forum The Outcasts (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

people_alt 56 followers


He was once magnificent. He was loved by all. A handsome prince and a great warrior. He led his people to victory with every battle that passed. He was his father's favorite, destined to take his place. And then one day, he disappeared. The people never knew what happened to him. Some suspected one of his many siblings had murdered him. Some suspected he had vanished, the pressure to great for him. Some suspected suicide. No one knew the truth.

Varin wondered the streets in a village on the outskirts of his kingdom. He would never be recognized there. He never be there as the prince, only ever as struggling man. His scarred form would prevent anyone recognizing him if someone from the palace ever ventured so far. He was an outcast now, ready to live his days as poor farmer until his last breath. Until a miracle landed on his lap. A story teller visited the village one night and told the story of a great quest. A quest to restore the magic that been stripped from the land eons ago. It was contained in an orb, long lost. Swallowed by the desert. he had heard the tales as a child. He had never believed them, until now. This was his chance for redemption. This was his chance to take the throne which rightfully belonged to him. So, he banded a team of outcasts. Those who had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So like, I kind of disappeared for like, ever. Whoopsies. But I'm back now, and I promise not to disappear again.

Please join. I'll be sad if no one does. I'll make you cookies.

Rules are pretty much the basics. Same as everyone else's



Name: Varin Galle
Age: Twenty-five
Species: Fae
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: Varin was beautiful once. He had the twinkling eyes, the devilish smile. He was charming and handsome. He had prided himself over his looks, and even his scars he had received in battle. They showed his strength, his bravery, and most importantly, his victories. And in the blink of an eye, it was gone. His face was marred. His body had been shredded in pieces. he had survived but at the cost of his beauty. Now children hid from him in fear. Women always turned away. And the men, they looked at him in disgust.
Personality: Varin had been the center of attention. He was charming and brave. He rushed into battle with no second thoughts. He was the crowned prince, to be king one day. And then it all changed. Now, now he was a quiet farmer on the outskirts of the kingdom. He kept to himself. He rarely spoke. His pride had been beaten into non existence. He had nothing to lose. Nothing.

Deleted user

Oh question! Is there anything in particular you want my character to be?

Deleted user

Fabulous! I shall jump right onto my character!

Deleted user

May I? Also, what's the verdict on automatons? Yay or nay? I don't care what the answer is, but I did have an… idea. Regardless, I'll still join if you'll allow me, this looks really fun!

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Name: Chamine (Named after the place were he came to be)
Age: twenty six in appearance
Species: A Blood Nymph, a species that forms when a large population are slaughtered. They come from the red mist that rolls in to claim the souls of the dead.
Sexuality: Homosexual
Description: Chamine's skin is the color of dried blood, a red tinted brown. His eyes are downturned and always give the idea that he's watching you, even when he has no pupils. His long hair is stark contrast to his skin, a silver color and it's pulled into a braid that follows the line of his spine. He wears a simple chain that rests on his forehead with a teardrop shaped red jewel
Personality: Chamine is a very quiet man, quiet to a point of being unsettling which really doesn't help the fact that Blood Nymphs are bad omens. He is generally a very pleasant man, though it's quite hard for him to read the emotions of others.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

(I think I'm just gonna stalk this, but I do have some questions regarding Varin…. Did he willingly abandon his possition of "Prince", or was he forced to abandon it by some outside force? If he willingly abandoned it, why does he want to "take the throne which rightfully belonged to him?" How can restoring magic redeem him; what did he do beside abandining his title to deem redemption?)


(I reread the post, and I can see that he was apparently forced to abandon his title. Now the question is "how and by whom/what?")

(It will reveal itself in time. Its all part of the mystery.)


May I? Also, what's the verdict on automatons? Yay or nay? I don't care what the answer is, but I did have an… idea. Regardless, I'll still join if you'll allow me, this looks really fun!

I was thinking more along mythical creatures, or humans.

Deleted user

I came up with the blood nymphs on the spot and I think I might actually add it to my universe

Deleted user

May I? Also, what's the verdict on automatons? Yay or nay? I don't care what the answer is, but I did have an… idea. Regardless, I'll still join if you'll allow me, this looks really fun!

I was thinking more along mythical creatures, or humans.

Oh I meant someone who creates things like that but I can see it was vaguely worded. Sorry! I got it, though.


May I? Also, what's the verdict on automatons? Yay or nay? I don't care what the answer is, but I did have an… idea. Regardless, I'll still join if you'll allow me, this looks really fun!

I was thinking more along mythical creatures, or humans.

Oh I meant someone who creates things like that but I can see it was vaguely worded. Sorry! I got it, though.

Ooooooo, yeah that's fine as ling as it's not OP