forum When Worlds Collide(Legend of Zelda RP) || OPEN ||
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

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(Yeah I am! I believe my name on there is Grooseward Sword HD(Yaspen) or something)

Breaker took a look at it, making sure to be gentle. "Looks like it's just a sprain. I'm gonna wrap it up, try not to use it too much. I'd say stay in here, rest it before we leave tomorrow, but I think you and I both know that's not gonna happen. Just go easy on it, alright?"


(Sorry I’ve been busy lately)
(I’m Pato because I haven’t thought of a cool nickname yet)

“Yeah, I have a feeling it’s not as bad as you put it out to be.” He said, immediately standing up and taking thinks out of his bag. Obviously not going easy on it.

He set a bed roll a pillow and a blanket on the mattress, and took out a journal.


(Cool! And all good, life do be like that sometimes haha)

Breaker winced. I swear, he's doing that just to spite me… He sighed. "You might regret not listening tomorrow, when you're gonna have to walk on that for a while," he warned the younger Hero.


Breaker didn't know what Weaver was writing in his journal, nor did he really want to. It was probably something personal, or just plain none of his business. Knowing that he couldn't make Weaver do anything he really didn't want to, even if he tried, Breaker busied himself with going through his own things to make sure everything was in order. Though, really, he just wanted to make sure one precious item in particular was unharmed…


Weaver flopped on the bed and starred at the ceiling. He really didn’t know what to do, and why in Hyrule the goddesses though he would like this. Honestly he just wanted to be at the knew house he had with his sister, and Zelda.


Breaker let out a breath of relief when he saw that his pictograph was unharmed. He was careful as ever not to let Weaver see him looking at it–if he did, that would mean he'd have to explain literally everything and that was not only a long story, but too fresh of a wound to talk about right now. The Hero smiled to himself.

He missed Gan and Zelda, he missed them a lot. What would they be doing right now, he wondered. Zelda would probably be reading or training with Impa. Maybe she'd snuck out into town again to visit that flower shop and was spending the night with her "friend" there? Breaker chuckled softly at the thought. And Gan… well, there was a lot he could be doing. Diplomatic things, like signing treaties or attending meetings. But he could also be doing something else, something that he actually enjoyed, like cooking or exploring. Maybe he was visiting Castle Town again and was back in the fairy clearing that they all loved so dearly.


Weaver sat up and look over at the slightly open door, “I wonder why that lady hasn’t kicked Cal out yet? Maybe he’s getting answer about those… other nine.” He flopped back down and groaned. “more people… just what I need in my life,” He mumbled.


(Sorry for the late reply dsnkavn)

Breaker put the pictograph back and shrugged. "Maybe." He couldn't help but chuckle at Breaker's second comment. "I mean, there's obviously more Heroes than just us out there. But yeah, nine… that's a lot. Maybe there's even more that the other group just hasn't run into yet. I doubt it'll be as awful as you think, though." Breaker wondered what these other Heroes were like. Were they all quiet and/or secretive, like Cal and Weaver? And… well, himself too, he supposed, to some extent. "Let's just hope that we don't run into one that's as big of a stick-in-the-mud as Cal, right?"

The familiar sound of someone clearing their throat in the doorway nearly caused him to jump out of his skin. "Pardon?"

"Aah– oh, heeeyyy, Cal," Breaker said upon recovering. He gave the older Hero a nervous smile. "How, uh–how long have you been standing there?"

Cal crossed his arms, but the corner of his mouth turned upwards just a bit at Breaker's squirming. "Long enough to hear that last comment."

"Ah, well, y'see–"

The other Hero turned away, but Breaker could have sworn he heard a quiet laugh. "I just came to let you know that dinner is ready."


(And sorry for my late reply)
(Hi tactic)

“Oooh your dead.” Weaver said leaving the room to go to the kitchen, while he seemed playful her was more tense, and scared that the lady would notice something fishy about him (pun intended). He held on closer and held his breath, back to not saying anything.