forum The Outcasts (closed)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Name: Kass Aurenka
Age: 26
Gender: no thanks, they/them
Species: Human, with magical Potential.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: Aurenka is a short, brown-skinned human with curly black hair tied up in a messy bun. They have multiple burns and scars, as well as a collosuss of freckles.
Personality: Very zany and out there, a quick thinker, and most likely to solve a problem with arson. They love making friends, and have the disposition of a crow: find shiny things, make friend, give friend shiny things. They aren't stupid, the opposite, but they struggle with communication (hint hint, they're autistic as hell, like meeeee, because why not? Autistic people are awesome). They are very easily distracted but imprint on people easily and are very loyal… when they remember to be.
Other: they make automatons with leftovers of magical artifacts from when there was magic, making their machines a little… odd, and are a bit of a mad scientist. Also they're the child of a duke, that's why they have money for all the metal and shit that they need.


Name: Aurora Sparrow
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human, but from a long line of witches
Sexuality: Lesbian
Description: Aurora has long, wavy blonde hair that falls to her waist, which he ties back with a scrap of stolen ribbon when she stole when she was younger her skin is freckled from the sun, and her eyes are a piercing gray. She has a small and skinny frame, with small, callused hands. Has a tendency to go barefoot
Personality: Aurora is sweet and quiet, and has a tendency to put herself last most of the time. She is loyal to a fault and really just wants to help everyone, she just doesn't know how to help herself. She also has a tendency to hide and bottle up all her negative emotions, until they explode.
Other: The one bit of her witch-y legacy she can practice is a bit of midwifery, and she's good to go to for an injury.


Eons ago, the world was filled with magic and beauty. The people prospered, wealth increased. The world was at peace. That was until one day a creature so foul and dark sucked the magic out of every life form and contained in an orb. Since the loss of magic and balance, the world has been at war with itself. All hope was lost, the orb was nowhere to be found, or so they thought. The orb has once again risen from the confines of the sand. Only the bravest of them all will be able to retrieve and release the magic. But be warned, there will be many obstacles in your path, testing your strength. The orb will only be revealed for so long, however, so you must hurry.

Varin returned each day to hear the story of the storyteller. Each day he waited for her to waiver, to reveal the lie in her words, but each day, it never happened. He stayed hidden in the shadows, out of the eyes of the people. "I know you're there, come out." Her soft voice called to him one day, after the square had cleared. He stepped into the light, watching the woman.

"Is it true? What you say?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"It is true. I have spies everywhere. Little birdies that whisper in my ear. Hear me now, prince, you will not survive on your own. You are not strong enough to take the journey alone. Your team will come to you, if you trust your gut. They will find you. Prepare yourself, you will leave tomorrow morning, before the dawn rises."

And then she was gone, leaving him bewildered. How was it that she knew who he was? It shouldn't be possible. No one knew. No one should be able to recognize him, not as the way he was. A noise startled him from his thoughts and he slipped back into the shadows.

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Chamine walked through the town, hood pulled up so the shadows would hide his face. He really wishes that he didn't have to go into this town, but he was running low on some herbs that didn't grow near where he was staying. He had gotten said herbs a moment ago and was now heading back to the forest, trying to stay in the shadows and out anyone's sight.

He was muttering to himself, something about shopkeepers and not a lot of coin. Because of that, he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going and almost ran straight into someone. Chamine stumbled as he avoided the figure cloaked in darkness, his hood coming loose and revealing his rather distinct features.

"I- I'm so- Apologies."

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Aurenka ran around the basement that was their home/bedroom/laboratory furiously. They could only get one tiny auto to work with all the power of the artifacts they'd found!

Magic was a fickle thing, and unfortunately none of it was left. But these relics… Well, they could work, if only Aurenka found the key. But they had them stumped. Their automatons were the most advanced in the world, but only Subject Z actually… worked. Don't get them wrong, the automatons worked for their assigned jobs, but they didn't work. Not without magic, and Subject Z was the only one simple and stupid enough to tap into the relics.

"Bwwwweeeeeeedleep!" it chirped, and Aurenka shook their head. It was a singing-and-moving-around auto, and it worked. It worked, and Aurenka hated it with their entire being.


Aurora walked down the street, feet in shoes for one, a basket of herbs over her arm. She had promised the herbs to Mrs. Bennett, and she really had to get them there today. She looked up at the sky, zoning out slightly when- "Oh! Terribly sorry!" She said, stumbling back a few steps.

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Aurora walked down the street, feet in shoes for one, a basket of herbs over her arm. She had promised the herbs to Mrs. Bennett, and she really had to get them there today. She looked up at the sky, zoning out slightly when- "Oh! Terribly sorry!" She said, stumbling back a few steps.

"My fault. Wasn't paying attention." Chamine pulled his hood back up, trying to hide his face again. He knew it was fruitless, the woman had already seen his face and he knew it. This would be a great time for magic to come back and an illusion to quickly be weaved over his appearance.

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Chamine held out a few sprigs of rosemary, head down. "Here." He said quietly, if his face didn't give his race away, his voice did. It was a layered thing, sounding like someone who used to be a singer but had been caught in a fire. It sounded like smoke and a faint melody.

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"Not your fault." He said again, slowley. "I ran into you." Chamine was trying to figure out a way to get past her while making sure she wouldn't blab about there being a Blood Nymph near this town. It would spur a manhunt.

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Oh thank the reapers. Chamine breathed out a sigh of relief, she seemed just absent minded enough that she wouldn't say anything.


Varin sunk back further in the shadows. There were too many people. He needed to leave. No, he needed find a team. But how could he do that? He was hideous. No one would want to go on a quest with him, one that could up just a legend. He still had doubts the orb even existed. But if he found it, think of what could be unleashed. He could have his honor back. He would be welcomed back home. Healers could fix his appearance with magic.

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Aurenka decided to head out to the market for some spare parts, taking Z with them in one of their many pockets. They rode down on a contraption the called a "two-wheels that cycle to move, and also it has a seat, thingy". They hopped off and strolled around, disturbing the peace tremendously by oohing and aahing at everything they saw. It had been, admittedly, a while since they'd interacted with any humans, but all they needed were some tools, and to leave.

They noticed a stranger in the shadows. "Hello! Know where I can buy some tools around here? Just a shovel I'm going to repurpose as a spoon, sort of, and maybe scrap metal if they have it. I keep forgetting where the blacksmith is."

(For your information, they are approaching Varin. I hope that's alright!)


Varin stiffened as a stranger approached him. He cast his gaze to the ground, trying to keep his figure hidden. He prefered not to be recognized. The only time he ever walked around the market in pure daylight was when he was selling his crops and purchasing any needed items. Otherwise he kept to his rotting on house on the edge of the village. He pointed a finger amd nodded his head in a direction. With a gruff voice he replied, "There, by the butcher. It's hard to miss."