion, a virtual image of a real object.

Mirrors, being shiny, reflect almost all the light hitting their surface. In addition, they have a very smooth surface, causing light to reflect in an orderly way. This allows your brain to reconstruct a clear image. High-quality mirrors reflect light especially well, but even high-quality mirrors absorb and scatter a small fraction of the light hitting them. As a result, a reflection is always a little dimmer and slightly less crisp than the image made with the same light reaching the eye directly.

(This piece taken from Scientific American


From what I've been reading, the best way to diminish light reflection off of objects is to soften the light source. By taking a harsh light source, like a neon light, the objects around it can't help but reflect that light. (love the neon aesthetic uwu). If you take a sheet or any mildly opaque fabric and place it over the light source, the chances of the light being able to force other objects to reflect the light so aggressively diminishes. Kind of like how lamp shades work. The light bulb by itself is just too aggressive and hurts the eyes, but using a lampshade lowers the harshness while still providing light.

In contrast, the best way to amplify light reflection is to increase the harshness of the light source. A simple ceiling light isn't going to cause aggressive light reflection in objects like a pillow, wooden chair, etc., but a neon light will surely change that. Even a blacklight will cause someone's fabric white shirt to practically glow!
However, if you check out the Premium Beat article, it brings up something called "chromatic objects", in which metal shiny objects such as a tin can, doorknob or glass LOVE reflecting light, so they always produce glares, which gives off it's own light.

Hope this helped!

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage


Haha thank you ! I had fun standing in front of the mirror and conducting experiments as my mom laughed in the background LMAO

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

Can you research Multi-verses and how they work for me? I'm doing a story that has lots of 'verse hopping.

AAAA V SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE Here's what I can get for you

Multiple universes have been hypothesized in cosmology, physics, astronomy, religion, philosophy, transpersonal psychology, Music and all kinds of literature, particularly in science fiction, Comic books and fantasy. In these contexts, parallel universes are also called "alternate universes", "quantum universes", "interpenetrating dimensions", "parallel universes", "parallel dimensions", "parallel worlds", "parallel realities", "quantum realities", "alternate realities", "alternate timelines", "alternate dimensions" and "dimensional planes".
The physics community has debated the various multiverse theories over time. Prominent physicists are divided about whether any other universes exist outside of our own.
Some physicists say the multiverse is not a legitimate topic of scientific inquiry. Concerns have been raised about whether attempts to exempt the multiverse from experimental verification could erode public confidence in science and ultimately damage the study of fundamental physics. Some have argued that the multiverse is a philosophical notion rather than a scientific hypothesis because it cannot be empirically falsified. The ability to disprove a theory by means of scientific experiment has always been part of the accepted scientific method. Paul Steinhardt has famously argued that no experiment can rule out a theory if the theory provides for all possible outcomes.
In 2007, Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg suggested that if the multiverse existed, "the hope of finding a rational explanation for the precise values of quark masses and other constants of the standard model that we observe in our Big Bang is doomed, for their values would be an accident of the particular part of the multiverse in which we live."

( Taken from Wikipedia )

For example, quantum theory indicates the probability that an individual atom of a radioactive element will decay, but there is no way to tell precisely when (within those ranges of probabilities) that decay will take place. If you had a bunch of atoms of radioactive elements that have a 50% chance of decaying within an hour, then in an hour 50% of those atoms would be decayed. But the theory tells nothing precisely about when a given atom will decay.
According to traditional quantum theory (the Copenhagen interpretation), until the measurement is made for a given atom there is no way to tell whether it will have decayed or not. In fact, according to quantum physics, you have to treat the atomas if it is in a superposition of states - both decayed and not decayed. This culminates in the famous Schroedinger's cat thought experiment, which shows the logical contradictions in trying to apply the Schroedinger wavefunction literally.
The many worlds interpretation takes this result and applies it literally, the form of the Everett Postulate:

Everett Postulate
All isolated systems evolve according to the Schroedinger equation

If quantum theory indicates that the atom is both decayed and not decayed, then the many worlds interpretation concludes that there must exist two universes: one in which the particle decayed and one in which it did not. The universe therefore branches off each and every time that a quantum event takes place, creating an infinite number of quantum universes.
In fact, the Everett postulate implies that the entire universe (being a single isolated system) continuously exists in a superposition of multiple states. There is no point where the wavefunction ever collapses within the universe, because that would imply that some portion of the universe doesn't follow the Schroedinger wavefunction.

(Taken from ThoughtCo. )

When we look out to the edge of the observable Universe, we find that the light rays emitted from the earliest times — from the Cosmic Microwave Background — make particular patterns on the sky. These patterns not only reveal the density and temperature fluctuations that the Universe was born with, as well as the matter and energy composition of the Universe, but also the geometry of space itself.
We can conclude from this that space isn't positively curved (like a sphere) or negatively curved (like a saddle), but rather spatially flat, indicating that the unobservable Universe likely extends far beyond the part we can access. It never curves back on itself, it never repeats, and it has no empty gaps in it. If it is curved, it has a diameter that's hundreds of times greater than the part we can see.
With every second that ticks by, more Universe, just like our own, is revealed to us.
That might indicate that there's more unobservable Universe beyond the part of our Universe we can access, but it doesn't prove it, and it doesn't provide evidence for a Multiverse. There are, however, two concepts in physics that have been established far beyond a reasonable doubt: cosmic inflation and quantum physics.
Cosmic inflation is the theory that gave rise to the hot Big Bang. Rather than beginning with a singularity, there's a physical limit to how hot and how dense the initial, early stages of our expanding Universe could have reached. If we had achieved arbitrarily high temperatures in the past, there would be clear signatures that aren't there:

  1. large-amplitude temperature fluctuations early on,
  2. seed density fluctuations limited by the scale of the cosmic horizon,
  3. and leftover, high-energy relics from early times, like magnetic monopoles.

