forum //where the dead men lie// >>closed<< stalkers welcome tho 0.0
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Gus nodded and used his free hand to start turning the pages while he ate. "I'd say you're right about that. I doubt I'd be able to make heads or tails of it even if I was some kinda book-smart person, which I isn't. I'm jus' wonderin' if it says anywhere whether those nasties have a weak spot or somethin'. Oh, and why or how they were made in th' first place."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jezariah picks up the "Record" book, flipping through it.
"This one has all the history of it.
It says they were making weapons. The government had secretly issued war on a neighboring country. It says they didn't mention what country here because they were planning on taking it over so they didnt bother? I don't know." He causes, his brows creased as he skimmed through the pages.
"Maybe it's in that one. But somewhere it says something about their spines?" He says with a shrug, trying to be as helpful as possible.

(So you can honestly make up anything you want in these books. Just know these things unless they're human sized or smaller, are ridiculously hard to kill and they can be as tall as like five story buildings. This is just a fun rp so don't take it too seriously lol)


Elodie snatched the cigarette from Jesse's hand, and took a long hard drag from it, to think how she was going to retort to that statement, which hung over her head like a noose.

She blew the smoke out audibly then looked over at Jesse, the cigarette in between Elodie's finger fo her to grab.
"Oh yeah?" she asked loudly, her voice thick with sarcasm.

"I wouldnt know anyways– never done that shit with a girl before–" she admitted, she had really never had sex with a girl, and it wasn't something she was spending all or any of her time thinking about. That was taken by the ability and plan to survive.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Omg welcome back <3)

Meanwhile, that's probably what 50% of her thoughts were made up of. As she was sure she had gotten all of surviving down to a T. She knew she had a lot of free time and she knew she could also have a good time. So why not? Even in this world?
Jesse takes the cigarette, "man you're missin out" she says with a chuckle
"Well, I'm a top. And that's not about to change." She states, sitting up and looking down at her, taking a huff of the cigarette.
"But it's fine ill figure out sooner or later," Jesse says with a wink.
She was a natural flirt whether she meant to be or not and the feeling of hope for her girlfriend being alive had become dimmer and dimmer the last few months.
Nor did Jesse have the best morals. But she still loved her girlfriend. Though it was easier to flirt nowadays.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

(Ok! I'll try not to add anything too crazy to the books but thanks for the creative freedom! ^^)
"Huh…." Gus leafed through the book slowly, squinting at the poorly-illuminated pages. "I think I'm gonna need a couple days to work through this. I ain't used to all these big words, heh." He spotted a diagram and held the book up to get a better look. "Yeah, see, this's a straight-up pitcher of cells or atoms or somethin'. Looks kinda pretty, but makes no sense t'me." He shrugged, only slightly embarrassed. "I never did get much schoolin'. High school didn't sound near as much fun as helpin' Pa an' Uncle Fry fix boats. Y'want a candy bar, Jez? I saw some back by the checkout counter."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jez chuckles "yeah that's fine. I'm not too big on those words much either. The whole books a little overwhelming if you ask me" he shrugs, looking down at his book and the small cut-out pictures of screamers taped to the pages.
He turns the page to see a picture of a boy about his age strapped to a table. Men around him while he tried to break free.
Jezariah set the book aside but still open, taking a deep breath. Though he's already seen it, he knew the words in that book that came after the picture. He wasn't ready to read over that again.
"Yeah I'll have one," he says standing up. "I'm gonna take a break from the books," he says with a small, nervous laugh.
"Let's go ahead and go out there to get a few things. I thought I saw some of those bottled waters. Maybe there's soda"


Elodie shrugged not really sure that was true, but honestly she didn't care. Her eyes tracked the dim stars in the sky, and she placed her hands behind her head.

"Im tired…" she said aloud, and hoisted herself up, to a sitting position.

"Goodnight." She said as she stood up and walked back inside, where she once again went into the room she called her own, she leaned against the door, she then strided to her matress and laid down.

