Ash smiled faintly at Elowan's kiss, watching the first few opening scenes of the movie before she turned over, pressing a soft kiss to the other's lips. She already loved being with the other, and she hoped that this relationship would hopefully last for a while.
(I made another shipping roleplay if anyone would like to join!)
(What's it called?)
Elowan smiled into the kiss. She'd never felt more content in her whole life. This was bliss. This was comfortable. This was exactly what she needed. "Wanna talk some more?" She asked quietly, letting the light of the TV screen dance over their skin.
("Yet Another Shipping Roleplay")
Ash nodded and hummed in agreement, tracing Elowan's features out with her thumb when the television's light reflected against the other's bronze skin. She pressed a quick kiss against their lips before she fell back against the couch, waiting to hear what they would be talking about.
"Tell me a story about you," Elowan said, kissing Ash's thumb, then grabbing her hand and kissing along her knuckles. She liked knowing her partners, knowing who they were and where they'd been. Plus, she liked hearing stories. It was a win-win question for her to ask.
(I realized that I forgot to answer this. Sorry)
"A story, huh?" Ash sighed, leaning against Elowan softly as the other kissed her knuckles. She thought for a few moments, tilting her head to the side and furrowing her brow softly like she would whenever she was thinking. "I don't have many stories. Just a few about summer camps and other boring stuff…"
(No problem. Happens to everyone.)
Elowan looked up from Ash's hand, a slight pout on her face. "C'mon, you have to have some stories." Everyone had stories. No matter how boring your life was or how badly you'd messed up in your past, you had something to say. Elowan had been through so much during her relatively short life, but she still had tall tales and funny stories.
Ash thought for a few moments, skimming over her memories in search of something somewhat interesting. Though, she dismissed almost all of them, a small frown crossing her lips when she couldn't find a story. "I want to hear a story about you first," she finally said, pressing a soft kiss against Elowan's jawline in a way to sway the other to her side.
Elowan hummed quietly, pressing her jaw up to Ash's gentle kiss. "I know you're trying to distract me so you don't have to tell a story," She said, running a hand through Ash's hair. Ash was so wonderful, all soft and pretty and accepting of the little quirks Elowan let slip. "When I was like… 6 or 7, I was super bad at going to bed on time. One night I was trying to hide from my parents, so I got under my covers and started crawling down the bed so I'd be covered all the way.
"I kind of misjudged where the end of the bed was though, so I went too far and fell off. My bed was way too tall, like, 2 feet at least, so when I fell I cracked my shoulder and broke my collarbone. There's still a bump on it today. Wanna feel?"
Ash let a small smile slip as she nodded, brushing a few strands of dyed white hair behind her ear. She moved a little closer to Elowan as she glanced down towards the other's shoulder and collarbone, trying to see where the bump might be.
Elowan laughed. "You can't see it, I didn't fuck myself up that badly. Here." She pulled down the left shoulder of her shirt, leaving her shoulder and collarbone completely exposed. Thank god this wasn't a shirt she cared about stretching. The bump was near the middle of her bone, so she grabbed Ash's hand and let her fingers drift over it.
Ash let Elowan move her hand towards the bump, her small fingers skimming over it softly. Only now she could see a definite difference between their skin tones, her pale freckles starkly lighter next to Elowan's bronzer skin. "I like it. It makes you even more interesting," Ash said after a few moments of thought, pressing a soft kiss to the bone before she looked back up towards Elowan.
Elowa nearly purred. A warm buzz swept over her, making her shiver slightly in pleasure. Her neck was really sensitive, and she loved being kissed and touched anywhere near it. The contrast between her and Ash was really stark, now that she noticed it. Ash was prim, slim, and pale. Soft and faded in a way Elowan thought was absolutely beautiful. Elowan was bigger. Darker. Clumsy and strange. When she was younger she had longed to be the kind of girl Ash was, minus all the scars.
