Before reading, it's important to note that these identities don't imply specific gender attractions, rather how someone experiences attraction (if at all) to others regardless of gender. Most of these definitions were paraphrased from LGBTA fandom wiki.
Allosexual: Someone who experiences regular sexual attraction.
Asexual: Someone who experiences no sexual attraction.
Asexual spectrum or ace spectrum: The spectrum from allosexual to asexual where identities fall for people who experience little to no sexual attraction. (see Grey-asexual)
Ace or ace-spec: Umbrella terms used for people with identities on the asexual spectrum.
Grey-asexual or grey-sexual: Someone who experiences little, scant, or dull sexual attraction. Grey ace identities take up the middle part of the ace spectrum, so there are quite a few. Some may choose to identify as just grey ace, other may choose a specific label. Another word for grey ace is grace.
Demisexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction only in a dynamic where there is a stong emotional bond, meaning they don't have attraction towards strangers or lesser relationships.
Cupiosexual: An asexual who desires sexual intimacy or a sexual relationship.
Aceflux: Someone whose identity and orientation may change or fluctuate, but generally stays somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Apothiosexual: An asexual who is sex repulsed (see Attitudes) and not seeking out a sexual relationship.
Acespike: a type of grey-ace who usually experiences no sexual attraction, but will occasionally feel intense feelings of sexual attraction for a short amount of time.
Zedsexual: Another term for allosexual.
Alloromantic: Someone who experiences regular romantic attraction.
Aromantic: Someone who experiences no romantic attraction.
Aromantic spectrum or aro spectrum: The spectrum from alloromantic to aromantic where identities fall for people who experience little to no romantic attraction.
Aro or aro-spec: Umbrella terms used for people with identities on the aromantic spectrum.
Grey-aromantic or grey-romantic: Someone who experiences little, scant, or dull romantic attraction. Grey aro identities take up the middle part of the aro spectrum, so there are quite a few. Some may choose to identify as just grey aro, other may choose a specific label. Another word for grey aro is grey-ro.
Demiromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction only in a dynamic where there is a stong emotional bond, meaning they don't have attraction towards strangers or lesser relationships.
Cupioromantic: An aromantic who desires romantic intimacy or a romantic relationship.
Aroflux: Someone whose identity and orientation may change or fluctuate, but generally stays somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Apothioromantic: An aromantic who is romance repulsed and not seeking out a romantic relationship.
Arospike: a type of grey-aro who usually experiences no romantic attraction, but will occasionally feel intense feelings of romantic attraction for a short amount of time.
Aroace: Someone who is both asexual and aromantic.
Oriented aroace: An aromatic asexual who experiences a strong tertiary attraction (see Attractions) and may seek a relationship based on that attraction.
Angled aroace: An amid person (see below) who experiences a strong tertiary attraction and may seek a relationship based on that attraction.
Mid: A catch all term for people who are on both the ace and aro spectrums but may not be strictly asexual or aromantic.
Amid: Someone who is on both the aro spectrum and the ace spectrum, but are not strictly aromantic or asexual. For example, a grey-romantic demisexual would be considered amid.
Acemid: Someone who is asexual and on the aromantic spectrum, but not strictly aromantic. For example, someone who is a grey-romantic asexual would be considered acemid.
Aromid: Someone who is aromantic and on the asexual spectrum, but not strictly asexual. For example, someone who is an aromantic demisexual would be considered aromid.
Attraction: A certain pull, desire, or type of appreciation towards other people
Sexual attraction: Sexual attraction is attraction on the basis of sexual desire or the quality of arousing such interest (thanks Wiki).
Romantic attraction: Romantic attraction is an emotional response, which most people experience at one point or another, that results in a desire for a romantic relationship with the recipient (thanks AVEN)
Platonic attraction: desiring friendship with a specific person.
Tertiary attraction: A significant attraction that's not sexual or romantic in nature. Tertiary attraction is a complicated topic so I'll link this article. If you scroll down it gives a few examples of different tertiary attraction.
Sex positive: Someone who veiws sex in a positive light and may pursue a sexual relationship.
Sex negative: Someone who veiws sex in a negative light and may not pursue a sexual relationship.
Sex neutral: Someone who doesn't have an opinion or any strong feelings regarding sex. They may feel indifferent about pursuing a sexual relationship.
Sex repulsed: Someone who is repulsed by sex and may not pursue a sexual relationship.
Sex averse: Someone who is not quite repulsed by sex, but more made uncomfortable by it.
Queerplatonic relationships or QPRs: Loving, commited relationships that are common in the aromantic community. They aren't usually romantic or sexual in nature, rather based on intense and intimate platonic feelings. These may also be based off tertiary attractions.
Aplatonic: Aplotonic, breaking the pattern of the "a" prefix, does not refer to someone who doesn't experience platonic attraction. Rather, it refers to an aromantic person who is not seeking a QPR.
AVEN: The Asexual Visibility and Education Network. This website offers forums for ace users to feel a sense of community, as well as educate the rest of society about the ace spectrum. They also release the asexual census every year.
AUREA: The Aromantic spectrum Union for Recognition, Education, and Advocacy. Similar to AVEN, but a younger website and for aromanticism. They also have begun to release the aromantic census.
Asexy: uses by aces to describe something they like. Anything can be asexy, from a person to a book shelf.
Bambi: Usually in reference to alloromantic asexuals who have a special affinity with cuddling and kissing rather than sex.
The Black Ring: A black ring is worn on the right hand middle finger of an ace to represent their identity and signal to other aces. It's a symbol of pride in the community.
Card Carrying ace/aro: Since asexuality and aromanticism can be hard to explain, those on the spectrums may carry cards holding definitions to their orientations for a quick and easy coming out experience. https://www.asexualityarchive.com/card-carrying-asexual/
Cake: Asexuals are often said to be more interested in cake than sex. Now, cake is a well known symbol in the ace community.
Playing Cards: Some ace playing cards are associated with ace identities-
Ace of Spades- aromantic asexual
Ace of Hearts- alloromantic asexual
Ace of Clubs- Grey-aces
Ace of Diamonds- Demisexuals
Dragons: There's a joke that asexuals/aromantics are like dragons- they're majestic creatures, but no one believes they exist. Amoebas and Axlotls are also ace prode symbols.
Apple: Short for aplatonic (see Relationships).
Zucchini: Used by those in a QPR the same way as you would use "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". Saying "zucchini" highlights the intimate platonic nature of the QPR.
Squish: like a crush, but platonic in nature.
Alright boyos that's all we've got so far! If you know more vocabulary or something else to add to these lists, just say so and I'll edit it in. I'm sure we're missing a ton. Correct me on anything I've gotten wrong. Ask us about the specifics!