She placed her index finger on her lips, then her fingers on the picture of her little sister and aunt she had taped to the wall beside her, she turned towards it, and curled into a fetal position, closing her eyes and trying to get some sleep.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"Soda sounds great." Gus peeked through the door with his flashlight, then ventured back into the main room. While it looked like some shelves of true essentials had been raided—perhaps before the store shut down completely—most items were still well-stocked and untouched. Gus went to grab some candy bars, selecting the least squishy ones, and briefly perused the aisles for anything else that looked good. "Eugh, don't bother with th' stuff in th' coolers. S'all melted 'n crusty. Smells like a lake." He ventured a bit farther along. "Hey, they got them fancy light you strap t'your head! Reckon I could use that. Want one, Jez?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jesse's eyebrows crease in confusion
"What the hell?" She says to herself after she left.
"well, that was sudden. Goodnight to you to" she mumbles, taking a hit off the cigarette, trying to figure out why she once again left. And so suddenly too.
is she straight? I don't doubt it. Maybe I made her uncomfortable. This sucks
She sits up and looks out into the city, looking around. A loud crash came from behind her.
She stands up and goes to the other side of the roof, noticing a bright light and flames rising to the sky from a far away building.
"What the hell man?" She asks herself, not even knowing what to do.
She decided not to tell Elodie. And chances are shed see it from her window if she we're looking.
Jesse squinted to see beams falling and a few reapers gathered around the building, getting caught on fire and burning.
is there anyone inside? Well if there where they're dead that's for sure.

Jezariah skimmed the shelves, picking up things like pens and small notebooks he found, thinking he could record some things. Even though the chances of people in the future reading it were slim. Hell, the chances of anyone being alive after this was slim.
He looks up to Gus from an aisle over. "Oh, a headlight? I think that's what they're called" he says, not too sure of himself.
"Yeah, ill take one!" He says making his way over to Gus, grabbing any candy bars he could find.
"Find anything else good?" He asks


Elodie heard a crash seeming to come from across the street. She scrambled up and out of bed to her window, seeing the same sight Jesse was, her eyes widened in shock and she felt terrible.

what if there are people inside? she thinks to herself, then shrugs, she might as well discuss it with Jesse, she sat a blanket across her shoulders, then walked back outside, once she was standing next to Jesse she said

"do you think we should go scout the debris, to see if there were people inside, and possibly help them if needed?" with a tired and emotional sigh.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

"Nothin' else yet." Gus tossed Jez a headlight and pocketed his own. "I say we wait 'till morning to scope out th' rest, since it's gettin' late." He could see the moon rising, reflected in the windows of the stores across the street. It looked like clouds were rolling in though, and soon it would be pitch dark. "Oh hey, y'wanna hear some music 'fore bed? I gotta tune my banjo anyway."

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jezariah takes the headlight and tries to see how to fit it onto his head.
His eyes go back to Gus "oh sure! I can't remember the last time I listened to actual music" he says with a smile, heading back into the back room and making a small sandwich with what they had already gotten out not having eaten when Gus did.


Jesse looks back to Elodie after a few minutes, not expecting her to be beside her.
is she bipolar? I thought she was pissed at me or somethin?
She sighs, shaking her head and taking a hit of the cigarette, slowly blowing out the dark smoke before burning it out on her tonue and flicking it to the ground.
"Hell no. Whoever was stupid enough to start that deserve what they got. And besides look at all those f***in aliens. They may be smaller but there's at least five of em gathered over there." She rolls her eyes.

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Gus grinned and followed, disentangling his banjo from his backpack. "Been a while since I played fer anyone, so we'll see if still I'm any good." His banjo had once been very nicely-made, but now the sides were scuffed and some parts had been replaced. He got settled and took a moment to make sure all the strings were tuned correctly, his head cocked to the side as he strummed and listened. "I ain't much of a singer, so we'll skip that part for tonight. I'll play a little something my pa taught me."

((I'm not very good at describing music soooo I found this really nice video instead lol, this is basically the stuff Gus plays: ))

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Okay so this is kind of a reboot! Ive been away from notebook for…a good while now. But i thought it’d be nice to hop back into things! I really missed you guys and writing with all of you. So without further ado, here’s this)

In a nice little town called Coffeeville in the middle of nowhere other than woods and forests.
It wasnt that small though. The population was good along with everything else.
The crime rate was really low, and the jail only had a few people.
Yeah, with the occasional death row and the little electric chair. The green mile.
Well people say thats where it all started.
They were rumored to break out of the lab that they were looking at a survivor from the electric chair. But nobody really knows what actually happened. Nobody could possibly survive that…right?

