forum Um... Swedish.
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Deleted user

I feel like not many people will have use of this… but, I am completely fluent in Swedish, so in case anyone wants to learn it or just practice it… Well, here I am.

Deleted user

Say a foreigner or just anyone bumps into a Swede on the streets- what insults is a rude Swede likely to mumble under their breath and what are their respective translations?

Deleted user

Say a foreigner or just anyone bumps into a Swede on the streets- what insults is a rude Swede likely to mumble under their breath and what are their respective translations?

Most Swedes are actually pretty polite, so I think that they would just say like ”Ursäkta” (meaning sorry) or maybe ”Oj då” (meaning like… oops?). But a rude Swede… if the person bumping in to them was a kid they might call them ”Ungjävel” (’asshole that is a kid’, or more exactly translated to ’kid-devil’). They might also say ”Skitstövel” (shit-boot) or even a simple ”Jävel” (meaning ’devil’ originally but it’s pretty much used like your word ’asshole’…)

Deleted user

how do you say get the hell away from me? sorry it could have been worse.😊

Um… we don’t really use that exact sentence. If a Swede wanted someone to get away from them they would probably say ”Försvinn!” (meaning ’disappear’) or ”dra härifrån” (meaning ’Leave this place’). If they wanted to point out that the person should get away from them they might say ”Försvinn ur min åsyn” (disappear out of my sight). If you really want to add ’hell’ to the sentence you could add ”för i helvete!” to any of the previous sentences (meaning ’for hell’s sake’).

Deleted user

I feel like english-speakers are a bit more creative with their insults? In Sweden, the easiest way to insult someone is probably to say ”Skit”. It literally translates to ’shit’. ”Skit” kan also be added to descriptional words to make them more extreme and to point ot that whatever you describe really is like you describe it, like ”skitmycket” (shit-much), ”skitful” (shit-ugly), ”skitfin” (shit-pretty) or ”skitstor” (shit-big). Another common insult is ”arsel” or ”arsle”, both two different spellings of the word ’ass’.


see I just laughed for a good three minutes while muttering the word "skitmycket" to myself and this is why introducing me to foreign languages is dangerous

Deleted user

I might post a link to a record where I pronounce words later if I’m bored haha

Deleted user

I don’t get it… why is skitmycket so funny…?

Deleted user

(Prounounce it how it's spelled and you'll understand)

Deleted user

(I tried that and I still don’t get it… am I stupid)

Deleted user

(nah, you're not stupid, it just asounds and looks funny)

Deleted user

Oh, okay… I feel like I should make a record so ya’ll get to know what it really sounds like lol

Deleted user

I don’t think you are… lol it shouldn’t sound that fun