A small grin crossed Ash's features when she heard the sound that Elowan had made at the kiss. She leaned forward, pressing even more soft kisses around the other girl's neck and collarbone area, though they quickly got heated. She placed her hands on either side of Elowan's sides, running her hands up and down them softly.
Elowan moaned when she felt the little kisses on her neck. Electricity zinged up and down her spine and the entire room felt ten degrees hotter. Wowza. She bit down on her thumb, quieting the noises she was making. They did NOT need the neighbors complaining to her landlord. Again. Last time had embarrassed her enough that she hadn't taken dates to her house for months.
But that didn't matter now. What mattered was the fact that Ash was so pretty, leaning over her with her freckles and her scars and her quiet aura of mystery. Elowan wanted to make out with her until they stopped breathing. Of course, that would disturb the neck kisses, and Elowan wasn;t quite willing to make those stop, so she just wriggled happily on the couch.
"Like it?" Ash mumbled with a small chuckle, taking soft breaths in between the kisses she continued to press against Elowan's neck and jawline. The room seemed to heat up as she pressed herself up against the other, almost unable to get closer to Elowan.
Elowan pulled her thumb out of her mouth long enough to give Ash a breathy "Totally." before she groaned. Ash was so close and somehow not close enough. Elowan slid a hand up Ash's shirt, rubbing her palms slowly up and down her date's back. "This okay?"
Ash let a small, hummed moan out, nodding her head as she felt Elowan's palms run up and down her back. She moved from the other's neck and instead pressed a soft, heated kiss against Elowan's lips.
Now they were in business. Elowan rose to meet the kiss, changing tit from soft to passionate in a matter of seconds.
With that urgent item scratched off the checklist, she fully committed herself to explore Ash's body. At first, she ran hands up and down her lower back. Then, inch by inch, she crept up Ash's shoulders. The bra was an annoyance, but Elowan wasn't sure how far Ash was willing to go tonight. Whatever it was, Elowan was down for it. Instead of unclasping her bra, Elowan began sneaking off Ash's shirt. "Okay?"
Ash paused for a moment, looking up at Elowan for a few moments before she nodded slowly. She had never really liked her body and there were a few marks and scars that she was nervous to show, but she trusted Elowan. She was safe and comfortable with them. Ash reached down and helped Elowan pull the band-shirt she was wearing off, her shoulders hunching over in a subconscious attempt to hide her pale and freckled skin, not to mention the small scars on her arms and sides.
Once Ash's shirt was gone, banished to the floor where it belonged, Elowan began drinking everything in. There were a few scars, sad but unsurprising considering the marks on Ash's jaw and arms, and more milky white skin than Elowan knew how to deal with, all dotted in freckles. She placed light kisses over the closest ones she could find, a small group on Ash's hunched shoulder. "You're… so pretty. Like… I can't even tell you."
"Really…?" Ash said softly, her usually confident demeanor replaced by a quiet, wide-eyed teenage girl. She moved closer to Elowan, letting out a small sigh as the other pressed soft kisses to her pale skin.
Elowan huffed out a laugh. How could Ash think she was anything but beautiful. She sprinkled a few more kisses over Ash's naked shoulders before she responded. If she and Ash kept meeting, one of these nights she was going to strip Ash down and kiss every single freckle on her, just to see all of them. "Dude, I'm pretty sure you're all my teenage fantasies come to life."
Ash practically snorted as she let out a small fit of rare laughter, a wide grin crossing her face. She leaned forward again pressing her lips against Elowan softly as her arms wrapped around the others neck. "I think you're the most beautiful out of the two of us," she hummed between kisses.
Elowan smiled, grin just a little bittersweet. Ash was laughing, something she hadn't done much tonight, but she was also laughing because someone had called her pretty. Stilll, she didn;t now Ash well enough to press the issue. Maybe one day they would be close enough, but for now, Elowan decided to let Ash laugh. "I am? How?"