These signatures are all missing. The temperature fluctuations are at the 0.003% level; the density fluctuations exceed the scale of the cosmic horizon; the limits on monopoles and other relics are incredibly stringent. The fact that these signatures aren't there have an enormous implication to them: the Universe never reached those arbitrarily high temperatures. Something else came before the hot Big Bang to set it up.
That's where cosmic inflation comes in. Theorized in the early 1980s, it was designed to solve a number of puzzles with the Big Bang, but did what you'd hope for any new physical theory: it made measurable, testable predictions for observable signatures that would appear within our Universe.
We see the predicted lack of spatial curvature; we see an adiabatic nature to the fluctuations the Universe was born with; we've detected a spectrum and magnitude of initial fluctuations that jibe with inflation's predictions; we've seen the superhorizon fluctuations that inflation predicts must arise.
We may not know everything about inflation, but we do have a very strong suite of evidence that supports a period in the early Universe where it occurred. It set up and gave rise to the Big Bang, and predicts a set and spectrum of fluctuations that gave rise to the seeds of structure that grew into the cosmic web we observe today. Only inflation, as far as we know, gives us predictions for our Universe that match what we observe.
"So, big deal," you might say. "You took a small region of space, you allowed inflation to expand it to some very large volume, and our observable, visible Universe is contained within that volume. Even if this is all right, this only tells us that our unobservable Universe extends far beyond the visible part. You haven't established the Multiverse at all."
And all of that would be correct. But remember, there's one more ingredient we need to add in: quantum physics.
Inflation is treated as a field, like all the quanta we know of in the Universe, obeying the rules of quantum field theory. In the quantum Universe, there are many counterintuitive rules that are obeyed, but the most relevant one for our purposes is the rule governing quantum uncertainty.
While we conventionally view uncertainty as mutually occurring between two variables — momentum and position, energy and time, angular momentum of mutually perpendicular directions, etc. — there's also an inherent uncertainty in the value of a quantum field. As time marches forward, a field value that was definitive at an earlier time now has a less certain value; you can only ascribe probabilities to it.
In other words, the value of any quantum field spreads out over time.
Now, let's combine this: we have an inflating Universe, on one hand, and quantum physics on the other. We can picture inflation as a ball rolling very slowly on top of a flat hill. So long as the ball remains atop the hill, inflation continues. When the ball reaches the end of the flat part, however, it rolls down into the valley below, which converts the energy from the inflationary field itself into matter and energy.
This conversion signifies the end of cosmic inflation through a process known as reheating, and it gives rise to the hot Big Bang we're all familiar with. But here's the thing: when your Universe inflates, the value of the field changes slowly. In different inflating regions, the field value spreads out by randomly different amounts and in different directions. In some regions, inflation ends quickly; in others, it ends more slowly.
This is the key point that tells us why a Multiverse is inevitable! Where inflation ends right away, we get a hot Big Bang and a large Universe, where a small part of it might be similar to our own observable Universe. But there are other regions, outside of the region where it ends, where inflation continues for longer.
Where the quantum spreading occurs in just the right fashion, inflation might end there, too, giving rise to a hot Big Bang and an even larger Universe, where a small portion might be similar to our observable Universe.
But the other regions aren't still just inflating, they're also growing. You can calculate the rate at which the inflating regions grow and compare them to the rate at which new Universes form and hot Big Bangs occur. In all cases where inflation gives you predictions that match the observed Universe, we grow new Universes and newly inflating regions faster than inflation can come to an end.
This picture, of huge Universes, far bigger than the meager part that's observable to us, constantly being created across this exponentially inflating space, is what the Multiverse is all about. It's not a new, testable scientific prediction, but rather a theoretical consequence that's unavoidable, based on the laws of physics as they’re understood today. Whether the laws of physics are identical to our own in those other Universes is unknown. If you have an inflationary Universe that's governed by quantum physics, a Multiverse is unavoidable. As always, we are collecting as much new, compelling evidence as we can on a continuous basis to better understand the entire cosmos. It may turn out that inflation is wrong, that quantum physics is wrong, or that applying these rules the way we do has some fundamental flaw. But so far, everything adds up. Unless we've got something wrong, the Multiverse is inevitable, and the Universe we inhabit is just a minuscule part of it.

( Taken from Forbes )

Hope this helps!

@Fangirl616 group

So… is it okay if I ask another question?

My MC has depression and PTSD. Could you tell me about them?

(I mean, I have depression but I honestly can't separate it from the OCD from the ADHD from the autism.)


I've seen it! It's a really good outline of the problems and pitfalls of writing mental illnesses, but it's not really a guide on the specifics of any one, or even a how-to guide for always writing them accurately. That would still take a lot of research.