forum Um... Swedish.
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Deleted user

How much Swedish do you know now @octane_doin_a_confuse


I can do basic conversational stuff but that's about it. I barely know any food, but I know like all the numbers
I keep forgetting the alphabet tho which is a problem considering I'm leaving for Sweden in two months

Deleted user

Hold up- I'm missing something here. When did you need to use that phrase?

Deleted user

I can do basic conversational stuff but that's about it. I barely know any food, but I know like all the numbers
I keep forgetting the alphabet tho which is a problem considering I'm leaving for Sweden in two months

I think I said this to you earlier but I can help you practice your Swedish if you want to, maybe just conversing like normal so that you get more used to using it? And I don't think it will be a problem for you, really, cause most Swedes speak English more or less fluently. So even though you might not be able to use your Swedish completely, you will always be able to make yourself understood. Have you practiced conversations like asking for directions and ordering food and that kind of stuff?


Yeah, I can ask where stuff is and can really basically order food. I think asking where things are is Var ligger på… and ordering things is more or less Kan jag fa…(?)

Deleted user

Yeah, I can ask where stuff is and can really basically order food. I think asking where things are is Var ligger på… and ordering things is more or less Kan jag fa…(?)

Yeah… 'Kan jag få' is correct, but we usually don't add 'på' after 'Var ligger' since 'på' means 'on'…

Deleted user

Yeah it's fine… wanna chat in Swedish? Or at least try to

Deleted user

Hej. Hur har din dag varit?

(It feels a bit weird actually using Swedish on the forum lol)

Deleted user

(lmao yeah, if only bc of my limited vocabulary)

Det var bra. Hur mar du?

That's really good, except for this one thing… I'm not sure how I should explain it though. You might already know this, but there are two ways of saying 'it'. 'Det' och 'Den'. In this case, 'den' should be used since it's a day that we are talking about. I don't know if there is actually a rule for how to use this or if it just comes natural to Swedes since we hear it all the time, but if you are unsure about it you can always try looking at the object of the sentance. This time, it is 'the day', 'dagen'. Since 'dagen' ends in 'en', we can assume that we should use 'den'.

Also, feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes with my English grammar, cause I really want to improve.

Jag mår bra. Jag vaknade just. Vad är klockan där du bor?


It's all good, and thanks for the den/det info. I didn't really know there was a difference before so I just got used to using det lol.

Klockan ar 8:27 pa morgonen. Jag vaknade just nar jag oppnade Notebook idag.

Deleted user

Jag håller just nu på att skriva låttexter. Vilken slags musik gillar du?

Deleted user

(Say them in English and I can translate them for ya)

Deleted user

(Some people spell rap with two p's in Swedish though, but they will completely understand you if you say rap)