Its been three years now and about three quarters of the worlds population had been wiped out. Only a few survivors in each town, though most abandoned.

Jezariah was one of the survivors in coffeeville, but now on the run after it was fully overtaken by Screamers.
That's what they were called. Screamers. People called them multiple things. Monsters in black, reapers from Hell, but most called them Screamers. Known for their deathly sounding screeches. They varied in sized but could look like anything you could imagine. Your worst nightmares come to life and eat anyone in their path.
Any meat they can find, they'll eat. Their favorite meal….human.
Close to nobody knows why. As if anyone tries to study them, they never lived to tell anyone else. A few destroyed shelters contained documents on Screamers. Which fell into Jezariahs hands, who now keeps them as safe as he can. Notes, torn journals, and one hardcover book he protected.
Now in another town, hes found a few survivors. Could he trust them? He would have to find out.
If not, he would have to try to find out what's happened to the world by himself.

No OP characters, please
Dont join then dip immediately.
Make your characters unique please. No Gary Sue's.
This will have some romance in it, take mature writing to the pms please.
There will be gore, so if you cant handle that, dont join. Thank you.
Be descriptive please. And give everyone something to work with. If you dont have a lot to work with, I understand short replies or if theres not a lot going on but please -_-
I can say no if i want to. But I most likely wont
I will ask for a sample of your writing before you join, and please ask to do so beforehand
2 characters max, i will be putting in another character later, (I have Jesse and Jezariah rn)
I think that's all, but I can add to this ♡

( @Young-Dusty you told me to @ you in this when i get it restarted to here it is :)

I’m gonna put a list of the users and characters as we go along so we can keep track :)

Write (me): Jezariah & Jesse

@Young-Dusty-the-CEO-of-Dustiness : Gus

@StarkSpangledMayflower : Alia Noori

@jacen-is-really-fackin-gay : Darius Newman

@mere_hufflepuff : Elodie Manchester

If any of you guys want to add one more character you're more than welcome to any time in the roleplay! ♡

(YO WAIT I REMEMBER THIS ROLEPLAY. ejfksfjjefj do you mind if I join?)

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(I love Gus omg)

Jez took a bite of the newly made sandwich and listened to his music, bobbing his head to the music. He couldn't help but smile at the sound of the banjo. He normally didn't listen to this type of music but part of him preferred this over the usual music he did back at home.
"Wow this is great" he exclaimed, his eyebrows raised.
"How do you play that so well?' He asks, taking another bite of his sandwich.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Oh honestly rn there's this huge burning building Jesse and Elodie are prolly gonna check out. You can have your character(s) see it and go towards it as well and meet the girls. Honestly do what you want and where you want. I don't mind. This is just an RP to have fun. Nothin to serious just don't make your characters op. Everyone's human and these things are scary and hard to kill. So the only thing I really ask for is for reactions and stuff like that to be semi realistic? Like don't just be like "ah my character just cuts it's head off and it died :)" but I doubt you will, I'm just giving you a heads up lol. Add struggles. That's what the role plays about <3)

@Young-Dusty-the-Monarch-of-Dusteria group

Gus ducked his head, flattered by Jez's compliment. "Aw well, it jus' takes practice, an' a good ear for a tune. I'm glad you like it." He played something a bit slower, plucking out the notes with care. "My whole town loves music. It's one 'o the reasons we're able to work together. We can't make Granny Kitchens too mad, 'cause then we'd lose our best harmonica player…….even if she is a crabby ol' coot." He chuckled mischievously. "But yep, banjo is easy once you get some callouses and learn the right chords. You ever play an instrument?"

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

Jez chuckled at Gus's comments about his people, wanting to meet them. Though he knew that'd most likely never come.
He shakes his head "Nah. I wanted to learn something like the drums but I never actually got to it. I did boxing though" he says, leaning his back against the wall, taking another bite of his sandwich, and enjoying the music. He didn't understand some of the things he said, like why you'd need callouses for a banjo, or any instrument for that matter.