forum The Outcasts (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Varin stiffened as a stranger approached him. He cast his gaze to the ground, trying to keep his figure hidden. He prefered not to be recognized. The only time he ever walked around the market in pure daylight was when he was selling his crops and purchasing any needed items. Otherwise he kept to his rotting on house on the edge of the village. He pointed a finger amd nodded his head in a direction. With a gruff voice he replied, "There, by the butcher. It's hard to miss."

"Oh. Well, thank you! Here's some coin, to pay you back for your services." they said, handing him a small but heavy bag laden with small gold discs.

"I really must be going now. It was nice meeting you!" they said, strolling absentmindedly away with their "cycle thingy".


Varin took the gold in disbelief, watching the stranger walk away. He looked down at his hand with the bag of gold. What kind of person willingly handed gold out? For just directions?


Name: Riss Milaniao
Age: 21
Species: Half elf. Because of her elvish legacy, she has a healing ability, and can move pretty quietly in the wild.
Sexuality: Asexual
Description: Riss has long, curly honey blonde hair that she usually keeps up, under a hood, because it would attract too much notice from other people. She has warm brown eyes the color of caramel, with flecks of gold. Her ears are slightly pointed, like an elf's, and she has delicate, beautiful features. She is about average height, 5'5'', and curvy. She has scars all over her body, and usually grimes her face and arms up, so that she appears a common peasant. She wears a dark cloak, to hide her unusual appearance.
Personality: Riss is calm, cool, and a bit cold. She rarely gets angry, rarely speaks unless it's really needed, and will heal anyone, no matter their name, species, background, or side. She hates to see people hurt, and will heal anyone if she can. She doesn't like to get close to people, though, and would rather not take a side if she could avoid it.


Riss knelt next to the beggar, moving carefully so that her hood didn't slip down. Blonde hair was rare in areas like this, and she didn't want to attract that much attention… although with a cloak on to hide her features, she was still noticed.

At least she was never taken advantage of, with her dirty face and rancid smell. No one ever bothered to look past the dirt to the pretty face behind.

The beggar, whose leg looked like it had been through a war, was in so much pain he was barely conscious. She had seen him at the side of the road, and of course had helped him. She lay her hand on his leg and, covering it with her cloak, let her power flow into him, so that his bones slowly knit back together. The skin healed, and the beggar looked at her in astonishment. "Thank y-," he started to say, but she shook her head.

"Don't mention it," she said with a wink. "I'm just doing my job." She put a finger to her lips and started to walk away.