forum When Worlds Collide(Legend of Zelda RP) || OPEN ||
Started by @Cloudy_is_trying_her_best

people_alt 63 followers

@A_Crippled_Jockey brightness_7

Okay, so my Chromebooks been acting up, and my progress on it keeps getting lost. I don't really know his backstory, and I've been doing research, but nothing is coming up thanks to my school's restrictions. So that's basically all I need help with.


Alright, there are a couple of sources I found. One is Wikipedia, and the other is Zeldapedia. I'm assuming that you needed help with the story of Spirit Tracks as his backstory, and both of these have synopses of the game's events. Here are the links, if they don't work for you, then I can copy them and put them here.

If you need help with what comes after the adventure, let me know and I'll be happy to help!


Yeah, it's alright. I totally understand not wanting to ask for help, but in the end it's usually better to give it a shot. Once you get your template in, I'll probably get to working on a starter. If anyone else wants to join, they can pop in in the middle since that fits with the whole time travel thing we've got going on.


Me: I'm gonna put this stuff off for later
Me: Doesn't do stuff
Me: 0.0

Title: Hero of Land
Nickname: Weaver (Fishy if you're a caltured swine)
Age: 14
Appearance(an image is fine):
Personality: Quiet, and sarcastic. Doesn't like people yelling at him, and is very defensive and secretive.
Backstory: I''ll get back to ya on that (just imagine wind waker underwater for now)
Other: N/A


Alright! Basically the idea is we start after our squad gets out of a new portal. They've already been a team for a little while at this point, but not super long. They don't have any idea where they are and decide to look for anywhere they could find information. After some wandering, they end up finding Lon-Lon Ranch and ask Malon for directions. She figures them out pretty quickly, they end up staying the night and heading out in the morning, and we go from there. Thoughts?