forum The Next Generation
Started by @Star_Girls_puppers_was_attacked

people_alt 55 followers


He truly hated begging with every inch of his being, but it was the only way "Kate please, let us go and I'll show you to the bomb, there's not enough time to argue!" he looked at Vanessa and nodded "love, it's fine, get off her, leave while you can," he nodded once more before turning to Kate "are we just going to stand here?"

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"Make up your minds!" Kate snapped. "Brink, where's the bomb?!"


He shook his head and sighed "a place where no now will look, now promise that my parents and friends get out of here safely and ill lead you to the bomb."

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Kate closed her eyes and scowled. After a few quick seconds, her face relaxed and she sighed. "Fine."


He just stared at Jay, "might want to choose your next words wisely." He pulled out the detonation remote from his back pocket, "you see, that bomb has been on 5 minutes for an hour now." he smiled innocently

@Knight-Shives group

"Well, you are a lying backstabber now. I bought you Ice cream. Now you want to blow me up….. Thanks brink." He sighed but didn't move or let go of the bomb.

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Kate's eyes narrowed, her mind putting the missing pieces together quickly. "Brink…"

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Kate reached up and pressed her earpiece, calling reinforcements. "Brink, give me the remote."


"exactly, the kids right, back up won't get here in time, and one more step towards me," he made and explosion gesture with his hands "this place goes bye bye." "Put the bomb down jay, and ni one hors bye bye." He eyed Katw out of the corner of his eye to make sure she wasn't moving towards him


"exactly, the kids right, back up won't get here in time, and one more step towards me," he made and explosion gesture with his hands "this place goes bye bye." "Put the bomb down jay, and no one goes bye bye." He eyed Kate out of the corner of his eye to make sure she wasn't moving towards him


"I would, and true, but who knows, maybe I'm feeling inclined to this time." He was getting bored, oh so bored with this game. "I know! Let's do something FUN. You give me the bomb, I give you the detonator and Kate gets… get outta here alive!" He smiled insanely, much like his father "whoever lives gets to….well, live!"